University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Division of General Education Administration
Equity and Diversity Services Office
Position Vacancy Announcements
Director Affirmative Action (L)
The Director of the Equity & Diversity Services Office (EDS) for the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee provides oversight and coordination for Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity programs and compliance with federal and state laws and is the university’s designated Title IX Coordinator. This position will serve as the strategic leader and consultant to the institution on workforce equity, Title IX, investigations and oversight of the Affirmative Action Plan (AAP). This position and the office of EDS is expected to partner with campus stakeholder on initiatives related to the goals in the Affirmative Action Plan and Title IX compliance, including the Office of Human Resources and Office of Legal Affairs. This position is also the Title IX Coordinator of the campus with chief responsibilities as the Chair of the Title IX Working Committee. This position reports to the Vice Chancellor for Global Inclusion and Engagement and/or his/her designee. As a member of the campus leadership it is expected that this position will work with the campus community in building and maintaining an inclusive and welcoming climate.
Minimum Required Qualifications No Prefix:
· Juris Doctorate (J.D.) from an accredited Institution.
· Experience with, and evidence of effectively conducting Title VII, Title IX and Affirmative Action related investigations.
· Working knowledge of, and commitment to the laws and regulations relating to equal access, equal opportunity and fair employment.
Preferred Qualifications:
· Robust experience in program initiation, development and implementation, to include training, and outreach efforts.
· Evidence of ability to build, develop, and lead an effective team.
Type of Appointment and Salary: This is a limited term, non-teaching, academic staff appointment requiring some evening and weekend hours. Salary is commiserate to the level of educational training and years of professional experience. These appointments include a comprehensive benefits package covered under the Wisconsin Retirement System.
Special Instructions to Applicants: Complete application materials must include a letter of application including program or position of interest while also addressing educational and professional level work experience and knowledge as it relates to all required and preferred qualifications. A professional resume, and the names and contact information of three professional references should also be submitted. Applicants must apply electronically to by the application deadline date of December 15, 2016. All finalists for this position will be required to participate in a criminal records review consistent with the Wisconsin Fair Employment Act and be required to submit official college transcripts.
Contact Information: Interested job seekers are welcome to contact, Alfred Gomez at (414) 229-4896 or , regarding any questions and or concerns regarding this position vacancy.