Course Syllabus: Computer Science 1
HarrisonburgHigh School
2011-12 School Year
HarrisonburgHigh School Phone: 433-2651
Hours: 7:15 – 3:00
The main focus of Computer Science 1 is learning how to write computer programs using the Java computer language. You will also learn about the parts of the computer and computer terminology. The units we will cover are:
1st 9 weeks:
Unit 1: Introduction and Alice – Introduction to programming, write our first program on day 1, and use Alice to understand fundamental concepts of computer programming
Unit 2: Output– Print and format output to the screen.
Unit 3: Formulas – We will learn the different variable types and how to calculate data using formulas.
2nd 9 weeks:
Unit 4: Graphics – Create various shapes using the Graphics class and applets.
Unit 5:Conditionals – Learn how to direct control in our program depending on whether a certain condition is true or false. We will cover single selection, double selection, and multiple selection.
Unit 6: Loops – Repetitive structures based on either a counter or a sentry condition.
3rd 9 weeks:
Unit 6: Loops (continued)
Unit 7: Animation – Revisit graphics, but make the figures move around the screen
Unit 8: Fractals – Create well known fractals as well as create our own
4th 9 weeks:
Cumulative projects
Exam Review
Final Exam
As you learn new commands, you will work on projects where you will write programs using these commands. At appropriate times, you will take a quiz to demonstrate your mastery of the topic. All quizzes will be open notes. Your final grade will be weighted with your project average worth 50% and your quiz average worth the other 50%. Your projects should be the result of your own effort. If you need help I would encourage you to get help from each other or from me, but that help must be in the form of learning from others how to accomplish the task and not copying the work of others. If you are interested in typing in the work of others, I suggest you transfer to a keyboarding class. Attempting to get credit for the work of others is considered cheating and will result in a zero. Everyone in this class is capable of being successful in this course through their own efforts. All work is done in class and I expect you to completely finish your work before you engage in other activities. Please keep all food and drinks away from the computers, for obvious reasons. You can have access to the same software we use in class with free downloads from and . I hope you enjoy the class and call on me for help whenever you need it.