Modello di contratto di cooperazione



We ………………………..……………………….…………..……….…...... chief of ..………………………………………………...... village and ………….……………………………………………………… General Manager of the Utawaleza Farm

draw up this contract of cooperation

between the village……………………………………….and the Utawaleza Farm, which foresees the following clauses:

Art. 1The Farmcommits itself to equip, in three different degrees, the families of the village:

First Degree

1.with agricultural utensils, in accordance with the necessity of the farmers (pipe, mattock, bucket, watering can, wheelbarrow);

2.with a quantity of seeds of ……. maize for hectare, in the rainy seeding, of ……… in the dry seeding;

3.with a quantity of seeds of ……… of potatoes, beans, cassava and rice;

4.with a quantity of ……… of fruit trees of banana, mango, guava, papaya;

5.with a quantity of ………. of fertilizer for hectare, every seeding, of ………. in the dry seeding;

6.with the plough; (for 3 years)

7.with the assistance of a professional agronomist; (for 3 years)

8.with the assistance to form a cooperative of farmers; (Cooperatives or Associations of Farmers to be the last assistance from the farm which will be offered to only those village groups which has performed well in the Contract of Cooperation both in the Return programmes and in Financial independence. Members will be informed that even after the termination of the Contract the Group can either enter into another contract after a specified period of years or continue receiving some services from the Farm but on agreed conditions that is either paying an agreed quantity of harvests or working on the Farm)

Second Degree

9.with number 1 of boreholes for hectare and number 1 of pedals pumps for 5 hectares or with number 1 of wind pump for 10 hectares;

Third Degree

10.with greenhouses for vegetables (for each family: 15mt2 of green-net, seeds for vegetables)

11.with the breeding of chickens and rabbits (for each family: 35 mt2 of fence-net to build cages, 2 couples of rabbits, 4 chickens for eggs).

Art. 2The Village commits itself return to the Farm 15 % of the harvest of maize, in the rainy seeding, and 5% in the dry seeding; sale to the Farm 15 % of the harvest of maize to the Farm, in the rainy seeding, and 5% in the dry seeding; create, with the money of the sale, a fund of the community, in a Bank of Mangochi, whose signatures will be those of the general manager and the chief of the village follow the directive and the methods of the agronomist and the expert farmer.

Art. 3The contract lasts 3 years, starting from today. (The Contract needs to be renewed every year because it will have different members every year)

Art. 4 Every failure of the farms will reduce the quote of the return of the harvest, meanwhile every failure of the village will reduce the quantity of the seeds and fertilizer which will be given every year.

Art. 5 In case of evident thefts, of constant laziness and lack of work, of clear and repeated not-observance of the agricultural techniques the Farm proposes to end the contract of cooperation.

Again when the given items are not used for the intended purposes like selling, the contract will be terminated immediately .

In cases where certain families have received services of the Farm, while they are not members or through corrupt means, the Contract will be terminated as well. The services which can attract this include

-Services of the Agronomist.

-Receiving inputs like seed, fertiliser, etc

Mangochi, …………………………

General Manager of Utawaleza Farm …………………………………………….

Chief of the Village…………………………………………......