Do I have to be a graduate student to apply?

Yes, you are required to be a graduate student to apply for this scholarship.

Do I have to be in a certain college/program?

Yes, you are required to be a graduate student in one of the following programs under the College of Health and Human Development (HHD): Communication Disorders, Environmental and Occupational Health, Gerontology, Health Administration, Kinesiology, Lactation (via Public Health), Nutrition, Physical Therapy and Public Health.

Can I apply if I am an online student in one of the graduate CAMINO programs?

Yes. You can still apply if you are an online student.

Can I apply if I am a graduating this Spring semester?

Yes. You can still apply for this scholarship if graduating in May.

Do I have to be Hispanic/Latino to apply?

Per the Department of Education requirements (CAMINOs funding agency) and California’s Proposition 209, we encourage Hispanic/Latino students to apply, however we accept applicants from all populations.

How many scholarships are available?

9 scholarships are available; one for each participating program. Note that in the event one program does not receive any applications, an applicant from another program with the highest scored application will be awarded the scholarship.

What are all the requirements?

Applicants must:

  • be a graduate student with a cumulative GPA in your graduate coursework of 3.0 or higher
  • be committed to research and scholarly activities
  • be pursuing one of the following graduate degrees: Communication Disorders, Environmental and Occupational Health, Gerontology, Health Administration, Kinesiology, Lactation, Nutrition, Physical Therapy, Public Health.
  • have submitted the FAFSA for the 2016-2017 academic year

Are international students eligible?

Unfortunately, there is no alternative to FAFSA for International students. As a result, International students are not eligible for the CAMINO scholarships.

What is the selection criteria?

Priority will be given to low-income and/or first-generation graduate students with a) commitment to research and scholarly activities, b) professional experience or growth potential, c) leadership, d) professionalism and maturity, and e) outstanding clinical potential (if applicable).

What is the definition of 1st generation student?

A student is considered to be a first generation college student if neither of their parents holds a bachelor’s degree.

How do I apply?

You will find the CAMINO scholarship at this website:

Click the Sign In with your MYNORTHRIDGE PORTAL Login

Complete the General Application – Submit

If you are eligible for the CAMINO scholarship, it will appear in your scholarship list, click on the CAMINO application and complete the additional information requested including:

a)Upload an application essay (500 words) that explains your personal camino (or pathway) to graduate school and beyond. This essay should convey not only your professional and academic experience, but also your personal motivations and journey. Include why you chose your graduate program, what your professional goals are after graduation, what impact you would like to make in your chosen profession, and why you believe you should receive this scholarship.

b)Complete this family background short answer question: Please tell us the educational/occupational background of your immediate family members (Father, Mother, Siblings) (100 words or less)

c)Upload a copy of your unofficial transcripts

d)Upload a copy of your resume/CV

The general scholarship requires two Letter of Recommendation? Does CAMINO require any additional LORs?

No, we do not require any additional Letters of Recommendation. However, we do require that one of the letters from your general application must be from a full-time faculty member in your program.

What info should my resume contain?

You should include paid employment, volunteer work, community service, or research experience. Please emphasize if you are working, volunteering, or engaged in community service or research, related to Latino/Hispanic populations.

When is the deadline?

April 14, 2017

When will I be notified if I receive the scholarship?

First week of May

When will I receive my scholarship?

The grant coordinator will send you instructions on how to collect your scholarship – there is a small amount of paperwork for you to fill out. Once you fill out the paperwork and return it to the grant coordinator, the grant coordinator can submit the request.

Will there be a ceremony to honor the scholarship recipients?

Yes, we will honor all scholarship recipients as part of our Family Campus Day event on Saturday August 26, 2017. All scholarship winners will be expected to attend.

FOR MORE INFORMATION about CAMINO – visit or email us a

This opportunity is made possible by funding from CAMINO: Charting Access for Hispanics Majoring In Needed Careers and Occupations in Healthcare, a United States Department of Education’s Promoting Post-Baccalaureate Opportunities for Hispanic Americans (PPOHA) Program.