FrequentlyAskedQuestions - BSc Dental Hygiene and Dental Therapy September 2019 intake

1)Howmanyplaces doyou have?


2)Howmany applicantsdoyou usually get?

For the September 2018 entry, we received 219 applications.

3)Howmany applicants doyou interview?

For the September 2018 entry, we invited 94 applicants to interview.

4)When isthedeadline forapplications?

Thelast datefor applicationsfor the September 2019entry is15 January 2019.All applications mustbe submitted viaUCASby this date.Weareunable toconsider any application submitted after thisdate.

5)What type ofworkexperience is applicable?

Werecommendaminimumof2weeks work experienceinanNHSGeneralDentalPractice.However, in general,the more work experienceanapplicant hasthebetter their understandingis of hygiene/therapy asacareer,aswellasbroadeningtheir knowledgeof current dental issues.

6) Will a Registerable Dental Nurse Qualification be considered?

Yes, a relevant qualification will be accepted as the equivalent to a Grade B A level. However, 2 other A levels will be required at AB with one being biology. A dental Nurse qualification alone, without the required A levels (or equivalent) or GCSE’s will not be considered. A 60 credit (45 graded) science based access course may be considered alongside a dental nursing qualification. 15 Credits would be required at Distinction plus 19 credits at Merit or above – all the Biology modules would be required at Merit or above.

7)Will a higherqualificationsuch as a BSc be considered if I don’t have A levels?

Yes, this will be considered but it will need to be relevant to the course.

8)I hold qualifications from overseas; would my application be considered?

Yes, but the qualifications will need to be the equivalent of the entry requirements.

9)I have an overall IELTS score of 7.0 but less than 7 in one of the components. Will my application be considered?

No, you must have an IELTS score of 7 in all four components for your application to be considered.

10)I have 1low GCSEwould myapplicationbeconsidered?

It may be considered. All applications will be considered individually.

11) I am studying Hygiene/Therapy at another University. Is it possible for me to transfer to UCLan.

Unfortunately, we areunable toconsider any requestfortransfer.

12) I have studied anAccess to Higher Educationcourse;would myapplicationbe considered?

Yes, your application may be considered. Dependent on the content covered in the access course and accompanying qualifications.

13) I have studiedBTECandNVQcourses insteadof A-Levels; wouldmy application beconsidered?

No. Weareunable toconsider either BTECor NVQ qualificationsinlieuofA-Levels.

14) Doyou considerdegrees in DentalTechnology,andNursing?

Wewill consider all applicantswho meet all aspectsoftheentryrequirementsincluding a relevantuppersecond class Honorsdegreein a biomedicaldiscipline.Theapplicantmustbeabletodemonstratethattheyhavecovered all relevantsubjectslistedwithin theVerificationofPriorLearning document.

15) I hold non-UK qualifications. Howmy qualifications are assessed and compared to theUK requirements?

UK NARIC isusedduring theassessmentof non-UKqualifications.Weaskthat allapplicantsholdingnon-UKqualificationsinitiallysubmit a copyofthe‘UKNARICStatementof Comparability’along withcopiesoftheirtranscript(acopy oftheoriginaland acopyofthe Englishtranslation)esewill thenbeusedto assesshowyourqualificationscompareto theUK GCSE,A-Levelanddegreerequirements. Youwill berequiredtopresentoriginaldocumentation ifyouareinvitedto attendthe EntranceAssessmentExam.Detailson howtoapplyfora UKNARICStatementofComparability can befoundon theUKNARICwebsiteat: