Esoteric Astrological Analysis of DAO [Helen Freeman]
DINA I 278 - 291
Group IX.2 – The Trained Observers
DAO’s Rays and Developmental Formula
VII 1 – 4? 6? 3?
Detachment – Analysis – Organisation of Time and Service
Elena Dramchini
1. The time of birth was given by DAO herself as “ near to 11.45 pm “ in the questionnaire send to all the disciples selected by the Tibetan to join His Group.
2. From her questionnaire we know that since she was 3 years old she was “ susceptible to a certain suggestions “ which she has never forgotten. She also said that their house was a rendezvous for bishops, priests and nuns of the Roman as well as the English Church and her mother gradually became interested in Christian Science, and induced her to join that church. DAO later made a serious study of it.
3. All this immediately suggests the energies of Neptune/Pisces and the most probable placement of Neptune in the 12th house instead of the 1st house as given by 23:45 time.
4. By bringing the progressed Neptune to the conjunction of the natal Ascendant when she was 3 years old, we can rectify the time to 23:45:41.
5. The progressed Neptune was at 27 Taurus 41 ( the degree of the rectified AS ) from February 1889 to April 1890 but supporting this were other very important and significant progressions and transits.
6. In September 1889 both, Neptune and AS by Solar Arc progression came to square the natal Mercury, the esoteric ruler of the 12th house/ARM ( psychic sensitivity/subconscious attitudes left from past lives ), placed in the 4th house ( lower/higher psychic powers, all the permanent atoms which are the hereditary memory of all previous incarnations ) and 5th ARM ( creative talent/expression of all the past experiences stored in the Causal body ) and semi-square the natal Saturn, the exo/eso ruler of the 9th house/ARM ( vision/abstract mind ), placed in the 3rd house/ARM ( communication/telepathic reception ).
7. From this we can deduce that she has, at a very early age, established a psychic connection to her past lives experiences/abilities/memories.
8. Neptune is the esoteric dispositor of the tight Mercury/Saturn semi-square and its close conjunction to the AS from the 12th house indicates Astral/Buddhic connection and mystic temperament. This supports DK’s statement: “ You were the true mystic ( 287 ) and the spiritual visionary…” We see here an indication of a possible 6th Ray legacy, most probably as a Personality Ray. This is further supported by Neptune being the dispositor of the Pisces South Node ( past ).
9. She mentioned in her questionnaire that she had a lot of illumination during her sleeping hours – getting proofs of mental telepathy and healing powers. The Tibetan, himself, told her that she gets much teaching from Him ( 284 ) subjectively [ Chiron ( Master ) in the subjective sign Gemini ] and during the hours of sleep. [ Neptune/Chiron are in parallel of declination; Mercury square Neptune ]
10. The fixed star Alcyone conjunct Neptune and AS supports the tendency to inner vision and active Ajna centre.
11. When she was around 7 years ( 1893 ) old she started to think along esoteric lines with very solitary, subjective life ( 4/12 houses ).
12. In February 1893 the Solar Arc AS and Neptune conjunct the natal Pluto and sesqui-quadrate Mars ( Mars/Pluto aspect is the closest aspect in the chart ) and the progressed Moon in the 8th house ( going deeper into esoteric knowledge ) quincunx the S. Arc AS/Neptune/natal Pluto conjunction.
13. In April/May 1893 the progressed Retrograde Mercury square the natal AS and the natal and progressed Neptune. Here we have a clue to the retrograde motion of a planet which points to recapitulation of certain experiences. Mercury had to reach the exact square to the Neptune to trigger and reconnect to the deeper spiritual/esoteric knowledge.
14. When she was 12 years old ( 1898 ) her mother induced her to join the church. The progressed MC sesqui-quadrate the natal Jupiter; the progressed Moon in Pisces conjunct the South Node ( indication of past association with religion/church ) and the Solar Arc Saturn sextile the natal AS and Neptune.
15. From age 14 ( 1900 ) she made more outer contacts. The progressed MC sesqui-quadrate the natal Uranus; the progressed Jupiter conjunct the progressed Uranus; the Solar Arc Uranus conjunct the natal Mars and quincunx the natal Pluto; the Solar Arc AS activating the natal Sun/Venus semi-sextile; the progressed Moon in Aries, in the 11th house; the Transiting Jupiter and Uranus through the 7th house and the progressing Venus ( exo ruler of the AS ) was entering the sign Leo ( 1902 ). We see that all the rulers of the AS/DC and MC/IC axis were activated and bringing into focus more of the 1st Ray energy.
16. It is interesting that the last aspects the progressed Retrograde Mercury made, before turning Direct ( 1908 ) was sextile to the Solar Arc Neptune and semi-sextile the progressed Saturn.
17. Saturn/Neptune are the esoteric rulers of the mental axis of the 3rd/9th houses/ARMS ( lower/higher mind ) and Mercury is the esoteric ruler of the 12th house/ARM ( psychic sensitivity/intuition ). This very important combination of energies seems to be related to her training/application of a spiritual analysis and the concrete mind in the right interpretation of the inner reality. ANALYSIS was her most important development formula.
18. Saturn/Neptune is also related to suffering/renunciation/depression. In her chart the midpoint of Saturn/Neptune, AS falls on the axis of Chiron ( wound ) and with the placement of Neptune in the 12th house ( chronic illness ) and the 3/9 mental axis, it indicates tendency to mental depression. One of the questions in the questionnaire was: “ What do you feel is the predominant fault in your personality which might act as a hindrance to the group work? Are you willing to work hard at its overcoming for the definite space of two years? Her answer: “ I should say periods of depression which I have never as yet been able to analyse satisfactorily or overcome. I am not only willing but anxious to work to dispel this destructive force. I might add that my recent efforts toward harmlessness [ Mars trine Chiron ] have helped.”
19. If we follow the progressing Mercury we notice that its aspects ( also aspects to the natal Mercury ) were present or triggered the most important turning points in her life.
20. From 1916 to 1922 she made a serious study of the Christian science.
21. 1916 was the year of her first Saturn return and activation by the Transiting Saturn of the natal Mercury/Saturn semi-square. The progressed Mercury semi-sextile the natal Moon, exoteric ruler of the 3rd house ( study/learning ) and the Solar Arc Moon square the natal MC ( Dharma ). The progressed AS semi-sextile the natal Neptune.
22. In 1920 the progressed Mercury square the natal and progressed Neptune and the natal AS. This is the same aspect as in 1893 ( when she started to think along esoteric lines ) but this time by Direct moving Mercury. Unfortunately, we have no information what happened in her life under this progression but it could have triggered a deeper interest along esoteric lines as in 1922 she became interested in the Arcane School and the teachings of Krishnamurti.
23. In 1922 the progressed Mercury reached its natal position and thus repeating the natal semi-square to Saturn but this time in its Direct motion ( after recapitulating learning experiences, now ready to enter into serious esoteric study/training ) and the Transiting Saturn making semi-square to the natal and progressed Mercury and square the natal Saturn.
24. In the same year ( 1922 ) the progressed Moon entered Aquarius, moving through the 9th house/ARM ( esoteric schools ). The Transiting Uranus ( exo. Ruler of Aquarius and her Soul Ray planet ) conjunct the progressed MC and the progressed AS square the natal Jupiter, the eso. Ruler of the Aquarian MC.
25. She said she liked the Arcane School because it left the individual free ( Uranus ) in his development and we can see why she was attracted to Krishnamurti who also advocated freedom/independence.
26. Krishnamurti has Aquarius rising and DAO’s Mars (esoteric ruler of K’s MC) is making close ( within 4 min. of arc ) trine to it ( according to the chart used by P. Lindsay in his book “ The Initiations of Krishnamurti “ ). His Taurus Sun and Mercury conjunct DAO AS and Neptune, indicating a close psychic/intuitive link. These two charts would make an interesting study.
27. In 1931 the progressed Mercury sextile the natal Saturn and the Solar Arc Neptune and AS conjunct the natal Venus. This was the year when the Seed Groups were formed and the first instructions were given by DK. It appears, from her questionnaire, that this was also the year when she was starting on her first important picture ( she worked in the theatre and films ).
28. In 1933 the progressed Mercury sextile the progressed Saturn, the progressed MC square the natal Chiron, the Solar Arc AS semi-square the natal Neptune and the progressed Vertex across the AS/DC axis. This was the year of her first personal instruction from the Tibetan and commencement in the group work.
29. In 1937 the progressed Mercury trine the natal and progressed Neptune and the progressed Retrograde Neptune reached the conjunction to the natal AS and started to move back into the 12th house. This was the year when she received the last instruction from the Tibetan as she left the group and retreated into isolation ( 12th house ). This move of the Retrograde Neptune into the 12th house ( unresolved karma ) could point to a possible carrying over to the next life, working with the 6th Ray energy, particularly as Neptune is the esoteric ruler of the 4th house ( Ashram/end of life/karmic heredity ). The 4th house is also related to initiation and in her case it points to taking of the 2nd initiation in some future life.
30. If the rectification of the time of birth, based on the progressed Neptune, is correct, then the link between the progressed Direct Neptune conjunction of the AS in 1889, when, at the age of 3, she started to have psychic experiences, and the 1937 progressed Neptune conjunct the AS but this time in its Retrograde motion, is very interesting and significant. It seems to indicate unresolved issues which need to be worked at in the next life but at the same time keeping inner, unbroken link with the group.
31. We can make an interesting observation here and ponder upon the role or importance of a Retrograde planet and its link to a Ray energy presence in the past incarnation and working with that particular Ray energy in this life during the years of the retrograde motion of that planet, in order to learn or recapitulate certain experiences related to the quality of that Ray/planet.
32. DAO has been born with only one Retrograde planet and that is 4th Ray Mercury.
33. Even though we are not told the Ray conditioning her Mental body, it appears ( from many hints in her instruction ) to be the 4th Ray. Through the Retrograde Mercury we see a possible link to the past life working with this same energy ( as another possible Personality Ray ).
34. The investigation of a Retrograde planet could be one of the tools of establishing the legacy Ray.
August 1933/DINA I/278,279,280
I have refrained from writing my personal instructions to you earlier than this as I felt your need to think things through, and your strong inner urge to be left free to work out the concept of this group work in your own way. We know that the first personal instructions from DK were given out in 1931 but He was aware of her resistance to work in the group so left her free to decide. She, herself, said in her questionnaire:
“ I have a distinct disinclination to belong to definitely organised groups, which is one reason I have found Mr. Krishnamurti’s views so illuminating. I have always found difficulty in working with groups or organisations or any sort of group effort are to me merely technical conveniences. The responsibility must always lie with the individual and he must guard with all his might against leaning on his group or failing to recognise that in following another or leaning upon him, even if that person is an exalted One, he is using a crutch which he must some day discard and he must not permit personal factors, affection, reverence, pride, fear, etc. to prevent him from honest examination and determination to accept only that which Lie is capable of understanding and assimilating. “
When we examine some of the progressions and transits for the years 1931-3, we see an interesting dynamics.
In 1931 the Transiting Pluto, the esoteric ruler of the 11th house/ARM ( group work ), trine the progressed MC ( Dharma ); the Transiting Jupiter, the esoteric ruler of the MC, conjunct the IC ( anchorage of the Soul’s essence in this incarnation ) and the natal Sun, the ruler of the IC/4th house ( Ashram ). [ Transformation in her life direction through the link with the Ashram and her group. ]
During the years 1931-2 the Transiting Uranus was in opposition the natal Mars and semi-square Pluto. [The desire to break free and follow the will of the personality must have been difficult to control. ]
At the end of 1932 ( September-December ) the Solar Arc Chiron conjunct the IC [ anchoring in a new, not easily accessible dimension/area of consciousness – that of a Master/Ashram ]; the progressed Moon conjunct the natal and progressed Pluto in Gemini ( purging of old mental attitudes/ideas ]; the Solar Arc Saturn conjunct the natal Mercury [ difficult karmic decision ); the progressed Venus semi-sextile the progressed Uranus and both in aspect to the progressed Moon and the natal Nodes and the Transiting Neptune over all these points; furthermore, the Solar Eclipse in August 1932 at 8 Virgo 10 fell right on the conjunction of the progressed Venus to the North Node [ this combination of energies reflects on one side the film work she was doing and on the higher level it points to an opportunity to organise her time and relationships to meet the demands of both, her personal life and group responsibilities and to consciously recognise an important opportunity in her Soul progress ]; in September 1932 the Lunar Eclipse at 21 Pisces 45 fell on the progressed MC, linking the past unresolved issues to be faced in the present Dharma.