TiC SLA 16v7

Service Level and Specification Contract 2017-18

Teach in Cambridgeshire’s Recruitment Subscription Package
The Curriculum, Teaching & Leadership Team will support schools by offering a range of services as detailed below. The work will be directed by the Cambridgeshire Heads’ Teacher Recruitment Strategy Group, of which the Local Authority’s Senior Adviser: Teaching Curriculum & Leadership is a member. Please note the contact periods for each section.
ü  Promote:
Ø  Unlimited job advertising for your school or partnership on www.teachincambs.org.uk (refer to T&Cs on our advertising booking form)
Ø  With local press
Ø  Representation at local universities and institution’s teacher recruitment fairs.
Ø  On our website at www.Teachincambs.org.uk,
Ø  Facebook and twitter to raise the profile of our county as a great place to live and work.
ü  Reach and Track
Ø  Negotiating advertising subscription offers for county schools with a UK reach, including an exclusive subscription with TES and eteach.
Ø  We are constantly monitoring the performance of our suppliers and our own projects against success criteria to deliver excellent value and outstanding staff for your school.
Ø  Ongoing research into the teacher and school staff market to make the most of budgets and improve impact.
ü  Support: we are running several projects aimed at attracting outstanding teachers to the county. Four examples are:
Ø  The Cambridgeshire Primary NQT Pool
Ø  The Secondary NQT Event
Ø  The Teacher Internship Scheme
Ø  We also have a dedicated telephone line where you can get sound local advice from the team about your recruitment requirements, including suggestions regarding how/where to advertise.
ü  Retain: it’s important to keep our good staff. Below are some examples of the work we are doing to keep people here in Cambridgeshire.
Ø  Heavily discounted places at the Recently Qualified Teacher conference autumn 2016.
Ø  Discounts on NQT training offered by various Cambridgeshire Teaching School Alliances.
Ø  If you acquire an NQT from the Primary Pool, a 10% discount on the LA’s NQT Appropriate Body Service.
Ø  Working with the local Teaching Schools Alliances to signpost CPD opportunities in county to help staff plan their careers.
Primary schools:
One year contract. £1.05 per pupil* (£120 refund if you participate in the Primary NQT Pool by shortlisting or interviewing candidates.)[1]
Secondary schools:
One year contract. £665
Special schools:
One year contract. £1.05 per pupil
*pupil numbers as of the most recent Jan census
Multi Academy Trust or Federation
One year contract. £530 per secondary, £200 per primary. All schools are required to sign up for this discount to be available to your partnership.
Please note that if a new school joins your partnership during the period of the contract, they will be invoiced proportionately from when they joined.
The contract is for one year from September to September, January to January or April to April. It will roll over automatically into the succeeding year unless you give two months’ notice of your intention to cancel.
LA maintained schools will be invoiced for 2/3 of the cost in the autumn term and the remaining 1/3 in the summer term; academies will be invoiced for the full amount in the autumn term. This is to comply with CCC’s financial regulations, and does not affect the total cost of your package.
Terms and conditions can be found at the end of this document.
I confirm I would like to subscribe to this service for the period:
1st January 2017 – 31st December 2017
1st April 2017 – 31st March 2018
1st September 2017 – 31st August 2018
School Type / Contract Type / Contract Period ( years) / Please Tick / Total no. of pupils / Names of all Schools / Total Price
Primary / Recruitment Subscription Package / 1 / £
Special / Recruitment Subscription Package / 1 / £
Secondary / Recruitment Subscription Package / 1 / N/A / £665
MAT/Federation / Recruitment Subscription Package / 1 / N/A / £
School(s) / Setting(s):
I confirm that I am/am not available for shortlisting or interviewing for the Primary NQT Pool (please delete as applicable, NB you will get £120 back for this!)
Preferred contact:
Name of person managing vacancies:
Email address of person managing vacancies:
A full review of project performance, along with associated costs, will be carried out in the 2017 autumn term.
What you can expect from us.
The Curriculum, Teaching & Leadership team undertakes to:
1)  Commit to all reasonable steps to deliver the services described in this agreement.
2)  Adhere to all relevant legislation and data sharing agreements.
3)  Give due notice of any proposed changes in the terms of the agreement or charges.
4)  Monitor the performance of the project and consider alternative approaches if required.
What we ask of you.
1)  Open communication and liaison with the Curriculum, Teaching and Leadership Lead, Helen Manley, and commitment to the project.
2)  Any payment required as per this agreement to be paid directly to Cambridgeshire County Council within our standard 28 day payment terms.
1)  This document acts as a contractual agreement between the Local Authority and (insert name of school), and sets the expectations of service delivery between both parties. If you have chosen to access the TES subscription, please note that the contract with TES is determined by the supplier, and is beyond the control of any service within this agreement. If service delivery is impacted upon by factors beyond our control, such as temporary systems failure or full systems cessation, we will endeavor to inform you at the earliest opportunity.
2)  The maintenance, delivery and success of the Primary NQT Pool Process is dependent upon Headteachers offering their time to interview and observe candidates (see pricing structure for details of the monetary benefit involved in this). Cambridgeshire County Council cannot commit to successfully delivering this process on our own, as the integrity of the Quality Assurance is dependent upon Headteacher involvement.
3)  Cambridgeshire County Council (CCC) reserves the right to remove a school from the TES solution and any related website / marketing material, if payment to CCC has been unreasonably withheld.
Tel: 01480 379 039


[1] This will be sent once the headteacher has participated in the interviewing process, in the spring term.