Algebra II
Ms. Katherine Spencer Rm. #A244
1. Contact me:
Classroom Phone:407-4180
2. Course Description:
This standards based course extends the concepts in Algebra I. Focus is on functions, with topics including
polynomials, quadratics, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric.
3. Overview of Course/Course Objectives/Standards:Available upon request
4. Required Text:Algebra II, Holt McDougal
5. Other Materials:
- Graphing Calculator - preferably a TI-83 or TI-84 as they are what I am most familiar with
- Composition or 1 Subject notebook for notes
- Number 2 lead or mechanical pencils
- A folder to store handouts, homework, classwork, etc.
- Graph Paper – we will be graphing functions
- A positive attitude and a willingness to try
6. Homework/Make up Work:
Homework will be assigned on a regular basis and the work from the week will be collected in packets the
following Monday to be graded on a completion basis. Students will be allowed to use their homework packets on
their weekly Homework Quiz before turning them in. Any homework packets not submitted on their due date will
be considered late but may still be turned in for partial credit up until the following Monday. If a student has an
excused absence on the day of a Homework Quiz they will be expected to take the quiz upon their return.
7. Absences:
If a student is absent from class, it is the student’s responsibility to check the website or the homework calendar in
the classroom to see what they missed. Homework assignments and lecture notes will be available in both of these locations. If a student is absent on the day a Test or Quiz, then they will be expected to take it on the day of their return.
8. Grading Policy:
Each assignment will be worth individual points and then assigned to a category. Categories contain different weights that affect a student’s grade in the class. The weights are as follows:
- Homework/Classwork …………10%
- Tests …………………………...60%
- Quizzes ………………………... 10%
- Final …………………………… 20%
A: 90 – 100%B: 80 - 89.9% C: 70 – 79.9% D: 60 – 69.9% F: 0 – 59.9%
Any student caught cheating as defined in the Student Handbook will automatically receive a grade of zero for that assignment or assessment and will not be allowed to make it up.
9. Extra Help:
If a student is struggling for any reason, the best thing for them to do is talk to me. From there we can schedule extra time to meet or strategies that we can implement to help them be successful. I am available before school, after school, and during conference. Due to clubs, I will not be available during every conference period so please be sure to schedule with me to make sure that I will be able to be there to work with you.