Present: John Grant, Ron Batchelder, Betty Whipple
Meeting called to order at 7:02 p.m. Minutes accepted as written, moved by Betty Whipple, seconded by Ron Batchelder.
Board went into non-public session to negotiate a lease at 7:04 p.m., moved by Betty Whipple, seconded by Ron Batchelder.
Lisa Young, proprietor of Fall Mountain Physical Therapy addressed the board with her and her attorney’s concerns concerning the proposed lease renewal space in the Municipal Building. Date on proposed lease is wrong. (needs to be 2011).
In Article I., Lisa wants to add “four designated parking spaces right outside door.” The Board agreed to this change. There was discussion about how spaces are to be designated, lines, signs, etc. Lisa said that she has had problems on voting days. Board agreed to put signs up on building. It was agreed to use four signs with arrows, one on each side of door and one on each end of the building.
Because this meeting was not held in time to ask the town to approve a multi-year lease. The paragraph in article II regarding seeking town approval for a multi-year lease is to be removed. Also another date correction. (2011)
The amount of rent was discussed. Article III as presently worded calls for a 3% increase to $1,041 from the current $1,011. Lisa questioned the need for additional rent in the present weak economy. She would like the Selectboard to keep the rent at $1,011 per month.
Betty Whipple and Ron Batchelder both spoke about the cost of heating oil and proposed meeting in the middle at $1026 per month. Jay Grant moved that the town meet FMPT half way on the rent increase for next year with a rent of $1,026 per month, seconded by Ron Batchelder. This change was voted unanimously.
Lisa Young voiced a concern about her rent payment being considered late when it was due on a day the Town Office was not open. It was agreed that rent would be considered on time if paid on the first Monday or Wednesday after the first of the month.
Lisa said that her attorney did not like the language in Article IV, section 402. Lisa suggested alternate language for section 402 and section 404. Jay would like to have the attorney go over the changes. Bob Cunniff will fax proposed changes to Mike Fuerst, Town Attorney. After the Town Attorney reviews the proposed language changes, the Selectboard will contact Lisa Young with their decision.
The board left the non-public session at 7:26 p.m. Minutes were not sealed.
Jay Grant asked Lisa if Peter Young, an electrician and her husband would check the outside light on the front of the building which is not working. She will ask him to do that. Lisa asked about the gutter over her door, should it be removed for the rest of the winter. Jay said that it needed to be looked at and perhaps it would be best to remove it in the fall for the next winter.
Road Agent Todd Porter spoke to the board regarding his budget, total expenditures and where he is in the budget at this time. Jay asked about the total of equipment repairs. Todd replied that the total was high because the grate for the International and new chains for the grader show up in the repair budget because expenses are listed by vehicles.
Fuel and Salt were discussed. Salt is over $9,000 at this time. About half of the fuel budget has been spent to date. $12,162 has been spent on repairs to the two one ton trucks. Todd has looked at two trucks for the Town to lease. Ford (chassis only) is $32,900. Todd will have complete figures by Friday and will return to the board on the 28th of February. Todd is more interested in the Ford than the Dodge because there will be cost savings in setting up the Ford for town use. Todd spoke about having a wing on the truck. He said that with a wing on the proposed truck, roads could be cleared with one pass in each direction instead of two. Betty asked about frame strength with a wing on a smaller truck. Todd said that the frames are designed for the wing, and that this type of wing is not for winging back snow banks, but for plowing of the roads.
Todd spoke about the condition of the State Roads that we plow. It is difficult to do a good job when the road surface is so bad. Jay mentioned that there’s a problem on the Village Road with a resident parking on the right of way. He has been written to in the past and will be written to again. He also will receive a copy of the mailbox policy. A letter will be prepared for the next meeting. Todd has cleaned up the area around the mailbox with the backhoe and will continue to do so. Jay mentioned that the car could be towed if parked in the right of way. The letter will include a statement that the Police will be notified and the vehicle towed if necessary. The Road Agent is concerned about the car and does not want to damage it.
Old Business:
Board signed a letter for Angela Esslinger as probable Town Clerk so that DMV will continue to train her.
Jay mentioned that there will not be a meeting next week due to the Federal Holiday.
Jay then brought up the issue of programmable thermostats for the Municipal Building and the amount of money that would be saved by controlling temperatures better. Betty asked if it would save money to lower overnight heating temperatures when you had to bring it back up in the morning. Doug Beach said that it does save money to bring the temperature down at night. Bob Cunniff was asked to call Landry Oil and get a quote for installing lockable programmable thermostats in the building. Betty Whipple then moved to have Landry Oil install a high temperature reset for the Fire Station Boiler as requested by our insurance carrier. (Seconded by Jay Grant).
The Board signed the warrant for Town Meeting and the 2011 Town Budget for posting.
Bob Cunniff had talked with Richard Morrison, Town Auditor. He said he would do the 2010 audit but thought it was time to have a professional audit of the 2011 books. It was agreed to get a quote for a professional audit for the 2011 fiscal year.
Jay read a letter from DOT regarding village road. No paving is scheduled at this time, perhaps there will be some shimming done this year, but no paving until 2014 at the earliest.
Board will reply mentioning that school buses use the road and that there is a failing culvert.
Galloway Real Estate leased another space upstairs in the municipal building. Alice Fogel will pay $160 a month for the space off the kitchen on the second floor. It was agreed to have Galloway Real Estate continue to try and rent space.
Jay spoke about Food Shelf moving to different area of the building. It was agreed to ask the Alstead Selectmen about them helping with the work on the space that the Food Shelf would like to move into.
Bob will write to them with a copy to Mary Lou Huffling.
Betty asked Bob to ask for a copy of Alstead’s Solid Waste Budget.
New Business:
The Board Signed orders and reviewed the payroll.
Board agreed to post the names of people on the Town Web Site who are write-in candidates for office, for offices where there is no name on the ballot. It was agreed to ask Jeff Holmes, Town Moderator if it was O.K. to post the same names on the municipal bulletin board.
Jay asked if Chuck Dupler had been in to the Town Office to discuss his taxes. Bob told him that Chuck had been in to discuss putting both lots into one. He told Bob Cunniff that he may file an abatement request or he may wait for the revaluation in the spring.
Dana Merrell’s request for an abatement on his property across the road from his house was discussed. The land was taken out of current use because there is a gravel removal operation taking place there. Dana’s abatement request states that the purpose of the gravel extraction on the property is to make more farmland, not the sale of gravel. He feels that the land should still be in open space assessment.
There was discussion about whether or not the gravel is being sold or how long it would take for it to be done and converted for farm use.
The Board decided to deny the request and tell him that he has the right to take his appeal to Land and Tax Appeals or to Superior Court.
The board reviewed a possible form to be used if the road agent gives up his medical insurance, and goes on his wife’s insurance, in exchange for an additional $1 per hour in salary. The board requested a change be made to the form stating that he only return to the plan when permitted by the plan.
Doug Beach asked about the Deed for the section of the cemetery donated by Bruce & Ginger Cheeney ten years ago. Bob will call the Attorney re: the deed for this section. Doug also asked if the board knew how much land would be donated this year. That will be decided when the survey is done.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. (moved by Betty Woodell, seconded by Ron Batchelder.)
Submitted by
Robert Cunniff
Administrative Assistant to the Selectboard