By order of Henry VIII 1538

The King has made the Break with Rome! England is no longer a Catholic country. His Royal Highness, King Henry VIII is now ruler of both church and state. No monies are to be paid to Rome and all clergy are charged with praemunire which forbids obedience of foreign rulers.

You should make the following changes in your parish:

·  Many feast days are to be banned as they encourage laziness.

·  You should not worship any images of Saints – these should be removed from churches.

·  Images can be burned if it is felt they are being used in a superstitious way.

·  Bibles should be purchased in English as well as in Latin.

By order of Edward VI

His Royal Highness Edward VI is a proud Protestant and agrees with the changes his father made. He does want to make the following changes though:

·  All stained glass windows are to be destroyed

·  All statues are to be removed

·  The church plate is to be melted down or sold

·  Stone altars are to be replaced with wooden communion tables

·  A book of Common Prayer is to be introduced in English

·  Priests’ vestments are to be destroyed.

·  Candlesticks and crucifixes are to be removed.

By order of Queen Mary

Her Royal Highness, Queen Mary, believes the Break with Rome was wrong and she will do everything in her power to correct the mistake!

·  Protestantism will not be allowed. England will return to Catholicism and canon law will once again be under the rule of the Pope.

·  Altars will be restored and any damage done to churches will be repaired.

·  New plate will be purchased.

·  New vestments for the priest will be purchased.

·  Stained glass windows and images of saints can be used again.

·  Candlesticks and crucifixes are to be replaced.

By order of Queen Elizabeth

Her Royal Highness, Queen Elizabeth is reinstating the Church of England. The Pope shall have his power removed once more.

·  Crucifixes and candles may stay.

·  Vestments and ornaments such as statues must be destroyed.

·  The Act of Uniformity means that everyone must attend a Sunday service in a Protestant church.