Warren Township Recreation Commission

Minutes of April 4, 2012 Meeting

The meeting of the Warren Township Recreation Commission convened at 7:02 pm on Wednesday, April 4, 2012 at the Warren Township Library, 42 Mountain Boulevard, Warren, New Jersey.

In attendance were, Irene Ferguson-DiPietro, Mary Ellen Florey, Brielle LaCosta, Gary Miller, Dave Pasi, Cynthia Webster (arrived 7:20 pm), Recreation Director Eleanora Hermann. Absent: David Cole, Cheri Krebs, Irene Padkowsky, Warren Township Liaison Mick Marion.

Open Public Meeting Statement - Adequate notice of this meeting was given by posting a copy on the Township Bulletin Board and sending a copy to the Township Clerk, Courier News, and Echoes Sentinel as required by the Open Public Meeting Act.

Flag Salute

Dave Pasi motioned to approve the meeting minutes from March 7, 2012, and Irene Ferguson-DiPietro 2nd, with all others in favor.

Volunteer of the year awards were presented at the March 15th, TC meeting. Two award recipients were unable to attend and will be presented at another meeting.

Egg Hunt – Commission members feel that this is a generic term. Starting next year (2013), this event will be called “Easter Egg Hunt”. Dave Pasi motioned to call the Egg Hunt an “Easter Egg Hunt” and Irene Fergusion-DiPietro 2nd, with all others in favor.

The Egg Hunt will be Saturday, April 7th, 2 pm bunny, parade & egg hunt. As per pre-Sign up, attendance will be large.

Park maintenance – Parks and playgrounds need to be maintain to safety standards. Eleanora will advise Doug Buro, Township Public Works Superintendent and his assistant Mike Lovett of the Commissions concerns and arrangement if they are available to attend the next Recreation Commission meeting so procedures can be established.

Met with Warren Youth club for boys – would like ideas on establishing a community event for boys.

Boy Scout/Eagle Scout Project – foot bridge at Dealaman Pond


Treasurer Report - Cynthia Webster – Chair. Reviewed 2012 Municipal budget which further reductions are needed. Two additional items have been deleted, the half basketball court at Greenwood Meadows and the portable ice rink. Still included in the capital projects are ADA walking path and rebuilding existing tennis courts, both located at the municipal complex.

Starting balance Jan. 2012- $67,492.87

Trust balance YTD: As of March 30 - $63,218.02

Donations YTD = $0 included in total above

Trust Expenditures: As of March 30 - $20,113.76

O/E – working on $15,000 working on ½ budget YTD Expended as of March 30- $3105.54 = 23% spent

General Fund Deposit – YTD as of March 30 = $0 (Field & pavilion usage fees)

Rec/Sport Liaison - Dave Cole – preparing for next Rutgers Clinic.

Strategic Plan and Initiative Implementation – Chair: Cherie Krebs; Cynthia Webster

By-Laws, Policy & Procedure Committee – Chair: Irene Padkowsky; Cynthia Webster. Reviewing and getting familiar with the by-laws & procedures.

Park/Passive Recreation – Chair: Dave Pasi; Dave Cole – Glenhurst Trail cleanup took place Sunday, April 1, 2012, more than 20 volunteers including Blue Ridge Sportsmen Club contribute to the clean up. Removed two dump trucks of debris.

Community Affairs – Chair Brielle LaCosta; Mary Ellen Florey, Irene DiPietro

Cultural Affairs – Chair: Brielle LaCosta; Mary Ellen Florey, Dave Pasi

Public Relations/Marketing – Chair: Cherie Krebs; Brielle LaCosta: Facebook has 27 “Likes” and Twitter has 16 followers

Volunteer/Fundraising - Chair Irene DiPietro; Irene Padkowsky – continued with fund raising and donation requests.

Directors Report

Just completed:

Awarded volunteers of the year

March 28th Green Team Movie – 100 attendees – we contributed $375 and helped set up

Now running:

Spring Rock n roll, guitar, keyboard lessons-March 15-April 19 – (will not be rehired)

Adult Coed Volleyball

Men’s Basketball

Projects in the works –

ADA walking path –waiting for final plan and prices

Digital sign –end of April

Basketball court renovation –awarded in March. Should be in by early spring

Survey –report will be ready in a week

Coming up:

2011 Volunteer of the Year Awards – We still have to give out two TBA

Trails cleanup at Glenhurst Trails April 1- 8:30am – getting help from the Blueridge Hunting Club. About 30 volunteers signed up

Spring Tennis – Begin April 16 – receiving sign ups.

April 7 – Egg Hunt/Wagon Bike Parade (1:30) rain date 14th at Pavilion (56 registered so far) – Commission members reviewed donations.

April 21 – Free concert at Stonecrest Church with Bob Marino and Barbra Lawson – 3pm

May 19 – Fishing Derby (11am) rain date 26th

Field Usage/ Coaches fingerprints for Spring and Summer

Interviewing and hiring Summer Staff and CIT’s for playground program

Planning Concert/Music/ Movie Series

Planning Summer Playground Program

Quotes for Legos Camp will be in next week

ADJOURNMENT 8:05 PM next meeting, Wednesday, May 2nd, 7 pm - Warren Library

Carolyn Scannelli - Minutes Secretary