South Central College
Online Education Committee
Meeting Agenda
November 14, 2017
C129 (North Mankato) & C23 (Faribault)
Present: Deb, Wendy, John, Jenny, Juliann, Laura
Best Practice/Cool Demo– Juliann
Approval of Minutes 10-10-17
Juliann -1st Jenny – 2nd
Follow-Up Items:
- AQIP – on agenda below
- Finish going through to-do list
- Update/post information on LC website – updated procedures, forms, peer review rubric, etc.
- Still working on this.
- Discuss a procedure to collect data on how many faculty seek online development training from Learning Central staff
- Tracking is being done on the number of online and hybrid individually by LC Staff.
- Develop and implement strategy for past courses to be peer-reviewed for the first time.
- It is recommended that the Dean’s talk about this.
- Still need work on this.
- Spreadsheet of training resources (conferences, OER, universal design)
- Done – in faculty knowledge base
- Decide if we are going to create online “boot camps” and/or navigation videos (or something else)for students
- Student lounge in D2L for all students
- Michael and Bryan have been providing input on the orientation.
- Will pick this back up in Spring. Request facilitation by the advisors.
- Still working on this.
- Decide if we are going to develop/implement some type of online readiness assessment.
- Promote SmarterMeasure.
- Will look into how we can customize it
- Complete survey of student services and make recommendations for Student Affairs.
- Need to clarify this task.
- Decide if we want to offer open houses to online students.
- The first one was not well attended but need to shift it to before the semester starts.
- Some faculty had their own that was specific to their courses.
- Will put this on the agenda for January 2018. Plan for another Fall 2018.
- Will have the open house in August and December/January.
- Work with Student Affairs to figure out how to include online/hybrid students in on-campus activities. May need to survey them first to see if there is a substantial interest.
- Still working on this.
- Jenny commented that some students would not want to come to campus. Most already are on campus at some point.
- Make activities available online.
- Changing the focus of this task.
- Faculty needs assessment for online/hybrid support.
- LC staff will look into files left by Lisa.
- Still working on this.
- Student satisfaction – formally identify PSOL and SSI items for satisfaction.
- Need clarification on this.
- Explore how we might track student activity online
- D2L does not have great reporting but MinnState has pulled some data in other areas.
- Other AQIP-related tasks
- Removing this task
- Process for Conference Funding
Work Plan Progress:
(Review “OECStrategicPlan-Updated110116” found in D2L)
Continuing Business:
- 6.1.1 - Identify, assess, and improve/create key areas that students need online services.
(Review “Copy of South Central College Student Tools” found in D2L)(Wendy)
- 7.1.1-4 – Review and refine current reporting process to ensure that key metrics are included.
(Review “______” found in D2L)(Jane) – tabled until Spring, 2018
- 1.1 (1.1.2.) - Identify and develop online methods of communication among faculty and Learning Central (LC) staff to share best/useful practices, exchange ideas, and celebrate successes.
(Review “______” found in D2L)
- Video project (Juliann, Cassandra)
- Lunch and Learn Dates (Katie)
- 5.1-3 – Develop and implement practices to help student to become better academically prepared for online coursework. (Workteam) – Tabled – see 10-10 meeting minutes.
- Conversation with Renee – Deb & Juliann
- Category Two
- 2.1 – Smarter Measure – are we using this? Juliann will get data about use. How will it integrate with D2L updates?
- PSOL and ICE surveys – used to be done annually. Does Jane have information or does the committee need to request?
- Category One
- 1.5
Other Announcements/Updates
- New course proposals (Juliann)
- Quality Matters (Deb)
- Other Online Training Opportunities (All)
- Learning Central updates (LC staff)
- Accessibility Technology Committee (Juliann/Wendy)
- Grant for captioning toolkit from the system office for online course video and establishing a process (education, vendor research and conversation, etc.).
- Need help from faculty to work through the process.
- Meeting Nov 29th to explain first steps. Then the work group would meet.
- Need a rep from this committee to be on the work group. PLEASE NOTIFY RENEE GUYER IF YOU ARE INTERESTED.
- Need volunteers to have their course reviewed to help us find out where we are at with captioning.
- Do we want to have a December meeting so close to the end of the semester?
- Decided to skip the December meeting due to end of semester.
Next meeting: TBD (Tentative January 2018)