1112 Three Mile Creek Road • Stevensville, MT 59870
September 20, 2016 7:00 p.m. – Middle School Library
- Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance
Silent Roll Call of Trustees
- Meeting called to order at 7:04pm
- Board present: Gary Leese, Nancy Preston, Wayne Stanford, Paula Short, and Ray Larson.
- None
2. Public Comment/Agenda Placement of Visitors
Visitors may be placed on agenda at discretion of board chair
- A number of parents spoke about their concern regarding the class size of the first grade. They feel the class is too large for the teacher to give enough attention to all students.
3. Instructional Considerations and Reports
3.1 Superintendent Report
- None
3.2 Principal’s report- attached
- No additional comments
3.3 Technology report– attached
- No additional comments
- Athletic Director report
- Parent meeting was held.Parents that missed the meeting due to other obligations were later updated.
- Volleyball and football season in full swing
- New sports equipment received
- Ordered a new high jump
- Currently advertising for coaches
4. Recognition
4.1 Bob Moore – Stevensville School Superintendent
- Gave a presentation on the proposed technology levy for Stevensville High School
- Current costs to the school are $67,000 per year. Proposing $75,000 levy
4.2 Penny Bertram – Stevensville Board
- Spoke on the importance of the technology levy
- New trustee approved for the Stevensville School Board
- Stevensville High School scored higher than the state average for ACT tests
- Homecoming is September 30th
5. Minutes
Approval of the Minutes:
- Nancy Preston moved to approve the 8/9/16special board meeting minutes and the 8/16/16 regular board meeting minutes. Wayne Stanfordseconded and the motion carried 5-0.
6. Approve Warrants
Approve payroll and claims
- Paula Shortmoved to approve the Septemberclaim warrants #32561 through #32599 (no gaps) and Augustclaim warrant #32560. In addition, approved the August payroll warrants #11101 through # 11111 (no gaps) and payroll warrants direct deposit #85528 through #85547.Nancy Preston seconded and the motion carried 5-0.
7. Financial Considerations
7.1 Business Manager’s Report
- Verbal report highlighting items such as the new PERS on- line reporting system, new payroll set up for the 2016-17 school year, electronic time sheet set up, and the upcoming student count day – October 3rd.
8. Policy Considerations
8.1 Policy 3310 Campus Discipline Plan
4th Reading/Adoption
- Paula Short moved to approve as 4th reading Policy 3310. Nancy Preston seconded. The motion died after Ray Larson suggested some grammatical revisions. Discussion followed.
- After discussion, Paula Short then moved to adopt as 4th reading Policy 3310 with noted amendments and revisions. Nancy Preston seconded and the motion carried 5-0.
5th Reading/Adoption
8.2 Policy3141Discretionary Nonresident Student Attendance
- Paula Short moved to accept as 5th reading Policy 3141. Wayne Stanford seconded and the motion carried 5-0.
- Dialogue developed among the Board, parents, and teachers regarding concerns of the large 1stgrade class size. Concerns were communicated and options offered.
3rd Reading/Adoption
8.3 Policy 3122 Attendance
- Lone Rock School has an attendance issue that needs to be addressed.
- Wayne Stanford moved to table policy 3122. Paula Short seconded and the motion carried 5-0.
9. Personnel Considerations-
9.1 Hire Substitutes
- Paula Short moved to hire Seeley Mickelson as a teacher sub, Diane Ross as a Para sub, Louise Bergeron as a Para and teacher sub, Stephen Bergeron as a Para and teacher sub, Casy Timmons as a Para sub, and Margaret Nelson as a Para and teacher sub pending background checks. Nancy Preston seconded and the motion carried 5-0.
10. Other Board Business
10.1 Committee Updates
- Safety Committee – Discussions on playgrounds
- Facilities meeting this Thursday
10.2 Historic Bell
- A senior from Stevensville High School will be fund raising to purchase the bell for Lone Rock School as her senior project. She discussed her plans to obtain and display the historic bell.
- Paula Short moved to approve the senior project as presented. Nancy Preston seconded and the motion carried 5-0.
- Drinking Fountain in Elementary
- Testing needs to be conducted before decisions can be made
- Future Agenda Items
- Discuss 1st grade class
11. Recess/Executive Session
12. Adjourn
- Nancy Preston moved to adjourn the meeting. Paula Short seconded and the motion carried
- Meeting adjourned at 10:49pm.
The above minutes were approved at a board meeting: ______,
and were approved by a vote of ____ for and ____ against.
Board Chair Signature (Gary Leese)Date
Clerk Signature (Jeannie Morgan)Date
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