AQA Award in Personal and Social Education

Entry 3


Purpose of study– To ensure our students are aware of the outside world and to promote their personal well being and safety

Brief overview–
UNIT 2 DRUGS EDUCATION The aim of this unit is to develop the learner’s basic knowledge of drugs, alcohol and tobacco
UNIT 5 EMOTIONAL WELL BEING - The aim of this unit is to develop the learner’s understanding of factors that can affect emotional wellbeing and how these may be addressed.
UNIT 6 HEALTHY LIFESTYLE The aim of this unit is to enable the learner to make healthy decisions in relation to diet, exercise and other lifestyle choices
UNIT 10 PERSONAL SAFETY The aim of this unit is to develop the learner’s ability to recognise threats to personal safety in a range of contexts and to consider how these may be dealt with
body language
facial expressions
health care services
road safety
joy riding
Careers statement: To be able to use the skills and knowledge acquired in these lessons in any future career
Weeks / Key Learning Theme / Resources / Key Learning / Marking and Assessment / Q and A
1 / Introduction of subject / Paper
Star and a wish sheet
Lesson planner
Powerpoint presentation / Hand out folders and complete documentation
Discuss what the class believe we could be covering in the lesson
Discuss classroom expectactaions / SEMSC / Consider others feelings into consideration
IT / Complete a poster to go on to the wall
ILS / Own ideas on what the subject area consists of
Numeracy / Timings of lesson and activities
Communication / Speaking and listening skills
Weeks / Key Learning Theme / Resources / Key Learning / Marking and Assessment / Worksheet on safe and unsafe substances
1. Know about problems
associated with alcohol abuse / Worksheet
Lesson planner
Powerpointpresentation / 1.1Arrange common alcoholic drinks in order of alcoholic value
1.2 Indicate the current government advice for men and women on safe alcohol consumption / SEMSC / Take others thought and feeling into consideration
IT / Research different drugs
ILS / Thinking independently on different drugs and their opinions
Numeracy / Be aware of how many items make 6.
Communication / Discussion on different drugs speaking and listening
Weeks / Key Learning Theme / Resources / Key Learning / Marking and Assessment / Worksheet on legal and illegal drugs/alcohol and cigarettes
3 / 1. Know about problems
associated with alcohol abuse / Worksheet
Lesson planner
Powerpoint presentation / 1.3 Identify three problems associated with alcohol abuse
1.4 State briefly the law relating to the purchase and use of alcohol / SEMSC / Take into consideration how people can become addicted to drugs
IT / Research different drugs
ILS / Identify independently legal and illegal drugs and alcohol
Numeracy / Using timings in the lesson
Communication / Take turns at speaking and listening
Participate in group discussion
Weeks / Key Learning Theme / Resources / Key Learning / Marking and Assessment / Worksheet on smoking
4 / 2. Know about problems
associated with smoking / Worksheet
Lesson planner Powerpoint presentation / 2.1 Name three harmful chemicals in tobacco
2.2 Explain why people smoke / SEMSC / Appreciate people need smoke for a variety of reasons
IT / Research the chemicals in cigarettes as a group
ILS / Indep be able to explain why people may take up smoking considering peer pressure and stress and looks “cool”.
Numeracy / Timings of the lesson
Communication / Be able to write a comprehensive list, listen to others ideas ands share own ideas
Weeks / Key Learning Theme / Resources / Key Learning / Marking and Assessment / Worksheet
Socratic questioning
Group participation
Worksheet on risks of smoking
5 / 2. Know about problems
associated with smoking / Worksheet
Lesson planner Powerpoint presentation / 2.3 Identify the main health risks associated with tobacco
2.4 State briefly the law relating to the purchase and use of tobacco / SEMSC / Consider group members feelings in relation to people they know that may smoke
IT / Watch a video clip on the dangers of smoking
ILS / Be able to consider people they know that smoke and any differences in their health/aroma
Numeracy / Timings of activities in class
Communication / Take turns at speaking and listening
Participate in group discussion
Written work, spelling and grammar
Weeks / Key Learning Theme / Resources / Key Learning / Marking and Assessment / Worksheet on drugs classification
Socratic questioning
Group participation
6 / 3. Know about problems
associated with illegal drugs / Worksheet
Lesson planner Powerpoint presentation / 3.1 Classify five given illegal drugs into Class A, B or C / SEMSC / Consider group members feelings in relation to people that take drugs and their addiction
IT / Research the different drugs classification
ILS / Be aware of the dangers of drugs npo matter what the classification
Numeracy / Timings of activities in class
Communication / Take turns at speaking and listening
Participate in group discussion
Written work, spelling and grammar
Weeks / Key Learning Theme / Resources / Key Learning / Marking and Assessment / Worksheet risks associated with drugs
Socratic questioning
Group participation
7 / 3. Know about problems
associated with illegal drugs / Worksheet
Lesson planner Powerpoint presentation / 3.2 Identify three health risks associated with the use of illegal drugs / SEMSC / Consider peoples feelings and opinions
IT / What is a health risk share ideas on the interactive whiteboard
ILS / Be aware of why not to take drugs
Numeracy / Timings of activities in class
Communication / Take turns at speaking and listening
Participate in group discussion
Written work, spelling and grammar
Weeks / Key Learning Theme / Resources / Key Learning / Marking and Assessment / Worksheet
Socratic questioning
Group participation
8 / 3. Know about problems
associated with illegal drugs / Worksheet Powerpoint presentation
Lesson planner / 3.3 State briefly the law relating to the purchase and use of illegal
drugs / SEMSC / Consider peoples feelings and opinions
IT / Research the laws we follow in relation to drugs – pairs are allocated a law to research
ILS / Be able to follow the law in relation to drugs
Numeracy / Timings of activities in class
Communication / Take turns at speaking and listening
Participate in group discussion
Written work, spelling and grammar
Weeks / Key Learning Theme / Resources / Key Learning / Marking and Assessment / Worksheet
Socratic questioning
Group participation
1. Be able to identify emotions and
know how to manage emotional
experiences / Worksheet
Lesson planner Powerpoint presentation / 1.1 Link five emotions to different events / SEMSC / Consider peoples feelings and opinions
IT / Produce a poster on emotions and events
ILS / Understand that events can affect people differently
Numeracy / Timings of activities in class
Communication / Take turns at speaking and listening
Participate in group discussion
Written work, spelling and grammar
Weeks / Key Learning Theme / Resources / Key Learning / Marking and Assessment / Worksheet
Socratic questioning
Group participation
10 / 1. Be able to identify emotions and
know how to manage emotional
experiences / Worksheet
Lesson planner Powerpoint presentation / 1.2 Identify two stressful situations and explain how each could bemanaged / SEMSC / Consider peoples feelings and opinions
IT / Produce a “how to” guide
ILS / Realize we all cope in different ways all are correct for that person
Numeracy / Timings of activities in class
Communication / Take turns at speaking and listening
Participate in group discussion
Written work, spelling and grammar
Weeks / Key Learning Theme / Resources / Key Learning / Marking and Assessment / Worksheet
Socratic questioning
Group participation
11 / 1. Be able to identify emotions and
know how to manage emotional
experiences / Worksheet
Lesson planner Powerpoint presentation / 1.3 Identify three ways to improve self-confidence / SEMSC / Consider peoples feelings and opinions
IT / Research the phrase “self confidence”
ILS / Be aware of how to imp[rove their self confidence in different situations
Numeracy / Timings of activities in class
Communication / Take turns at speaking and listening
Participate in group discussion
Written work, spelling and grammar
Weeks / Key Learning Theme / Resources / Key Learning / Marking and Assessment / Worksheet
Socratic questioning
Group participation
12 / 2. Know about bullying / Worksheet
Lesson planner Powerpoint presentation / 2.1 Recognise that bullying can be both physical and non-physical / SEMSC / Consider peoples feelings and opinions
IT / Produce a stop bullying poster to be placed in the 6th Form
ILS / Be able to act upon skills used in the lesson without any outside assistance
Numeracy / Timings of activities in class
Communication / Take turns at speaking and listening
Participate in group discussion
Written work, spelling and grammar
Weeks / Key Learning Theme / Resources / Key Learning / Marking and Assessment / Worksheet
Socratic questioning
Group participation
13 / 2. Know about bullying / Worksheet
Lesson planner Powerpoint presentation / 2.2 Communicate an assertive attitude to bullying / SEMSC / Consider peoples feelings and opinions
IT / Produce a stop bullying poster to be placed in the 6th Form
ILS / Be able to act upon skills used in the lesson without any outside assistance
Numeracy / Timings of activities in class
Communication / Take turns at speaking and listening
Participate in group discussion
Written work, spelling and grammar
Weeks / Key Learning Theme / Resources / Key Learning / Marking and Assessment / Worksheet
Socratic questioning
Group participation
14 / 2. Know about bullying / Worksheet
Lesson planner Powerpoint presentation / 2.3 Outline the work of one agency that supports the victims of
bullying / SEMSC / Consider peoples feelings and opinions
IT / Produce a stop bullying poster to be placed in the 6th Form
ILS / Be able to act upon skills used in the lesson without any outside assistance
Numeracy / Timings of activities in class
Communication / Take turns at speaking and listening
Participate in group discussion
Written work, spelling and grammar
Weeks / Key Learning Theme / Resources / Key Learning / Marking and Assessment / Worksheet
Socratic questioning
Group participation
15 / 3. Know about peer pressure / Worksheet
Lesson planner Powerpoint presentation / 3.1 Use examples to show how peer pressure works / SEMSC / Consider peoples feelings and opinions
IT / Research what is meant by the term peer pressure
ILS / Demonstrate how to react if under peer pressure
Numeracy / Timings of activities in class
Communication / Take turns at speaking and listening
Participate in group discussion
Written work, spelling and grammar
Demonstrate through role play
Weeks / Key Learning Theme / Resources / Key Learning / Marking and Assessment / Worksheet
Socratic questioning
Group participation
16 / 4. Know that illness can be mental
or physical / Worksheet
Lesson planner Powerpoint presentation / 4.1 Identify the main difference between physical and mental illness / SEMSC / Consider peoples feelings and opinions
IT / Research what we mean by physical and mental illness
ILS / Be able to recognize in later life when a person may have a physical or mental illness
Numeracy / Timings of activities in class
Communication / Take turns at speaking and listening
Participate in group discussion
Written work, spelling and grammar
Weeks / Key Learning Theme / Resources / Key Learning / Marking and Assessment / Worksheet
Socratic questioning
Group participation
1. Know what is needed for a
healthy body / Worksheet
Lesson planner Powerpoint presentation / 1.1 Identify how choices in respect of diet and exercise can affect health / SEMSC / Consider peoples feelings and opinions
IT / Choose two ways we can stay healthy and produce apooster
ILS / Be able to have a healthy lifestyle
Numeracy / Timings of activities in class
Communication / Take turns at speaking and listening
Participate in group discussion
Written work, spelling and grammar
Weeks / Key Learning Theme / Resources / Key Learning / Marking and Assessment / Worksheet
Socratic questioning
Group participation
18 / 1. Know what is needed for a
healthy body / Worksheet
Lesson planner Powerpoint presentation / 1.2 Identify local facilities which promote physical wellbeing
1.3 Produce a plan to promote own health / SEMSC / Consider peoples feelings and opinions
IT / Produce a plan using a table to help promote a healthy lifestyle
ILS / Be able to have a healthy lifestyle
Numeracy / Timings of activities in class
Communication / Take turns at speaking and listening
Participate in group discussion
Written work, spelling and grammar
Weeks / Key Learning Theme / Resources / Key Learning / Marking and Assessment / Worksheet
Socratic questioning
Group participation
19 / 2. Know about the importance of
protection from the sun and how
to achieve it / Worksheet
Lesson planner Powerpoint presentation / 2.1 Communicate one reason why protection from the sun isimportant
2.2 Communicate three ways to achieve this / SEMSC / Consider peoples feelings and opinions
IT / Devise a table to show three ways to protect ourselves from the sun and why they are important.
ILS / Be aware of skin cancer and how we can help prevent it
Numeracy / Timings of activities in class
Communication / Take turns at speaking and listening
Participate in group discussion
Written work, spelling and grammar
Weeks / Key Learning Theme / Resources / Key Learning / Marking and Assessment / Worksheet
Socratic questioning
Group participation
20 / 3. Know about organisations which
offer support in respect of
specific health-related problems / Worksheet
Lesson planner Powerpoint presentation / 3.1 List three organisations which offer support in respect of specific
health-related problems / SEMSC / Consider peoples feelings and opinions
IT / Research 3 organizations’ that help with specific health problems
ILS / Be aware of how to access different health organisations
Numeracy / Timings of activities in class
Communication / Take turns at speaking and listening
Participate in group discussion
Written work, spelling and grammar
Weeks / Key Learning Theme / Resources / Key Learning / Marking and Assessment / Worksheet
Socratic questioning
Group participation
21 / 3. Know about organisations which
offer support in respect of
specific health-related problems / Worksheet
Lesson planner Powerpoint presentation / 3.2 Outline the support available from one of these organisations / SEMSC / Consider peoples feelings and opinions
IT / Resaearch one of the organizations from previous lesson stating what they do in detail
ILS / Be aware of how to access different health organisations
Numeracy / Timings of activities in class
Communication / Take turns at speaking and listening
Participate in group discussion
Written work, spelling and grammar
Weeks / Key Learning Theme / Resources / Key Learning / Marking and Assessment / Worksheet
Socratic questioning
Group participation
22 / 4. Be able to apply the Danger
Response Airway Breathing
Circulation (DRABC) rule in
relation to first aid / Worksheet
Lesson planner Powerpoint presentation
Brendan Moore – if [possible / 4.1 Apply, in a simulated situation, or state the Danger Response
Airway Breathing Circulation (DRABC) rule in relation to first aid / SEMSC / Consider peoples feelings and opinions
IT / Produce a step by step guide to DRABC
ILS / Be able to demonstrate basic first aid
Numeracy / Timings of activities in class
Communication / Take turns at speaking and listening
Participate in group discussion
Written work, spelling and grammar
Demonstrate first aid skills
Weeks / Key Learning Theme / Resources / Key Learning / Marking and Assessment / Worksheet
Socratic questioning
Group participation
23 / 5. Know about the main features of
anorexia and bulimia / Worksheet
Lesson planner Powerpoint presentation / 5.1 State the main features of anorexia / SEMSC / Consider peoples feelings and opinions
IT / Produce a self help sheet on an eating disorder
ILS / Be aware of what anorexia is and who to turn to for help.
Numeracy / Timings of activities in class
Communication / Take turns at speaking and listening
Participate in group discussion
Written work, spelling and grammar
Weeks / Key Learning Theme / Resources / Key Learning / Marking and Assessment / Worksheet
Socratic questioning
Group participation
24 / 5. Know about the main features of
anorexia and bulimia / Worksheet
Lesson planner Powerpoint presentation / 5.2 State the main features of bulimia / SEMSC / Consider peoples feelings and opinions
IT / Produce a self help sheet on an eating disorder
ILS / Be aware of what bulimia is and who to turn to for help.
Numeracy / Timings of activities in class
Communication / Take turns at speaking and listening
Participate in group discussion
Written work, spelling and grammar
Weeks / Key Learning Theme / Resources / Key Learning / Marking and Assessment / Worksheet
Socratic questioning
Group participation
1. Be able to identify and respond
to dangers found in the home
and garden / Worksheet
Lesson planner Powerpoint presentation / 1.1 Identify three potential dangers found in a home and garden and
state how each could be made safe
complete the identify the dangers in the home and garden / SEMSC / Consider peoples feelings and opinions
IT / Research dangers in a home
ILS / Be able to live indep appreciating the potential dangers in a home and garden
Numeracy / Timings of activities in class
Communication / Take turns at speaking and listening
Participate in group discussion
Written work, spelling and grammar
Weeks / Key Learning Theme / Resources / Key Learning / Marking and Assessment / Worksheet
Socratic questioning
Group participation
26 / 1. Be able to identify and respond
to dangers found in the home
and garden / Worksheet
Lesson planner Powerpoint presentation / 1.2 Produce a plan to evacuate own household in case of a fire
Simulate a fire rescue in the classroom / SEMSC / Consider peoples feelings and opinions and fears
IT / Research what the fire brigade consider we should do if there is a fire
ILS / Be aware of different fire procedures in different places
Numeracy / Timings of activities in class
Communication / Take turns at speaking and listening
Participate in group discussion
Written work, spelling and grammar
Weeks / Key Learning Theme / Resources / Key Learning / Marking and Assessment / Worksheet
Socratic questioning
Group participation
27 / 2. Know how to cross a road safely / Worksheet
Lesson planner Powerpoint presentation
TA – road safety / 2.1 Identify three precautions to take when crossing a busy road
Out and about using crossing procedures / SEMSC / Consider peoples feelings and opinions
IT / Use of powerpointpresentaion
Numeracy / Timings of activities in class
Communication / Take turns at speaking and listening
Participate in group discussion
Written work, spelling and grammar
Weeks / Key Learning Theme / Resources / Key Learning / Marking and Assessment / Worksheet
Socratic questioning
Group participation
28 / 3. Know about the negative
consequences of ‘joy riding’ / Worksheet
Lesson planner Powerpoint presentation / 3.1 State what is meant by ‘joy riding’
3.2 Describe three negative consequences of ‘joy riding’
If possible ask community police to attend and give a talk on joyriding / SEMSC / Consider peoples feelings and opinions
IT / Produce a ppt on joyriding dangers
ILS / Be aware of what to do if people are joy riding
Numeracy / Timings of activities in class
Communication / Take turns at speaking and listening
Participate in group discussion
Written work, spelling and grammar
Weeks / Key Learning Theme / Resources / Key Learning / Key Learning Theme / Worksheet
Socratic questioning
Group participation
29 / 4. Know about the safe use of
social network sites / Worksheet
Lesson planner Powerpoint presentation / 4.1 Identify one social network site and its age restriction
4.2 Identify the potential dangers of social network sites / SEMSC / Consider peoples feelings and opinions
IT / Research social network and its potential dangers – e safety
ILS / Be able to act responsibly in respect of social media
Numeracy / Timings of activities in class
Communication / Take turns at speaking and listening
Participate in group discussion
Written work, spelling and grammar
Weeks / Key Learning Theme / Resources / Key Learning / Marking and Assessment / Worksheet
Socratic questioning
Group participation
30 / 5. Know about an organisation that
promotes safety / Worksheet
Lesson planner Powerpoint presentation / 5.1 Outline the support available from one organisation that gives advice on another aspect of safety / SEMSC / Consider peoples feelings and opinions
IT / Research different organizations and research one specific organisation
ILS / Know who to approach of help is needed
Numeracy / Timings of activities in class
Communication / Take turns at speaking and listening
Participate in group discussion
Written work, spelling and grammar
31` / Key Learning Theme / Resources / Key Learning