Their Eyes Were Watching God Essay Assignment

11th English


Their Eyes Were Watching God is set in the early twentieth century and explores Janie Crawford’s journey to finding herself within the constraints placed upon women, particularly African American women, during this time period. As she grows and matures, she battles between the expectations that others have for her life and her innate desires of freedom and independence.


Write a 2 page literary analysis that explores the following essay topic.


Compare and contrast Tea Cake and Joe Starks, analyzing the similarities and differences between the two characters in the novel. Make sure to consider their personalities, motivations, and relationships. What kind of character is each man? What motivates each of them? What kind of relationship do they have with Janie and the people around them? The claim of your thesis should focus on what commonalities they share that attracts Janie to them both, or what major differences set them apart from one another.


Your essay should include five paragraphs—an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Intro: This should include a “hook,” background information, and a thesis. It should clearly lay out what you are going to discuss in your essay.

Body: Provide analysis and supporting evidence for your claim. Mention several key events or moments from the novel. Include specific textual examples and evidence to support your ideas, and make sure to blend them in with your own writing, as well as explain their significance to your point..

Conclusion: Finalize your argument with final thoughts related to the main idea.

**Reminders: This is a literary essay so there should be no uses of “I,” “you,” or contractions.Include an original title to capture interest.


Your essay should have the following:

A clear argument of opinion and purpose expressed in a thesis statement and introduction.

Numerous accurate supporting details and events from the novel that directly back up your opinions.

Explanations of details and events from the novel that show how/why your examples and evidence support your claim.

Generally correct grammar and mechanics.

Write in the present tense.