Name: ______Block: ______

Science Research: Cellular RespirationResearchQuestions

  1. Give a brief overview of the following processes in cellular respiration: glycolysis, Krebs cycle, and the electron transport chain. Include the reactants, the products, and the location where each reaction occurs.

10-8 Points
Proficient: Discussion includes depth and excellent articulation of the reactants and products ofeach process. The precise location for each reaction is included. / 7-4 Points
Intermediate:Communication generally includes some depth and gives most of the reactants and products of each process. The location for each reaction is included. / 3 Points
Beginner: Communication of reactants and products for each process was not at research level.Student did not detail the location of each reaction showinglimited understanding of the content.
  1. ExplainhowFADH2 and NADH can be used to create a concentration gradient using the electron transport chain along the inner membrane of the mitochondria. Include the following terms in your discussion: electrons, hydrogen ions, oxygen, and water.

10-8 Points
Proficient: Discussion includes depth and excellent articulation of the science behind how FADH2 and NADH drive gradient formation in the electron transport chain. All required terms are included. / 7-4 Points
Intermediate:Communication more generally includes some depth and a sense of the science behind how FADH2 and NADH drive gradient formation in the electron transport chain. All required terms are included. / 3 Points
Beginner: Communication of the science behind the answer was not at research level.Student struggled to communicate how FADH2 and NADH drive gradient formation in the electron transport chain. All required terms were not included.
  1. How does ATP synthase work and where is it traditionally located within the cell?

7-6 Points
Proficient: Discussion includes the precise location of ATP synthase. Depth and detail are used in articulation of how the proton gradient and H+ ions are utilized to create ATP. / 5-4 Points
Intermediate:Communication includes the general location of ATP synthase.Some depth and detail are used in articulation of how the proton gradient and H+ ions are utilized to create ATP. / 3 Points
Beginner: Communication of the science behind your answer was not at research level.Student did not provide (or gave incorrect) location of ATP synthase and struggled to communicate how the proton gradient and H+ ions are utilized to make ATP.
  1. Describeseveral different environmental conditions that can impact the function of cellular respiration.

8-6 Points
Proficient: Discussion includes depth, reflection, and excellent articulation ofmultiple conditions that could affect cellular respiration. Student provides scientific explanations for how these conditions may alter this reaction. / 5-4 Points
Intermediate: Communication includes some information about multiple conditions that could affect cellular respiration. Student provides basic scientific explanations for how these conditions may alter this reaction. / 3 Points
Beginner:Communication includes minimal information about environmental conditions that affect cellular respiration. Student struggled to provide scientific explanations for how conditions may alter this reaction and/or only gave one condition.

Citations where included: ______/2ptsCitations where properly formatted: ______/1pts

Citations came from reliable sources: ______/2pts