Call for Applications – February 2015
DeVos Ireland Programme: Capacity Building 18-Month Intensive
April 2015 – October 2016
A Partnership with the DeVos Institute of Arts Management atthe University of Maryland*
Application Closing Date:Thursday 05 March 2015
Notification of selected participants:Monday 16 March 2015
First seminar:Thursday16 April 2015
This is a competitive application process. Selection will be made based on the content of the response to this Application Form document. No further application information will be sought.
We are delighted to announce an extension of Business to Arts’ New Stream Partnership with the DeVos Institute of Arts Management at the University of Maryland *(DeVos Institute). From 2012 – 2014 a total of 23organisations completed either 1 or 2 years of an intensive Capacity Building Programme. The programme saw significantly positive results for many in the areas of Strategic Planning, Artistic Programming, Marketing, Board engagement, Management and Fundraising.
The newly extended 18 month programme commencing in April 2016 has been developed following assessment of the outcomes of the first two years of the DeVos Ireland Programme. Both the original and extended programmes are supported by Bank of America Merrill Lynch, the Department of Arts, Heritage the Gaeltacht, The Ireland Funds, and the wider Business to Arts member network.
This extended programme will focus on strategy development, implementation and capacity building in an organisational context, and supporttwotypesofartsorganisationsintheBusinesstoArtsnetwork:
- OrganisationsnewtotheDeVosInstituteprocess
- Organisationsthathavecompletedeitheroneor twoyearsofthe DeVos Ireland Programme
Working with the DeVos Institute, Business to Arts will deliveran18-monthCapacityBuildingProgrammecomprisingseminars,phoneconsultationsandin-personmeetingstosupport a total of TENorganisations.
Since its founding in 2001,the DeVos Institutehas served over 1,000 institutions from over 80 countries. While environments, objectives, and disciplines vary, each of these clients share the desire to create, market, and sustain exemplary cultural programmes.
We invite Irish arts organisations to apply for this 18-month long opportunity to further leverage the expertise of leaders in the field, both nationally and internationally; and to develop and implement strategies to strengthen the sustainability of your organisation now and in the years to come.
*In September 2014, The DeVos Institute of Arts Management moved from the John F Kennedy Centre for the Performing Arts, DC, to the University of Maryland
The first of three seminars will take place on Thursday 16April2015 in Dublin. Subsequent seminars will take place in Dublin between Autumn 2015 and Autumn 2016. All organisations selected to participate should bring along up to five participants from their organisation. Thismust include the Artistic Director, Head(s) of Department or General Manager, Development Officer and representative of the Board (typically the Board Chair, or a champion of change).
This intensive programme will combine the group seminars with regular ongoing, one-on-one consultations with each organisation. Sessions will be led by Michael M. Kaiser, Chairman of the DeVos Institute; Brett Egan, Director of the DeVos Institute; DeVos Instituteassociates and Business to Artsleadership. Throughout the 18 months, participants will work on revenue diversification, individual giving campaigns, board development, marketing and strategic planning.
For additional information about this programme and outputs, please visit :
Why Should your Organisation Consider Applying?
A report titled ‘Programme Outcomes: New Stream Capacity Building Intensive (2012-2014)’ was published by the DeVos Institute and Business to Arts, along with four case studies from participating organisations. These are all available to read at .
Key Outcomes for the Participants of the DeVos Ireland Programme 2012-2014
Artistic Planning
An organisation’s health - indeed, its survival - relies on the quality, imagination, and distinctiveness of its programming. If we fail to produce superior programmes, educational opportunities, and productions with enough time to market them effectively, we cannot say that we are successful or that we deserve support. It is likely that, before long, our donors and ticket-buyers will come to agree.
- 100% of participating organisations lengthened their artistic planning timelines
- The number of organisations planning their artistic programming less than one year in advance decreased by 92%
- The number of organisations planning their artistic programming more than two years in advance increased by 17%
- Following the programme, no organisations reported planning less than 12 months in advance, a fundamental culture shift illustrating a break from an annual planning cycle dictated by the schedule of public funding
“Advance planning of our artistic programme has become a priority. We have gone from annual planning, to planning almost two years in advance. Our goal will be to increase advance planning to three years in 2014 and to produce a financial plan for at least three years in advance to help us plan our funding goals.”
The impact of strategic planning and a longer planning time frame has contributed to a significant number of organisations improving their productivity through marketing efforts, an increase in total earned revenue, earned income, and an expansion of their audience base.
- Marketing productivity (total earned revenue divided by the number of staff members devoted to marketing) increased by an average of 34%
- Improved productivity of marketing efforts resulted in a 58% increase in earned revenue during the two year period
- 67% of organisations expanded their audience base increasing the reach of their programming through enhanced marketing and outreach
“We have started planning for a far more sustainable future with a focus on marketing our offerings and linking our very considerable skills and resources to a larger audience and family than we have at present. If we weren’t engaged in the programme, we would have little chance of realising our ambitions.”
Organisations advanced towards donor diversification by increasing the number of funding sources and decreasing their dependence on top funders.
- A third of organisations (33%) increased human resources in this area
- 24% increased revenue from individual donors, corporations and foundations
- The outcome of 45% creation or strengthening of major donor programmes has resulted in 57% average increase of revenue from individuals
- The average percentage of funding from Government sources vs earned income decreased slightly from 50% in 2012 to 49% in 2014
- Similar results during a succession of years in the area of fundraising would begin to point at a change in organisations towards consistent financial diversification
“Our increased ‘family’ has really appreciated special events, backstage tours, and chances to meet the artists. The programme helped us identify what ‘assets’ we have that can help develop people’s connections to us, and in turn, create extra sources of income for the company. As a result, donors to our organisation nearly tripled.”
Board Engagement
Organisations reporting an ‘actively engaged board’ increased by 40%, while a decrease in the same number was reported for a ‘sporadically active’ board.
- 45% of organisations reported an increase in the number of board members actively engaged in a project on behalf of the organisation
- Board development, especially in its transition from ‘advisory’ to ‘philanthropic’ represents both an area of potential and need for participating organisations
“The board has become more engaged in fundraising. Firstly, all members have become patrons at one level or another, and secondly, several members have either ‘made the ask’ or opened the door for the staff to ask.”
Strategic Planning
The majority of organisations, 83%, began, revised or completed a Strategic Plan during the two year programme.
“The programme has led to a complete shift in mindset within the organisation. We are now thinking holistically about our artistic programme, marketing, fundraising, and family growth. Some practical outcomes: an institutional marketing plan, forward planning towards our 50th anniversary, and a part-time staff member dedicated to fundraising.”
“We have produced a new strategic plan that has been part of our two-year process with New Stream. The support of the DeVos Institute has helped us shape and dissect our organisation to produce a solid strategy with all staff involved.”
Eligibility Criteria for the 18 Month Extension Programme:
Participating organisations must:
- Be a non-profit arts /cultural organisation or arts education institution
- Be an affiliate of Business to Arts
- Commit to being involved in all aspects of the programme
- Have an annual budget in excess of €100,000
- Have at least one full-time staff member
- Agree to the subsidised participation fees for 2015 & 2016 outlined below
Participation Cost
The cost for participation in the DeVos Ireland Programme is 60% subsidised by the New Stream project, supported by Bank of America Merrill Lynch, The Department of Arts, Heritage & Gaeltacht & Business to Arts' Corporate Membership. The balance of fees applicable is based on the annual turnover of each participating organisation.
OrganisationalTurnover / Total
Non-Subsidised Fee / Level of New Stream Subsidy for 18 months / Subsidised
Fee Due 2015* / Subsidised
Fee Due 2016**
€2 million + / €40,000 / €24,000 / €8,000 / €8,000
€1 - €2 million / €32,500 / €19,500 / €6,500 / €6,500
€500k - €1 million / €25,000 / €15,000 / €5,000 / €5,000
€250k - €500k / €17,500 / €11,500 / €3,000 / €3,000
€100k to €250k / €6,600 / €3,400 / €1,600 / €1,600
*2015 Fee Due to Business to Arts by 31 March 2015
**2016 Fee Due to Business to Arts by 31 March 2016
Payment plans must be discussed in advance with Business to Arts.
If you have any questions about this application, please contact Simone Perszyk r Rowena Neville .
Application Form
1. CONTACT INFORMATIONOrganisation Name:
Primary Contact for Programme:
Executive Director :
Artistic Director :
Development Officer :
Board Chair (or senior Board Member) :
Applicants must identify 6 and 18 month programme goals in the following areas critical to organisational success: Marketing, Fundraising, and Board Development.
Programme Goals – Marketing
Desired Outcomes – 6 months
/Desired Outcomes – 18 months
Programme Goals – FundraisingDesired Outcomes – 6 months
/Desired Outcomes – 18 months
Programme Goals – Board DevelopmentDesired Outcomes – 6 months
/Desired Outcomes – 18 months
5. PROPOSALPlease submit a brief statement addressing why your organisation would like to be a part of this programme.
If asked to participate in this programme, we commit to the following:
- Agree to the subsidised participation fees for 2015 & 2016
- Send three to five representatives to all DeVos Ireland seminars
- Staff and Board representatives will participate in phone conferences and in-person meetings with our Institute advisor and Institute leadership
- Staff will actively correspond with DeVos Institute and Business to Arts leadership, and assigned programme Counterpoint as we work towards our goals throughout the course of the programme
Accepted and Agreed:
Name (Executive Director):Click here to enter text.Date:Click here to enter text.
Name (Board Chair):Click here to enter text.Date:Click here to enter text.
This is a competitive application process. Selection will be made based on the content of the response to this Application Form document. No further application information will be sought.
Completed Application Forms should be returned by 5pm on Thursday 5 March 2015 to