Graduate Program Committee

Submission Guidelines for New Course of Study

Created April 2013

This form provides a set of guidelines for those interested in creating a new course of study under the purview of Graduate & Continuing Studies. Those planning to propose new courses of study are strongly encouraged to confer with the Office of Graduate and Continuing Studies. Please address the items below before submitting to the GPC. During the review process GPC may request additional information.

1.Informational Items

Course of Study Name
Select one: Certificate, Master’s, Non-credit
Program submitted by
Anticipated start date

Proposed Catalog Description of the Course of Study:

Mission Statement:

Student Learning Outcomes:

2.Mission Appropriateness Statement

a)How is this course of study consistent with the mission of the College?

b)How is this course of study consistent with the mission of the Graduate and Continuing Studies Program? (See FEC-1213-01 for the GPC mission statement.)

c)How is the mission for this course of study reflected in the Student Learning Outcomes?

3.Resource Impact Analysis

Describe how this course of study may impact the College in each of the following areas:

a)Library (e.g. collections, hours, research support)

b)Technology (e.g. computer classrooms, wi-fi, off-campus learning, audio/visual demands, classroom management software, software, photocopying)

c)Facilities (e.g. classroom space, food service, janitorial, parking, housing, photocopying)

d)Human Resources (e.g. staffing, faculty, program director, support staff, after-hours ITS/security/administrative)

e)Student Support Services (e.g. counseling, advising, financial aid, registrar, mail, career services, international/cultural/non-traditional support)

f)Other (please note other possible impacts)

4.Revenue Justification

Please provide a rationale for this course of study. Briefly address intended audience and market need, and supply any other pertinent information that shows the anticipated demand for this course of study. Your rationale may include projected enrollment, revenue growth over time, potential community impacts, etc. If you have a formal market analysis, please attach it.

5.Academic Regulations

Academic regulations must be articulated, and be consistent with existing academic regulations. If your academic regulations diverge from existing regulations, explain how and why.

a)Admission standards:

b)Transfer Course Policy (if applicable):

c)Grading system:

d)Exit Requirements:

e)Other (if applicable):

6.Course of Study Structure

List of Courses (please attach a completed GPC New Course Proposal Form for each course):

(Note: Courses will be named with a three-letter program designation and approved by the College Registrar.)

Delivery System: Briefly describe your delivery system (e.g. on-campus presence). If your delivery system is a hybrid on-campus/on-line course of study, please provide a rationale for your use of the system.

7.Assessment Plan

Describe your standards and methods for assessing the following:

a)Student performance:

(Note: Explain how your assessment strategy will address the student learning outcomes articulated above.)

b)Performance of the course of study:


If there is any additional accreditation beyond the institutional accreditation necessary for this course of study, please list it here.