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Date…...... 20 Jun 2014







Order No.70 Creation of the rank of Cadet Lance Corporal

The Commanding Officer has authorized the creation of the rank of Cadet Lance Corporal (LCpl) (初級下士) on a trial basis for a period of 12 months, wef 1.9.14.

A cadet member who satisfied the following requirements is eligible for promotion:

(a)  Passed all four Foundation Stage subjects plus one Foundation Stage practical subject of the First Class Cadet Badge; and

(b)  Served for at least 6 months as a Basic Cadet.

(First Class Cadet Badge Foundation Stage subjects are: Hong Kong Air Cadet Corps; Customs and Courtesy; Airmanship; National Flag, Anthem & Emblem.

First Class Cadet Badge Foundation Stage practical subjects are: Basic Footdrill; Physical Achievement – Level I; Initial Expedition Training and Map Reading; Elementary First Aid)

Recommendations for promotion to LCpl are to be made by OC cadet squadrons/independent flights. Recommendations supported by the relevant OC Wg and endorsed by DCO Ops (for No 1 to 6 Wgs cadet units) or DCO Trg (for C Wg cadet units) will be considered by CO. Promulgation of LCpl promotions will be made on HQROs.

Adhesive labels to amend the current Cadet Training Record Books (CTRB) and a revised Cadet Squadron Table of Organisation and Establishment (TOE) will be issued in due course.

Order No.71 Honours and Awards

It is hereby announced that the wearing of the following medal by member whose name listed hereunder has been approved by the governing authority:

Hong Kong Air Cadet Corps 40th anniversary Commemorative Medal

Off Cdt LAM Lok Son

Order No.72 Promotion – Senior Member

The Executive Board has approved the following promotion with effect from 1.7.14:

To Squadron Leader

Flt Lt Asly Wai Yin AU-YEUNG

Order No.73 Acting Appointment – Senior Member

The following members ceased to act in the rank of Squadron Leader upon substantive promotion to that rank with effect from 1.7.14:

Flt Lt Asly Wai Yin AU-YEUNG

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Order No.74 Transfers – Senior Members

The Commanding Officer has authorized the following transfers with retroactive effect from 1.6.14:

Rank and Name / From / To
Plt Off LI Yan Ho / Ops Gp / VQO, VQU
WO LI Chun Yip Leo / Wg WO SD Wg / WO IASU

The Commanding Officer has authorized the following transfers with effect from 1.7.14:

Rank and Name / From / To
Ag Sqn Ldr Pheona Pui Wah SIU / OC IEU/OC DU/
Fg Off Rex Chi Man LAU / Adjt, Ops Gp / Adjt, Ops Gp/PA to CO

Order No.75 Promotions – Cadet Members

The Commanding Officer has approved the following promotions with effect from 1.7.14:

To Cadet Corporals

Rank / Name / S/N / Unit
1CC / WU Yan Ting / F07-14429 / No 203 Sqn
1CC / WONG Tsz On Jason / M10-17017 / No 408 Sqn
BC / WAN Kwun Ho / M09-16406 / No 606 Sqn

Order No.76 Classification Advancements – Cadet Members

The Commanding Officer has approved the following classification advancements with effect from 1.7.14:

To First Class Cadets

Rank / Name / S/N / Unit
BC / LAU Kin Lok / M06-12496 / No 203 Sqn
BC / WAN Kwun Ho / M09-16406 / No 606 Sqn
BC / YIP Ho Sum / M11-18887 / No 302 Sqn
BC / CHIANG Chun Yin / M11-18909 / No 302 Sqn
BC / HO Pak Hei / M11-19018 / No 506 Sqn
BC / LI Wing Him / M11-19029 / No 506 Sqn
BC / WONG Sin Man / F11-19090 / No 506 Sqn

Order No.77 Qualified First Aiders

The Commanding Officer has authorized the wearing of the First Aider Tab with effect from 1.7.14 by the following cadet members who have qualified for the St John Adult First Aid certificate:

Rank / Name / S/N / Unit / Expiry Date
Cpl / LO Chun Sing / M06-12381 / No 201 Sqn / 15.7.15
Cpl / MO Ka Chun / M06-12401 / No 201 Sqn / 15.7.15

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Order No.77 Qualified First Aiders (cont’d)


Rank / Name / S/N / Unit / Expiry Date
Cpl / CHAN Hoi Lam / F07-14181 / No 313 Sqn / 8.1.17
Cpl / CHU Wai Ting / F07-14187 / No 313 Sqn / 8.1.17

Order No.78 Appointments: Qualified Instructors

The Commanding Officer has authorized the following appointments on the recommendation of DCO Trg:

Expedition Instructors

New Registrations

Rating / Rank & Name / S/N / Unit / Expiry Date
Instructor / Fg Off WAN Hon Hei / O-1720 / No 601 Sqn / 31.12.16
Instructor / Mr Paper Sui Lun MAK / N.A. / HFSC / 31.12.16

Elementary First Aid Instructor


Rating / Rank & Name / S/N / Unit / Expiry Date
Instructor / Instr WAN Pik Wa / O-2997 / No 203 Sqn / 31.12.16

Order No.79 Promotion Exercise for Senior Members: Mid-Year Round 2014

Recommendations are now invited from DCOs and OC HOCU for the promotion of senior members under their command. Any of the following four types of promotion may be recommended:

(a) from Flying Officer to Flight Lieutenant;

(b) from Pilot Officer to Flying Officer; and

(c) from Warrant Officer for direct appointment to either Pilot Officer or Flying Officer.

Interviews for candidates shortlisted for promotion from Fg Off to Flt Lt and from WO to Plt Off/Fg Off will be held in October 2014. Recommendations should reach CSO via WO WONG S M, AAO, not later than 31 August 2014. Late recommendations will not be accepted. All recommendations will be vetted by CSO against established promotion criteria before submission to CO for his consideration. Candidates who have not undergone performance appraisal and/or have not submitted duty hours for the year 2013 may not be considered. Successful candidates will have 1 July 2014 as their effective promotion date.

Wilson W S CHAN

Wg Cdr

For Commanding Officer