University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Curriculum Proposal Form #3

New Course

Effective Term:

Subject Area - Course Number: SPECED 710 Cross-listing:

(See Note #1 below)

Course Title: (Limited to 65 characters) Advanced Applications in Applied Behavior Analysis

25-Character Abbreviation: Advanced ABA Applications

Sponsor(s): Tia Schultz, Shannon Stuart, Lana Collet-Klingenberg

Department(s): Special Education


Consultation took place: NA Yes (list departments and attach consultation sheet)

Departments: Psychology

Programs Affected:

Is paperwork complete for those programs? (Use "Form 2" for Catalog & Academic Report updates)

NA Yes will be at future meeting


Grade Basis: Conventional Letter S/NC or Pass/Fail

Course will be offered: Part of Load Above Load

On Campus Off Campus - Location

College: Dept/Area(s): Special Education

Instructor: Tia Schultz

Note: If the course is dual-listed, instructor must be a member of Grad Faculty.

Check if the Course is to Meet Any of the Following:

Technological Literacy Requirement Writing Requirement

Diversity General Education Option:

Note: For the Gen Ed option, the proposal should address how this course relates to specific core courses, meets the goals of General Education in providing breadth, and incorporates scholarship in the appropriate field relating to women and gender.

Credit/Contact Hours: (per semester)

Total lab hours: 0 Total lecture hours: 48

Number of credits: 3 Total contact hours: 48

Can course be taken more than once for credit? (Repeatability)

No Yes If "Yes", answer the following questions:

No of times in major: No of credits in major:

No of times in degree: No of credits in degree:

Revised 10/02 1 of 16

Proposal Information: (Procedures for form #3)

Course justification:

The course provides practitioners with high-quality practical application of applied behavior analysis techniques. The course, is justified because there is a need for practitioners to design, deliver, and evaluate individualized behavioral intervention. There is a demand for individuals who are trained to work with children and adults who have autism and other developmental, mental, physical, and educational disabilities in a variety of clinical, residential, and other human services and rehabilitation programs to be able to understand and implement behavioral programming.

Relationship to program assessment objectives:

The Special Education Graduate Program at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater provides high quality, practitioner-oriented coursework that incorporates knowledge and skills acquired through baccalaureate degrees as a foundation for advanced professional development. Learner-centered activities are coupled with professional experiences so that students demonstrate the best practices of the profession. These activities are aligned with the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Advanced Role Content Standards: Leadership and Policy, Program Development and Organization, Research and Inquiry, Student and Program Evaluation, Professional Development and Ethical Practice, and Collaboration. Specifically graduates of the program will:

o  Advocate for legal and ethical policy that supports high quality education for individuals with exceptional learning needs

o  Coordinate educational standards with the needs of children with exceptionalities to access challenging curriculum standards

o  Use understanding of the effects of cultural social, and economic diversity and variations of individual development to help develop programs and services for individuals with exceptional needs

o  Safeguard the legal rights of students, families, and personnel

o  Engage in Action Research to evaluate the effectiveness of instructional practices and program goals

The course relates to the department’s program assessment objectives in that the course is to provide students with advanced practical application using applied behavior analysis techniques. Specifically, the course provides in-depth training in advanced concepts related to changing behavior, maintaining behavior change, teaching skills and making data-based intervention decisions. In addition, this course will discuss the ethical issues related to behavior change.

Competencies of the Course:

The course meets the following Council for Exceptional Children Advanced Knowledge and Skill Set: Developmental Disabilities/Autism Specialist Standards. The entire Advanced Knowledge and Skill Set: Developmental Disabilities/Autism Specialist Standards follows.


ACC6S2 / DDA1.S1

Advanced Knowledge and Skill Set: Developmental Disabilities/Autism Specialist

Standard 1 Leadership and Policy

ACC1K1 / Needs of different groups in a pluralistic society
ACC1K2 / Evidence-based theories of organizational and educational leadership
ACC1K3 / Emerging issues and trends that potentially affect the school community and the mission of the school
ACC1K4 / National and State education laws and regulations
ACC1K5 / Current legal, regulatory, and ethical issues affecting education
ACC1K6 / Responsibilities and functions of school committees and boards
DDA1K1 / Electronic print and organizational resources on developmental disabilities/autism spectrum disorders
ACC1S1 / Promote a free appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment
ACC1S2 / Promote high expectations for self, staff, and individuals with exceptional learning needs
ACC1S3 / Advocate for educational policy within the context of evidence-based practices
ACC1S4 / Mentor teacher candidates, newly certified teachers and other colleagues
DDA1.S1 / Prepare personnel and community members for interaction with individuals with developmental disabilities/autism spectrum disorders
DDA1.S2 / Promote high expectations for self, staff, and individuals with exceptional learning needs
DDA1.S3 / Provide structure, on-going training, and support to families, professionals, and paraprofessionals
DDA1.S4 / Oversee and monitor routines, schedules, and sequences of events and activities
DDA1.S5 / Act as a positive role model for the acceptance, treatment and interaction with individuals with developmental disabilities/autism spectrum disorders and their families

Standard 2 Program Development and Organization

ACC2K1 / Effects of the cultural and environmental milieu of the individual and the family on behavior and learning
ACC2K2 / Theories and methodologies of teaching and learning, including adaptation and modification of curriculum
ACC2K3 / Continuum of program options and services available to students with exceptional learning needs
ACC2K4 / Prereferral intervention processes and strategies
ACC2K5 / Process of developing individualized education plans
ACC2K6 / Developmentally appropriate strategies for modifying instructional methods and the learning environment
DDA2.K1 / General education curriculum and supports to facilitate the success of individuals with developmental disabilities/autism spectrum disorders
DDA2.K2 / Range of environmental supports that maximize learning for individuals with developmental disabilities/autism spectrum disorders
DDA2.K3 / Modify the verbal and non-verbal communication and instructional behavior in accord with the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities/autism spectrum disorder
DDA2.K4 / Activities and techniques for developing independent living skills
ACC2S1 / Develop programs including the integration of related services for individuals based on a thorough understanding of individual differences
ACC2S2 / Connect educational standards to specialized instructional services
ACC2S3 / Improve instructional programs using principles of curriculum development and modification, and learning theory
ACC2S4 / Incorporate essential components into individualized education plans
DDA2.S1 /

Apply inclusive principles in the education of individuals with developmental disabilities/autism spectrum disorder

DDA2.S2 / Develop and implement program plans to transition individuals with developmental disabilities/autism spectrum disorder between settings across the life-span
DDA2.S3 / Identify match between job requirements and individual’s skills, preferences, and characteristics
DDA2.S4 / Provide individuals with multiple job experiences
DDA2.S5 / Implement instructional strategies that promote the generalization of skills across domains and settings
DDA2.S6 / Arrange program environments to facilitate spontaneous communication
DDA2.S7 / Design and implement instruction that promote effective communication and social skills for individuals with developmental disabilities/autism spectrum disorders
DDA2.S8 / Provide varied instruction and opportunity to learn play and leisure skills
DDA2.S9 / Create opportunities and provide supports for individuals to organize and maintain personal materials across environments
DDA2.S10 / Organize the curriculum to integrate individuals’ special interests and materials, activities and routines across curriculum
DDA2.S11 / Identify evidence based strategies to increase self-awareness, and ability to self-regulate
DDA2.S12 / Identify evidence based strategies to increase an individual’s self-determination of activities, services and preferences
DDA2.S13 / Design and implement program activities and techniques for developing independent-living skills
DDA2.S14 / Plan and implement individualized and intensive programming that matches the individual’s needs

Standard 3 Research and Inquiry

ACC3K1 / Evidence based practices validated for specific characteristics of learners and settings
DDA3.K1 / Current etiology and practice based research specific to developmental disabilities/autism spectrum disorders
ACC3S1 / Identify and use the research literature to resolve issues of professional practice
ACC3S2 / Evaluate and modify instructional practices in response to ongoing assessment data
ACC3S3 / Use educational research to improve instruction, intervention strategies, and curricular materials
DDA3.S1 / Interpret and relay research findings in layperson terms or jargon free language.
DDA3.S2 / Remain informed of current research, legislation and debate concerning developmental disabilities/autism spectrum disorders
Standard 4 Individual and Program Evaluation
ACC4K1 / Evaluation process and determination of eligibility
ACC4K2 / Variety of methods for assessing and evaluating students’ performance
ACC4K3 / Strategies for identifying individuals with exceptional learning needs
ACC4K4 / Evaluate a student’s success in the general education curriculum
DDA4.K1 / Criteria used to diagnose or identify the continuum of developmental disabilities/autism spectrum disorders as defined by the most current version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
DDA4.K2 / Ethical implications and obligations related to diagnosis and identification of an individual suspected of having developmental disabilities/autism spectrum disorders
DDA4.K3 / Comprehensive assessment including specialized terminology and assessment tools
DDA4.K4 / Importance of ongoing evaluation of strengths and needs in varied contexts
DDA4.K5 / Conditions for individuals who are dually diagnosed with developmental disabilities/autism spectrum disorders and mental health
DDA4.K6 / Comprehensive transition assessment including identification of external agency assessment sharing
ACC4S1 / Design and use methods for assessing and evaluating programs
ACC4S2 / Design and implement research activities to examine the effectiveness of instructional practices
ACC4S3 / Advocate for evidence based practices in assessment
ACC4S4 / Report the assessment of students’ performance and evaluation of instructional programs
DDA4.S1 / Describe the core and associated characteristics of individuals with developmental disabilities/autism spectrum disorders
DDA4.S2 / Describe the distinguishing features of disorders on the autism spectrum
DDA4.S3 / Identify conditions that co exist between developmental disabilities and autism spectrum disorders
DDA4.S4 / Conduct non biased assessment
DDA4.S5 / Use information from assessments and educational records to design instruction
DDA4.S6 / Collect, interpret and use data to document outcomes for individuals with developmental disabilities/autism spectrum disorders, and change programming as indicated with family and team
DDA4.S7 / Share a thorough profile of the individuals with developmental disabilities/autism spectrum disorders with their family and the current and future educational team(s)
DDA4.S8 / Conduct functional behavioral assessments (FBA) to determine what initiates and maintains a challenging/interfering behavior
DDA4.S9 / Uses assessments information from a variety of school and external agency resources to make transition recommendations
DDA4.S10 / Articulate awareness of and the impact of mental health disorders on individuals with developmental disabilities/autism spectrum disorders in collaborating with family and colleagues
Standard 5 Professional Development and Ethical Practice
ACC5K1 / Legal rights and responsibilities of students, staff, and parents/guardians
ACC5K2 / Moral and ethical responsibilities of educators
ACC5K3 / Human rights of individuals with exceptional learning needs and their families
DDA5.K1 / Benefits of low- to high-technology across all areas of development
DDA5.K2 / Criteria for evaluating effectiveness of interventions and strategies with individuals with developmental disabilities/autism spectrum disorders
DDA5.K3 / Impact of core and associated characteristics of developmental disabilities/autism spectrum disorders on family dynamics and functioning
DDA5.K4 / Critical social and ethical issues that impact the education of individuals with developmental disabilities/autism spectrum disorders, families and professionals
ACC5S1 / Model ethical behavior and promote professional standards
ACC5S2 / Implement practices that promote success for individuals with exceptional learning needs
ACC5S3 / Use ethical and legal discipline strategies
ACC5S4 / Disseminate information on effective school and classroom practices
ACC5S5 / Create an environment which supports continuous instructional improvement
ACC5S6 / Develop and implement a personalized professional development plan
DDA5.S1 / Teach others to actively engage individuals with developmental disabilities/autism spectrum disorders in individualized education and life planning
DDA5.S2 / Teach others to use individual strengths to reinforce and maintain skills
DDA5.S3 / Model use of and implementation of assistive technology and augmentative alternative communication to aid in individual’s comprehension and level of engagement
DDA5.S4 / Mentor others to teach unstated rules and customs that govern social behavior
DDA5.S5 / Provide professional service through leadership in the field of developmental disabilities/autism spectrum disorders
DDA5.S6 / Provide service to the profession through leadership activities in professional organizations
Standard 6 Collaboration
ACC6K1 / Methods for communicating goals and plans to stakeholders
ACC6K2 / Roles of educators in integrated settings
ACC6S1 / Collaborate to enhance opportunities for learners with exceptional learning needs
ACC6S2 / Apply strategies to resolve conflict and build consensus
DDA6.S1 / Coordinate processes that encourage collaboration needed for transition between settings
DDA6.S2 / Provide leadership in collaborating with individuals and families around the issues of sexuality
DDA6.S3 / Collaborate with families and other team members in non-judgmental ways to make informed decisions about interventions and life planning
DDA6.S4 / Promote collaborative practices that respect the family’s culture, dynamics, and values and the impact the diagnosis may have on the family
DDA6.S5 / Connect families and professionals to educational and community resources

Budgetary impact: