Buckden Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting of Buckden Parish Council held on Monday 8th February at 8.00pm in Buckden Parish Institute.

1.  In Attendance:

Mr. G. Schofield

Ms. A. Peters

Mr. C. Thornborrow

Mrs. J. Deadman

Mr. P. Breen

Mr. T. Berry (Clerk)

C.C. Mr. J. Roberts

Guest Speaker: Mr. Ross Cannon – Trees & Woodlands Officer, YDNPA.

6 parishioners.

Apologies for absence.

These were received after the Meeting from C.C. Mrs. S. Marshall. The Clerk had had problems with his computer on the afternoon of the Meeting which is why they had not been downloaded and presented to the Meeting.

2. Minutes of the previous Meeting.

The Minutes of the December 2009 were accepted as a true record. This was proposed by Ms. A. Peters and seconded by Mr. P. Breen.

3. Declaration of Interests.

No Councillor declared any pecuniary or personal interest in any items on the Agenda to be discussed when invited to do so.

Mr. Scofield welcomed everyone to the Meeting and invited Mr. Ross Cannon to give his address.

4. Matters arising.

4.1  Mr. Cannon thanked Mr. Schofield and proceeded. He had been with the YDNPA since September 2009 prior to which he had worked for Leeds City Council. He knew the area quite well prior to his appointment, as he had visited it quite a few times.

Buckden was a ‘Conservation Area’ so all trees are protected. When anyone wants to carry any work out on their trees they are requested to inform Mr. Cannon of their intentions. This is usually done by phone. An Application Form is completed, a visit made and an assessment made.

The Officer cannot stop work being carried out but if negotiations break down the Officer can impose a TPO. Work must not take place in the 6 weeks that may occur from when the order is made to it being served. The Applicant can appeal in the following 28 days. This will be heard by Committee Members who will seek the opinion of the tree owner and the Tree Officer.

Mr. Cannon was asked if he had turned down an application for work to be carried out on a tree to which he replied ‘no’. He was informed that lots of trees had been felled without consultation. His response was that if this had happened then a fine could be imposed. He considered consultation to be more equitable than confrontation and was in favour of pruning rather than felling. He always wanted felled trees to be replaced with another tree that was more suitable although he has no legal weight.

The yew trees at Buckden House were discussed but this was some pruning that was arranged between the old OIC at Buckden House and his predecessor so it was difficult to backtrack. The pruning could have ‘shocked’ the trees to such an extent as to kill them leaving ‘gaps’ in the tree cover.

The Tree Officer is not obligated to inform the Parish Council should work be requested to be done. Some Authorities interact others don’t. The YDNPA does not automatically inform Parish Councils and sometimes there is not always time to do this.

Trees in a Conservation Area or those with a TPO on them have the same protection so when he was asked about the sycamore adjacent to the car park in front of The Buck Inn the Council were informed that the landlord had only permission to cut out dead wood. The Council were informed that all the tree maintenance firms in the locality worked very closely with the department and it would be very unlikely any work would be carried out without their awareness.

The western red cedar tree in the churchyard at Hubberholme was discussed. As it still has the potential to grow half as big again Mr. Cannon felt it was the wrong tree in the wrong place. He had had a meeting with Rev. P. Yorkstone and was had recommended a replacement tree such as an Irish yew or a Scott’s pine to be planted on the north east boundary. Mr. cannon left a copy of a leaflet ‘Conservation Areas and a plan of the Village showing the trees with TPOs on them.

As there were no further questions, Mr. Scofield thanked Mr. Cannon who left the Meeting at 8.55pm.

4.2 Review of salt & sand from Icethaw Salt Products. It was felt generally this had been a good idea and well received by Parishioners although it was pointed out that not everyone knew about the stock. A parishioner thanked the Council but pointed out to the County Councillor that the refilling of the gritting bins had not been carried out. Mr. Roberts said he would follow this up. He also pointed out that a neighbouring village next year were to do the same. Stocks to reordered for next year next Autumn.

4.3 Response from C.C. Mrs. S. Marshall re: Police cars in Kettlewell.

(ref: 5895) – Mrs Marshalls emails were read out. Summing them up it says make a note of the time, description of the vehicle and registration number so it can be traced.

County Councillors report.

Mr. Roberts reported that Rooley Lane was now open for one way traffic.

The Costa Coffee planning application had been approved with no limitation on opening, so teenagers would have somewhere to go in the evenings rather than hanging about in the town.

The Freddie Truman statue is to be erected by the Canal basin.

There is a proposal for Buckden to be made a Conservation Area.

The areas to proposed be incorporated within the National Parks Boundary are: Mallerstrang, wild Boar Fell and the remainder of the Howgills and Orton Fell. Other areas include Kirby Lonsdale and the area SE of Kirby. Mr. Roberts is in favour of this as this inclusion would benefit the environment and the proposed a

5. Correspondence received.

5.1* YDGLA – Newsletter number 14. (ref: 5893) – noted.

5.2 CDC – Community Governance Review. (ref: 5896) – available.

5.3* email - Rural Services Network – Parish Newsletter. (ref: 5899) – noted.

5.4  Duplicate of request for donation. (ref: 5900) – noted.

5.5* YDNPA – Housing Development Plan, Timetable & second call for sites. (ref: 5901) – noted.

5.6* email – C.C. Mrs. S. Marshall re: flooding at Kilnsey to Buckden.

(ref: 5902) – noted.

5.7  email – Christmas greetings from The Rural Services. (ref: 5905)

– available.

5.8  Clerks & Councils Direct – Journal. (ref: 5906) – available.

5.9  SMP – Playgrounds. (ref: 5907) – available.

5.10  YLCA – Craven Branch Meeting with minutes. (ref: 5912) – available.

5.11* NYCC – Update on Severe Winter Weather from NYCC. (ref: 5913)

– noted.

5.11  Clerks & Councils Direct – Journal. (ref: 5914) – noted.

5.12* YDNPA – Housing Development Plan, review. (ref: 5915) – noted.

5.13* Brian Taylor – Redundant Water Works in Buckden. (ref: 5919) – noted.

5.14* CDC – Annual Parish Meeting. (ref: 5923) – To be held in March with no guest speakers.

5.15* CDC – Community Governance review of all Parishes in CD. (ref: 5924) – noted.

5.16  NYCC – Craven Area Committee Agenda. (ref: 5927) – available.

5.17  Rural Action Yorkshire – Country Air, Journal. (ref: 5928) – available.

5.18  NY Rural Housing Enablers – Newsletter. (ref: 5927) – available.

5.19* Grassington Festival – request for help with funding. (ref: 5931) - as we have a small precept no monies available, Clerk to reply.

5.20* email C.C. Mrs. S. Marshall re: icy conditions of roads in Kettlewell and NYCC response. (ref: 5932) – noted.

5.21* email – Rural Matters Newsletter. (ref: 5933) – noted.

5.22* email – Notification of new chair to Yorks. & Humber Rural Affairs Forum.

(ref: 5934) – noted.

5.23 email – Disk Parking Schemes. (ref: 5935) – available.

5.24 email – YLCA – Government Grant Allocation. 9ref: 5936) – available.

5.25 email – Rural Services Network _ Asset Transfer Unit. (ref: 5937)

- available

5.26 email – YLCA – 20mph speed limits. (ref: 5938) – available.

5.27* email – YLCA – The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. (ref: 5939) – noted.

5.28* email – CDC – Parish Update. (ref: 5940) – noted.

5.29  email – Problems with youth shelter. (ref: 5941) – available.

5.30* email – Rural Services Network – Newsletter. (ref: 5942) – noted.

5.31* email - Steve Shaw – Sustainable Communities Act Amendment Bill, request to lobby MP for support. (ref: 5943) – email to be sent to David Curry with the Council’s support.

5.32  email – Vacancy for Deputy Town Clerk @ Normanton. (ref: 5944)

- available.

5.33  email – YLCA – N. Yorks. Strategic Partnership seeks views on its priorities. (ref: 5946) – available.

5.34* email – Rural Yorkshire – Sarah Bowdin – introduction. (ref: 5947)

- noted.

5.35 email – CDC – Disability Review. (ref: 5948) – available.

5.36 email – Rural Services Network –Service Provision in market towns.

(ref: 5949) – available.

5.37* email - CDC – Parish Newsletter. (ref: 5950) – noted.

5.38  email – YLCA – Vacancy for Clerk at Newby PC. (ref: 5951) – available.

5.39  email – CDC – Amendment for Meeting of CD Housing Forum. (ref: 5952)

- available

5.40* YDNPA – Buckden Conservation Area: Character Appraisal Review.

(ref: 5953) – noted.

5.41* CDC – Rough Sleeping and Gypsy & Travellers within Craven questionnaire. (ref: 5954) – Taken by a Councillor for completion.

5.42* YDNPA – Restricted Byway No.12 Horton-in Ribblesdale and Byway open to all traffic No.24 Buckden – modification order 2009. (ref: 5955) – noted.

5.43  email - YLCA – Vacancy for Clerk at Scriven PC. (ref: 5956) – available.

5.44* email - YLCA – Standing Orders for Local Councils. (ref: 5957) – noted.

5.45* Great North Air Ambulance – request for donation. (ref: 5958) – noted.

5.46  Marshalls – advertising paving for yards. (ref: 5959) – available.

5.57* CDC – draft North Yorkshire Housing Strategy Consultation. (ref: 5960)

- noted.

5.58* NSPCC – Request to become a campaign partner. (ref: 5961) – noted.

5.59* email - Rural Services Network – Newsletter. (ref:5962) – noted.

All items in the correspondence section that are marked ‘*’ were discussed. Paperwork for other items was available, but not discussed.

6. Finance.

6.1 CDC – Parish Precepts 2010/11. Referred from December Meeting.

(ref: 5876). Completed and email with copy sent to Mary Kennedy evening of the Meeting. Original send by snail mail following morning.

6.2 Letter sending donation of £50 to Craven Citizens Advice Bureau.

(ref: 5904) Acknowledgement. (ref: 5911) – noted.

6.3 HSBC – Community Account details. (ref: 5910) – noted.

6.4 HSBC – Community Account details. (ref: 5921) – noted.

6.5 HSBC – High Interest Account. (ref: 5922) – noted.

7. Planning.

7.1* YDNPA - Amendment to submitted plans. (ref: 5894) – noted.

7.2 YDNPA – Planning Committee Agenda. – noted.

7.3  YDNPA – Consent sought for erection to form disabled toilet for the existing church at St. Michael church, Hubberholme. (ref: 5908) – noted.

7.4  YDNPA – Planning Permission sought for re-occupation of former dwelling for use as holiday let, construction of access bridge and creation of hard standing for car parking at Cowside, Buckden. (ref: 5917) This application was discussed at length as it was pointed out by a parishioner that the area of land where the bridge springs from adjacent to the road belongs to Mr. Briggs not the applicant. It was felt that there was no need for 3 bridges over such a short

area. The needs would be better met by improving the track alongside the river. This would also benefit New House Farm. The additional bridge would detract from the area. Councillors also asked that this item be discussed by the full Planning Committee. Clerk emailed to this effect.

7.5  Email YDNPA – Notification of withdrawal of planning application for extrusion at St. Michael’s church. (ref: 5918) – noted.

7.6  YDNPA – Reapplication for work at St. Michael’s church. (ref: 5920)

- noted.

7.7  YDNPA – Modification of plans for erection of agricultural worker’s dwelling in Vicarage Field, Hubberholme. (ref: 5925) Mr & Mrs Jowsey attended the Meeting and read out a statement outlining their objections which they had already communicated with YDNPA. The Councillors discussed the application and felt the dwelling would sit better in the south west corner of the field not the south west as proposed. It would also detract the situation of Kirkgill Manor.

Clerk informed YDNPA to this effect requesting the application be brought before full Planning Committee.

7.8  YDNPA – Planning Committee Agenda. (ref: 5930)

7.9  YDNPA – Planning permission granted permission for extension at The

Old Sawmill, 9 Buckden Court. (ref: 5945)

8. Any other business.

8.1  email – Sue Currall asks if Councillors can remember when the area outside Fairlawn was resurfaced as she is in contention with the water board over water usage. Councillors were not sure but one was going to assess this as it coincided with their car developing a problem. Clerk met Sue the morning after the meeting and said the problem had been resolved as the Water Board had found the leak outside their cartilage so she was not liable for the missing water (£6000).

8.2  email – YLCA – ‘Does our Council manage woodland.’ Request from Silkstone PC. (ref: 5964)

8.3  email – Rural Services Community – New Features. (ref: 5965)

8.4  It was pointed out to Mr. Roberts that the ‘filling in’ of holes on the road between here and Starbotton was done in a very amateurish way. He will look into this and report back.

There was no other business; the Chairman closed the Meeting at 10.25pm.

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