HUD released the Continuum of Care Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) on July 14, 2017. The Anchorage Coalition to End Homelessness (ACEH), lead applicant for the Anchorage Continuum of Care (CoC), will use the following process to rank project applications for the 2017 CoC Program Competition. HUD mandates all CoCs must comprehensively review all existing projects within its geographic area, using CoC-approved scoring criteria and selection priorities, to determine the extent to which each project is still necessary. Funds for projects that are determined to be underperforming, obsolete, or ineffective should be reallocated to new projects that are based on proven or promising models.


CoC Policy Priorities

As outlined in HUD’s NOFA, below is the list of their four policy priorities (pages 8-9 of the 2017 NOFA). Applicants are encouraged to review these priorities.

1.  Ending homelessness for all persons

2.  Creating a systemic response to homelessness

3.  Strategically allocating and using resources

4.  Use a Housing First approach

Funding & Tiering

Due to funding limitations, HUD will not consider requests for new funding outside the reallocation process, CoC planning, United Funding Agency costs (UFA is not applicable to Anchorage) and the Permanent Supportive Housing Bonus (PSH Bonus) project. The PSH Bonus funds available are 6% of AK-500 Final Prorated Need (FPRN) and will be ranked as part of Tier 2.

Annual Renewal Demand / $2,849,941
Tier 1 Amount (94% of ARD) / $2,678,945
Tier 2 Amount (6% of ARD) / $170,996
Planning Funds (3% of ARD) / $85,498
Permanent Housing Bonus / $170,996
CoC Funds Possible, 2017 / $3,106,435

* As per the NOFA: HUD will continue the Tier 1 and Tier 2 funding process and CoCs and applicants should ensure there is thorough understanding of the information provided in this NOFA. HUD will establish each CoC’s Tier 1 and Tier 2 amounts based on the final HUD-approved GIW. A report that lists each CoC’s ARD Tier 1 amount, CoC planning, and permanent housing bonus amount available will be posted to the HUD Exchange website no earlier than August 5, 2016. Section VIII. of the NOFA provides additional information regarding project selection.

** If the ARD is not released prior to August 11, the deadline for bonus projects will be extended to three business days after HUD’s release of the ARD.

To ensure that CoC’s have the opportunity to prioritize their projects locally in the event that HUD is not able to fund all renewals, HUD requires that CoC’s rank projects in two tiers. The tiers are financial thresholds. This year, Tier 1 is 94% of the ARD, and Tier 2 is 6% of the ARD plus any amount available for the permanent housing bonus. CoC Planning funds are not considered when calculating ARD nor are they ranked in the tiers.

HUD continues to require all CoC's to have and maintain a Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). Again this year, HUD will award a Permanent Housing Bonus which can be for up to 6 5 percent of CoC’s FPRN. The following types of projects are eligible for the Permanent Housing Bonus (for more detailed description see pages 20-21 of the 2017 NOFA):

·  DedicatedPLUS Projects

·  Permanent supportive housing projects with 100% of beds dedicated to chronically homeless

·  Rapid rehousing projects that serve homeless individuals (including youth) and families

·  Joint TH and PH-RRH component projects


The CoC will allow agencies to reallocate funds to new projects if they are ready and if the reallocation is eligible (refer to HUD's NOFA instructions for more information). Funds for projects that are determined to be underperforming, obsolete, or ineffective will be reallocated to new projects that are based on proven or promising models. There are four models for reallocation:

·  One existing project is reallocated to one new project through the same provider

·  One existing project is reallocated to one new project through a different provider

·  One existing project is reallocated to many new projects

·  Many existing projects are reallocated to one new project

The following types of projects are eligible to be created through reallocation (see pages 10-11 in the 2017 NOFA for more details):

·  New DedicatedPLUS permanent supportive housing projects

·  New rapid rehousing projects that serve homeless individuals (including youth) and families

·  Joint TH and PH-RRH component projects

·  New dedicated Homeless Management Information System (HMIS)

·  New supportive services only project to develop or operate a coordinated entry system

HUD Priority Order and Local Ranking Process

Consistent with the 2017 HUD CoC Program Competition NOFA, projects will be ranked as follows:

Within the rank order established by the CoC on the Priority Listings, HUD will first select all projects from Tier 1 that pass eligibility and threshold review (see above for threshold review criteria) beginning with the highest scoring CoC and continuing to the lowest. HUD will then select projects from Tier 2 using criteria in Section II.B.16 of the NOFA.

The ranking process used locally will incorporate HUD’s process as outlined in NOFA, Opening Doors, and Anchorage's 5-year plan objectives. Points will be assigned to projects in accordance with the criteria created by the CoC Committee. All agencies interested in renewing projects or proposing new projects through reallocation or PH bonus funding are required to complete the attached Program Application Form. Information provided by applicants in this process will be used for scoring. If a new PSH or RRH project is being created by an existing project, it will be ranked based on the performance of the renewal application which is being reallocated.


FY 2017 Continuum of Care Project & Ranking Application Form is due to the CoC Committee by Tuesday, August 29th, 2017 at 12:00 pm (noon). If an agency is applying for more than one project, each project requires a program application form. Forward all questions and completed applications to Molly Mylius () and Kristi Duff (). All completed applications must be sent as a PDF document. In the subject line of the email please include, “CoC Project Application.”


Each applicant will be notified no later than September 14, 2017 of the final ranking.

It is the responsibility of each agency to read HUD's NOFA and understand and adhere to all HUD guidelines and regulations. Agencies are encouraged to visit for more information.


DEADLINE: August 29th, 2017 at 12:00 pm (noon)


a.  Renewal Projects: Please complete the following questions based on your last completed fiscal year/annual performance report, unless otherwise specified. If the renewal project has not started implementation due to a delay by HUD to execute the grant, complete the sections indicated for New Projects. Clearly indicate the project type is a renewal project and outline in the narrative why the project has not started.

b.  New Through Reallocation, PH Bonus Projects and Planning Funds: Complete the sections as indicated based on the proposed project.

c.  HMIS Project: Complete the sections as indicated.

If you are required to complete a section but it is not applicable to your specific project, put N/A. Ensure all questions are answered; any missed questions will be scored as zero.


Agency Name:
Project Name:
Project Type
(select one) / Renewal Project / If yes, was this project in existence prior to July 1, 2017? / Yes
Dedicated HMIS
New Project / If yes, please select one of the following: / Through Reallocation
Bonus Project
Planning Funds
Project Category
(select one) / Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) / if yes, à / PSH Housing First Model
PSH Only
Rapid Re-housing (RRH)
Transitional Housing (TH) / if yes, à / Transitional Aged Youth
Supportive Services Only / if yes, à / Centralized or Coordinated Assessment System
Joint Transitional Housing and Permanent Housing - Rapid Re-Housing
Amount Requested from HUD: / $
Contact Name:
Contact Phone:
Contact Email:

Project Quality Threshold (All Projects)

To be eligible for Anchorage CoC funding, the following requirements must be met:

Threshold Requirement / Yes / No
Project operates or will operate using Housing First Principles and/or Low Barrier Implementation
Project has documented, secure minimum match that meets the HUD requirement of 25%
Project is financially feasible; please provide an annual Profit and Loss statement in summary format from the last fiscal year with your application
Project applicant is a member of the Anchorage Coalition to End Homelessness, the organization serving as Anchorage’s CoC
Project application is complete and data are consistent
RENEWAL PROJECTS ONLY: Data quality is at or above 90 percent
NOTE: This will be automatically generated from the HMIS lead
Agency can provide a clean, independent financial audit completed within 6 months of the end of its most recently completed fiscal year and provide a current 990 IRS Form
Agency can provide proof of a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status

Per HUD guidelines, to be considered as meeting the project quality threshold, all projects must receive at least 5 points from HUD based on the criteria below. Project applications that do not receive at least 5 points will be rejected by HUD and therefore will not be ranked by the CoC. As part of the local review, applicants must describe and certify to the CoC that they will meet these criteria.

Project Quality Threshold Points

·  Whether the type, scale, and location fit the needs of the program participants (1 point);

·  Whether the type, scale, and location of the supportive services, and the mode of transportation to those services fit the needs of the program participants (1 point);

·  Whether the specific plan for ensuring program participants will be individually assisted to obtain the benefits of the mainstream health, social, and employment programs for which they are eligible to apply meets the needs of the program participants (1 point);

·  Whether program participants are assisted to obtain and remain in permanent housing in a manner that fits their needs (1 point);

·  Whether program participants are assisted to both increase their incomes and live independently using mainstream housing and service programs in a manner that fits their needs (1 point);

·  Whether 75% of the proposed program participants come from the street or other locations not meant for human habitation, emergency shelter, or safe havens (1 point); and

·  Whether amenities (e.g. grocery stores, pharmacies, etc.) are accessible in the community (1 point)

Per the project quality threshold guidelines outlined above, how many points does your project qualify for?

3 points = meets 7 criteria points 2 points = meets 6 criteria points 1 point = meets 5 criteria points Less than 5 criteria points = Project not eligible for application

Criteria Points:

Project Utilization (Renewals Only)

A.  Daily utilization rate (APR Q 10):

January / %
April / %
July / %
October / %
Average Percentage / %

Points for average percentage: 5 = 100% 4 = 95 - 99% 3 = 90 - 94% 2 = 85 - 89% 1 = 80 - 84% 0 = less than 80%

Average Percentage:

B.  Length of Stay in Permanent Housing

What percentage of formerly homeless persons are staying in permanent housing over six months? (goal is at least 80%)______

5 = 80% or greater 4 = 70 - 79% 3 = 60 - 69% 2 = 50 - 59% 1 = less than 50%


C.  Transitional Housing

What percentage of homeless persons are moving from transition housing to permanent housing? (goal is at least 65%) ______

5 = 65% or greater 4 = 50 - 64% 3 = 35 - 49% 2 = 20 - 34% 1 = less than 20%


HUD & Local Performance Goals (Renewal & New Projects)

Renewal Projects: Please complete the following questions based on your last completed fiscal year, unless otherwise specified.

New Projects: Respond to objective 1 only. Indicate the projected result for the proposed project.

If a goal does not apply, put “N/A”.

OBJECTIVES / Result / Score
1: Ending Chronic Homelessness (PSH only)
A.  Percentage of CoC-funded PSH beds dedicated to chronically homeless individuals. / 5 = 70% or greater
4 = 50 - 69%
3 = 30 - 49%
2 = 10 - 29%
1 = less than 10%
2: Increase Housing Stability (PSH only)
A. Percentage of Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) Clients remained housed:(a/b)
a. Total # of PSH Clients Served*: ______
b. Total # of PSH Clients at the end of program year that remained in housing*: ______
*Do not include deceased clients in either a or b / 5 = 90% or greater
4 = 80 - 89%
3 = 70 - 79%
2 = 60 - 69%
1 = less than 60%
3: Increase Project Participants Income & Access to Mainstream Benefits (All projects)
A. Percentage of participants that increased their employment income from entry date to program exit? / 5 = 30% or greater
4 = 25 - 29%
3 = 20 - 24%
2 = 15 - 19%
1 = less than 15%
B. Percentage of participants that increased their access to mainstream benefits from entry date to program exit? / 5 = 80% or greater
4 = 60 - 79%
3 = 40 - 69%
2 = 20 - 39%
1 = less than 20%
4: Using rapid re-housing as a method to reduce family homelessness (RRH only)
A.  Total number of homeless households with children assisted through CoC-funded rapid re-housing? / 5 = 40 or greater
4 = 30 - 39
3 = 20 - 29
2 = 6 – 19
1 = 1 - 5
0 = zero
Total Points Available: If a question was Not Applicable (N/A), these points are not included. For example, if Objective 4 was N/A, total points available are 20 / TOTAL POINTS AVAILABLE / TOTAL SCORE

Population (Renewal & New Projects)