1. Welcome.

J. Reynolds welcomed the members to the third meeting of the year

2. Approval of the October 08 Minutes

Moved by B.Reid, seconded byA. Dyment: That the minutes be adopted as presented.


3. Youth Drinking – Inquest Results

  • D. Hoy discussed the Brochures and the information within them. Also asked PIC if they found the brochures helpful and requested recommendations on additional ways that these brochures could be made available to the community.
  • This lead to an open dialogue regarding the message and avenues to present the message to both students and parents/communities

4. Consultation on Trustee Wards

  • J.Bishop gave information on the rationale for the proposed changes in the wards
  • PIC divided into 3 separate groups to discuss the wards and the proposed splits. Groups worked together to brainstorm possible alternatives
  • Groups presented their ideas to T. White and this opened a question and answer dialogue between the trustees and PIC
  • Action: T. White to take suggestions from PIC to the Governance Committee

5. Trustee Update

  • T. White advised on information regarding the school closures and additional activities
  • Hill Park is scheduled to close at the end of June 2014
  • Students have the option to go to the new South School (to be named), or their home school
  • Mohawk Trail School House has been approved to be moved to be part of the ED Centre near Limeridge. This would then allow for student tours to commence

6. Policy Update

  • R. Faulkner has advised that there are a number of policies to be brought forward
  • The 21st Century Policy (technology in classrooms) has been approved
  • Fundraising Policy (activities at school levels) has been approved
  • Human Resource Policy has been approved
  • Volunteer Policy – Board is looking at exploring unsupervised volunteers in schools. After 1st draft, it will be taken to Consultation
  • Boundary Review Policy is to go to Consultation in Dec/Jan
  • Transportation Policy will go to Consultation within the next few months
  • Parent Engagement and Community Engagement Policies are to be brought forward by S. Stephanian and will then be brought forward to Consultation

7. Synrevoice in Elementary Schools

  • S. Stephanian introduced Synrevoice
  • This service has been moved to elementary schools. Beginning at the end of November 2013/ beginning of December 2013, this will be available in elementary schools
  • Messages can be altered to target the specific school and messages can be sent out centrally as well
  • This will introduce the arrival check procedures (eg. Tech will call out in Stage 1 and then have Round 2 completed by “people”). Schools will have the ability to decide on this individually to what level each school does
  • There is no cost for schools to utilize this program
  • Elementary schools will look to see if this program adds service to their school programs. Schools will still have “people” to ensure that parents are advised of their child missing from school
  • As secondary school attendance is taken every period and as a result, parents are called at the end of the day to advise if their child was missing from classes for that day. If this system was to place phone calls after each period, it would tie up all available phone lines to perform this function
  • This program is open to feedback
  • Training for schools to start the week of November 13th
  • Announcement piece will begin at the end of November

8. School Council Training

  • 4 dates and locations have been announced
  • Action: J. Reynolds to send out another email with the information and updates
  • Principals are to connect with school council chairs
  • SC Chairs are welcome to attend any of the proposed dates

9. Home and School Updates

  • Meeting to be held on November 18thand H&S will be at the SC Training events
  • Additional information will be brought to the next meeting

10. Communication Sub Committee

  • Nothing to report at this time

11. Future meeting dates

December 10, 2014 – 6:30pm – Cathy Wever Elem (Combined meeting with SEAC)

January 14 , 2014 – 6:30 pm – Delta Secondary

  • Meeting dates, agendas and meeting material are posted to website
  • Delta Secondary School will be the venue for the meetings.