The State Student Council organizations of the Middle Atlantic States have created a student position called the Region 2 Student Liaison. In the past, NASC had student representatives from each of its eight regions serve on its’ Advisory Council. As of 2015, the NASC student representative position no longer rotates by designated regions.
The state organizations of Region 2 (Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania) have decided that they will retain a Region 2 Student Liaison. The Student Liaison will work with the Region 2 Adult Liaison, Jeff Kusniez of Pennsylvania, to represent the interests of students and student councils across the Region 2 states.
Each state nominee must:
- Be enrolled in a secondary school that is a member of his or her own state association at the time of application.
- Must be a high school freshman or sophomore at the time of selection.
- Must be able to attend the Region 2 Meeting from April 15-17, 2016, at the River Valley Ranch in Manchester, Maryland, at which time the selection interviews will take place. (Note: in addition to the interview, the state candidates will also facilitate a 15 minute “get to know you” or teambuilding activity to the participants at the conference - approximately 90 students.)
- It is recommended, but not required, that applicants have attended a Region 2 conference or at minimum a LEAD conference so that he or she has some experience with the next level above MASC.
- Please type all information requested into the fields provided and obtain each of the signatures required on the final page of the application.
- Attach two letters of recommendation:
- From a current student council officer or member
- From the current student council advisor or school principal.
- Write an essay on why you would like to bethe Region 2 Student Liaison. This essay should be no longer than one side of an 8½” x 11” sheet of paper, and typed in an easily readable font of at least 12 points.
- Attach a current resume. The resume should be no longer than on side of an 8½” x 11” sheet of paper.
- Email your completed application and all accompanying materials to Lance Ledebur, MASC Executive Director (), and Karen Crawford, Assistant Executive Director ()no later than Thursday, February 18, 2016.
- If there is more than one qualified Maryland application, an interview will be conducted at the executive board meeting on Saturday, February 20, 2016. The executive committee meeting is being hosted at Westlake High School in Charles County.
- Each state will select a nominee and all state nominees will be interviewed on Saturday, April 16, 2016, in Maryland at the Region 2 Conference ($70 registration: River Valley Ranch in Manchester, Maryland)
Maryland Candidate
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Email Address
School Name
School Address
School Phone
School Fax
School Position/Title
Advisor Name
Advisor Email
MASC or Regional Position/Title
List the most important leadership positions for which you were directly responsible. Positions can be elected or appointed. Note the organization name where leadership position was performed and the level of the organizations (local, state or national).
Position Title Organization Name/Level Year(s) in Position
List the most important community service or activities in which you have participated. These should be activities OUTSIDE of school in which you participated for the betterment of your community.
Type of ActivityOrganization Name/Level Year(s) Done
List below the most important experiences, honors, or recognition that you have received which support your application to be the next Region 2 Student Liaison.
Recognition/AwardOrganization Name/LevelYear(s) Received
The successful candidate for this position will…
- Serve a two year term from May 1, 2016 to April 30, 2018.
- Foster communication between the state presidents and Executive Directors of Region 2.
- Communicate student ideas and concerns from the states of Region 2 with student representatives from other regions.
- Assist with the planning of the annual Region 2 Conference each spring, working together with the Region 2 Adult Liaison, Executive Directors of each state, and possibly the host school.
- Foster the sharing of ideas and projects among the state organizations of Region 2.
- Provide the Region 2 Adult Liaison with student feedback and recommendations, to ensure that he or she has sufficient information and perspective to adequately represent the student concerns of Region 2.
- Attend when possible conferences and programs sponsored by Region 2 state associations. Upon invitation, the sponsoring state association will waive the program registration fee. Transportation to the event and potential hotel cost would be the responsibility* of the student liaison (see below). While attendance at these events is optional, it is encouraged that the successful candidate attends at least one conference or program in each state of Region 2 during their two-year term.
- Attend the NASC National Conference and a LEAD conference during their two-year term.
*The state associations of Region 2 will provide a $400-500 total expense account each year to the Region 2 Student Liaison, to be used for travel to NASC/Region 2 state programs. The funds of this account will be supplied by each state association of Region 2, and be administered by the student liaison’s state association.
In signing below, I have read and do support the responsibilities and expectations for the Region 2 student liaison as identified above.
Student ApplicantParent/Guardian
*Student Council Advisor
* Advisor, Principal, and Superintendent may refer questions about the position to Lance Ledebur, MASC Executive Director ( or cell phone 443-807-0150), or to Karen Crawford, Assistant Executive Director ( or cell phone 304-268-6862)
Email your completed application and all accompanying materials to Lance Ledebur, MASC Executive Director () and Karen Crawford, Assistant Executive Director () no later than Thursday, February 18, 2016. This page, with signatures, should be scanned and attached.