PO Box 248
Stanley, North Dakota 58784-0248
(701) 628-2909
/ Board Members:
Ordinance Update 2018
Revisions previouslydiscussed at Planning and Zoning meetings:
March 27, 2017:
- Setbacks - discussion if the setback requirements should be changed to reflect the 75’ setbacks from the center line of the road or leave it at 150’. Wade Enget, Mountrail County States Attorney suggested a 75’ no build zone as well as creating a utility corridor. More discussion was held on setbacks and requiring a waiver.
- Ordinance verbiage “permitted use” vs. “allowable use” suggestion: Planning Zoning proposes to help reduce confusion between uses that need permits and uses which are allowed per the ordinances, to change verbiage to “allowable use.”
- Combining Subdivision Resolution with Zoning Ordinance Book – In an effort to save money and time, Planning Zoning suggests combining the Subdivision Resolution within our existing Mountrail County Zoning Ordinance.
- Rural Residential – located certain distance outside of city limits minimum lot size 5-10 acres up to 40. Continue to put together ideas for rural residential district verbiage.
May 22, 2017:
- Zoning Ordinance Verbiage additional clause:
Discussion was held on adding verbiage to the Mountrail County Zoning Ordinance in each zoning classification for clarification:
“PROHIBITED USES: Land uses which are not listed in this section as a permitted use or as a conditional use shall be considered a prohibited use and shall not be allowed in this zoning district without following the amendment or variance procedures of these regulations.”
August 28, 2017
- Kenton Onstad, Mountrail – Williams Electric Coop ordinance suggestion regarding transmission lines. The Planning and Zoning Board will consider Mr. Onstad’s suggestion. Wade Enget, Mountrail County States Attorney stated he looked at the PSC and with this suggestion, there would be a void or gap of who would oversee the project
Additional Revisions or Considerations:
- Mineral Explorations and Mineral Production:
1)Applicants shall conform to all requirements regarding preservation, removal or relocation of historical or archaeological artifacts.
2)Evidence of written agreement between the applicant and property owner that excavation or processing shall not take place within 150 feet of an adjacent property lines, section lines, township or county roads.
3)Establish Setbacks from existing residential areas.
4)Add in Weed Control, Erosion control, Storm water drainage plan submitted to State upon approval
- Add listing of townships/Towns for which these ordinances do not apply to under Article II, General Provisions.
These regulations shall apply to all areas of Mountrail County, except:
1)Townships which have not by resolution relinquished the power to enact zoning regulations to the county.
a) Bicker Township
b) Shell Township
c) Van Hook Township
d) Howie Township
2)Within an incorporated town or city boundaries or their approved ETA as authorized by N.D.C.C. Section 40-47-01.1.
a) Stanley
b) Ross
c) Parshall
d) New Town
e) Plaza
3)Trust Lands within the tribal boundaries.
4)Federal land.
- Update to Variance permits regarding industrial use of water.
1)Specify setback and ROW issues
2)Specify application process and review process