Summary Care Records Project Kick Off Meeting
Held at Market Rasen Surgery
12th January 2009 – 2pm – 4pm
AttendanceTina White / Programme Manager ETD & SCR
M H / SHA Project Manager SCR
V I / SRA Agent / IGO
P J / Patient Data Officer
D R / Primary Care Data Quality Facilitator
S H / Primary Care Data Quality Facilitator
S O / Clinical Systems Trainer
I B / IT Business Change Manager
M E / GP Senior Partner
B G / Practice Manager
A M / Data Quality and IT Manager
A T / Project Support Officer
Issues raised and actions allocated
Issue / Description / Action / Owner
1. / NHS Direct to be used as contact specified in patient letter. / NHS Direct to be contacted by completing NHS Direct notification form.
Post meeting note – action completed / TW
1.1 / Does NHS Direct deal with all calls directly, or refer calls to CFH SCR? Will NHS Direct refer calls to local PALS Team? / Contact NHS Direct to clarify. / AT
2 / The patient letter needs to be sent by the PCT as if from the Practice. / Obtain Practice Logo. / AT/ TW
2.1 / Contents of letters need confirming with Practice. / Draft a letter and consult with Surgery; PSO to collate example letters. / AT
2.2 / Contents of letters need confirming via PCT communications team / PCT to confirm letter content and formats. / AT/ TW
2.3 / What additional Information needs to be attached to patient letter? / Patient declines response & envelope,plus SCR leaflet. / TW
2.4 / Replies to go to PCT? / Does the NHS have a generic business reply account? / TW
2.5 / Patient explanation leaflet to be attached to the patient letter. / Obtain Patient SCR explanation leaflet and create decline letter. / AT
2.6 / Reaching difficult to reach groups. / Obtain advice and sample letters for difficult to reach groups. / AT
2.7 / Which patients who have already contacted the practice to decline SCR. / Obtain patient details from Practice. / PJ
2.8 / Patients who have already contacted the practice to decline SCR will require a different letter sending to invite them to the surgery to discuss further. / Prepare a letter for patients who have already declined. / AT
2.9 / Patient demographics to be made available to PCT for mail out. / Practice to prepare database and produce demographics ready for mail merge. / AM
2.10 / Patient letters to be sent by PCT (Patient Data Team) - Labels to be created, letters & attachments to be created and prepared for mail out. / Patient data team to create labels and undertake document preparation. / PJ
2.11 / Letters to go out on 23rd January. / Patient Data Team to mail out letter. / PJ
3 / Data Quality issue with coding for ‘refuse consent to upload to SCR’. / Debbie Rawding to advise on appropriate use of read codes.
Post meeting note - XaKRyRefused consent for upload to national shared electronic record. / DR
4 / Comms plan to be collated to address the following: Road Shows / display boards/Libraries / Travelling to local villages / Supermarket Car parks / Post -Offices / Radio. / Comms plan to be collated. / AT/ TW
5 / Permissions to access SCRs for NHS Staff in receiving locations (i.e. ULH / EMAS). / VI to confirm TPPaccess permission code for SCRs and to contact respective IG RA leads at ULHT and EMAS to review status of their smartcard usage. / VI
6 / Training Plan to be compiled to address different organisations' requirements using various training methods (e.g. pod-casting / PowerPoint). / Training Plan to be compiled. / SO
7 / Has the practice recently run a DQ check?– No. / Practice to run a DQ check. / AT/TW
7.1 / Default position in SystmOne needs to be that Read codes are not summarised - the system defaults to local user preference which needs to be changed manually. / AM - to work with SO to clarify and flag outcome to TW and MH. / AM/SO
8 / How will a SCR be created for new registrations? / Map the 'as is' and 'to be' processes of registering a new patient and creation of SCR following deployment (i.e. for individual registrations). / IB
8.1 / How will updates to SCR for TRs (who already have a SCR) be achieved? / Map the 'as is' and 'to be' processes when dealing with a TR who has a SCR; how will new information be transferred back to their 'regular' GP? / IB
8.2 / How will new patients’registrations (who have an existing SCR) be processed? / To investigate proposed process. / MH
8.3 / How will future decliners for SCR be handled? / Map the 'as is' and 'to be' processes change for patients who decline following initial deployment. / IB
9 / LMC involvement. / To contact LMC and provide an overview of project. / TW
10 / PEC involvement. / To contact PEC and provide an overview of project. / TW
Date and time of next meeting – Monday 2nd February 2-4pm – Meeting room 6 Orchard House, Sleaford
Improving Health, Improving Services
Version 1.1