Unit 3 Concept Review
CE.CG.2.1: Analyze structure of national gov’t in terms of ways it is organized to maintain order, security, and the welfare of public & protection of citizens.Explain how checks and balances ensure that no branch is too powerful and that separation of powers is maintained.
CE.CG.2.3: Evaluate the US Constitution as a “living Constitution” in terms of how it & the BOR have been interpreted and applied throughout its existence.
How has the SCOTUS interpreted the Constitution using the power of judicial review? Give at least 2 examples.
Explain with at least 2 examples the concept of using precedents in deciding cases.
CE.CG.2.6: Evaluate the authority governments have over individuals’ rights and privileges.
Using at least 3 examples, outline 3 steps the US government has taken to guarantee equal rights to all.How has the interpretation of equal protection evolved in our country? Give 2 examples.
CE.C&G.2.7 Analyze contemporary issues and governmental responses at the local, state, and national levels in terms of how they promote the public interest and/or general welfare.
Where do ideas for federal laws come from and why did the Framers make it so difficult to enact them?
CE.CG.3.1:Analyze how the rule of law establishes limits on both the governed and those who govern while holding true to the ideal of equal protection under the law.
Explain the concept of “equal protection under the law” and the specific constitutional and legal protections that provide equal protection to all citizens.
CE.C&G.3.2 : Compare lawmaking processes of federal, state and local governments.
Outline the formal process for how a bill becomes a law for the federal government.
Detail the role of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches in the federal law making process.
CE.C&G.3.3: Analyze laws and policies in terms of their intended purposes, who has authority to create them and how they are enforced.
What is the purpose of the federal bureaucracy?What powers does the Constitution give the President to carry out laws created by Congress?
CE.C&G.5.2 : Analyze federal courts by outlining their jurisdictions and the adversarial nature of the judicial process.
Using an example, explain the meaning of the word adversary as it relates to the federal court system.
Explain the flow of cases through the federal court system for both state and federal appeals.
CE.C&G.5.3: Analyze national government agencies in terms of how they balance interests and resolve conflicts.
Explain the types of agencies and departments at the federal level and give an example of each.
CE.C&G.5.4:Explain how conflict between constitutional provisions and requirements of foreign policy are resolved.
What powers do both the President and the Congress possess in foreign policy & how do they sometimes conflict?