Magazine UPAKOVKA # 5 (102)-2014

On the path to leadership

Three Pillars of sustainable development

K.I. Mazurenko

Innovations in packaging (world experience)

Perspective details of active packaging

S.V. Ivanov, Dr., V.N. Pasichny, Ph.D., V.V. Olishevsky, Ph.D., A.I. Marinin, Ph.D., Y.V. Zheludenko

Antimicrobial packaging materials could be a potential alternative solution to prevent the development and spread of pathogenic microorganisms and spoilage in meat products. Incorporating antimicrobial compounds in films allows the functional effect at the food surface to be localized. The potential of these technologies are evaluated for the preservation of meat and meat products.

Keywords: antimicrobial packaging; meat;meat products.

Label creates and promotes the brand

A. Kornacki

The author considers the label as an element that creates and markets a brand of products in package. The article shows the classification of all types of labels, given their characteristics. The structure of the material for self­adhesive labels. It is shown that as the outer layer in such labels frequently used paper. The author describes the polymer films, which are used for the production of self­adhesive labels. It also notes the advantages of BOPP films for these purposes.

Keywords: label; self­adhesive label; polymer film.

Membranes caps for glass containers (the rationale for their work)

A.V. Vatrenko, Dr.

Author describes the design and operation of vacuum membrane metal caps for glass containers. He gives an approximate calculation procedure of the working part of the membrane by using the mathematical apparatus of the theory of flexible plates and shells. The author gives the resulting equation relationship pressure, geometry and thickness of the membrane.

The resulting equation allows to simulate the work covers the membranes to justify their designs.

Keywords: flexible membrane; controlled loss of stability; deflection; critical pressure.

Water­cooled blown film: changed properties ­ new packaging solutions

L. Ederleh, T. Bergman, J. Putsh

Flexible packaging made of flexible polymer films is a conservationist packaging solution. Along with the new raw products in development are focused as new manufacturing technology for the production of films with modified properties for the new types of packaging. Due to blow film extrusion cooling water, whereby the molten synthetic resin in contact with water rapidly cools the film made with a particular range of properties. Inject packages for medical products are a classic example of the use of films produced by extrusion blow molding technology with cooling water films. Windmller & Hlscher has successfully completed the development of a comprehensive formulation to packaging solutions for the packaging of oil, which confirms the potential of this technology.

Keywords: flexible packaging; extrusion blow molding; flexible films.

Influence the dynamics of the working bodies of packaging machines
for packaging process parameters

M.A. Maslo, Ph.D., O.M. Gavva, Dr.

To create a modern packaging equipment necessary to solve the complex issues related to improving productivity. However, improved performance leads to an increase of dynamic loads to the objects of the packaging, ie the product packaging, and which can lead to deterioration and destruction.
The authors analyzed the interaction model of working bodies with the packaging, set the optimal ways to implement the laws of motion of the working bodies who make it possible to get the maximum performance of the packaging machine.

Keywords: packaging; working body; static and dynamic loads; optimal law of motion; performance.

Stable development of the Group's bashing

Laser controller Videojet CLARiTY ™ - new opportunities

Marcus Vetter

Sleeve flexographic printing plates (advanced technology and equipment)

I.N. Petriv, Ph.D., Y.V. Kosinov, Ph.D.

The article presents the advantages of sleeve photopolymer flexographic printing plates to the flat ones and methods of their production by digital technologies. We are considering a scheme of a manufacturing technological process for flat, sleeve photopolymer and elastomeric flexographic plates by analog and digital technologies. The authors reviewed the advanced equipment for manufacturing of sleeve photopolymer flexographic printing plates for solvent and thermal technologies of processing.

Keywords: analog and digital technologies; photopolymer flexographic plate; flat and sleeves plates; solvent and thermal plate processing.

Green Dot Latvia

Packing the FSC

A.V. Tarantsova, P.V. Krawiec, PhD. S.-G. Sciences

Poznan meeting(about 38 exhibition Taropak)

V.V. Khalaydzhi, Ph.D.

Eighth in Alushta Puscha-Voditza (about the conference "The packaging industry")

V.N. Krivoshey, Ph.D.

Strengthen ties with Kazakhstan

V.N. Krivoshey, Ph.D.

The first professional recognition

O.M. Gavva, Ph.D.

Gatherers stories from Latvia

New old product

V.V. Khalaydzhi, Ph.D.

Short Message Service

Yellow village

Articles published in the magazine "Upakovka" for 2014