Sir Arthur Conan Doyle advises Victor to ignore the skeptics.

The Circle of the Silver Chord December 17th, 2006

Doyle: Zammit!


Victor: Sir Arthur.

Doyle: Can you hear me?

Victor: Yes. Here we are.

Doyle: It’s Conan Doyle, Zammit.

Victor: Oh, good to see you here Sir Arthur.

Doyle: I trust you’re well?

Victor: Oh yes, thank you so much. And yourself?

Doyle: Yes, as well as can be expected of someone that’s dead.


Doyle: Zammit!

Victor: Yes?

Doyle: I wanted to speak to you about something.

Victor: Yes, of course.

Doyle: Less of the frivolity for a moment.

Victor: Yes.

Doyle: Listen to me dear boy.

Zammit: Yes.

Doyle: You spend far too much time wasting your talents upon those people that come to you with useless ideas. Zammit you’ll be much better taking that book of yours out to the multitudes. That would be more good than trying to please the skeptics. I can tell you from first hand experience that it won’t work. They won’t listen.

Victor: Yes, of course.

Doyle: No matter what.

Victor: Yes.

Doyle: Give them evidence by the spoken and written word and let them deduce what they wish from it. Use your talents wisely Zammit. You’re the man to do it so use your talents wisely. Don’t waste them on these skeptics who just don’t wish to listen. Be they the percentage of the 30% or whatever. Don’t waste your talents boy, listen to me.

Victor: Yes, of course.

Doyle: if I am to work with you and we’re both to be advocates of proving the existence of life beyond death, let’s do it wisely Zammit, don’t waste our time.

Victor: Yes, yes.

Doyle: So let’s get on and do the work.

Victor: Right.

Doyle: Merry Christmas to you all.

All: Merry Christmas, Sir Arthur.

Doyle: Zammit!

Victor: Yes?

Doyle: Let us make next year a year to remember.

Victor: Yes.

Wendy: Absolutely.

Victor: Yes, absolutely. Well look Sir Arthur, in all fairness, I mean we managed to get the book to Russia, in Russian bookshops, I mean that’s, I thought that was a reasonable achievement.

Doyle: Yes, of course Zammit, I think that that’s fantastic. Fantastic. But you, as I said, you use far too much of your intellectual energy upon those people that just aren’t willing to listen. Don’t put up with it anymore, just concentrate your mind on that what is the most important – getting the word out there. Let them do what they wish with the evidence, make sure you get the word out there.

Victor: Yes.

Doyle: Now listen to me, won’t you?

Victor: Yes, of course I will Sir Arthur.

Doyle: And I will work with you if you, obviously as we both beat from the same drum we can work together.

Victor: Yes, absolutely.

Doyle: Don’t persist in this fool’s journey.

Victor: Yeah.

Doyle: You know they won’t listen.

Victor: No, of course not.

Doyle: Take it from someone with experience that knows. Someone that’s been up against all that you are experiencing at the moment. And they will come up with some preposterous statements to try and justify their ends, and as you know as well as everybody else does, that it’s total rubbish, the lot of it, what they speak of. Now I’ve got to go. Enjoy your Christmas everybody!

All: Thank you Sir Arthur.

Victor: Thank you for the message.

Doyle: My pleasure Zammit, my pleasure as always.

Victor: Perfect.

(sound of de-materialization)