Fachdikaktik Englisch ILesson Plan (New English File, Unit 3C)

HS 08/09Clarissa Spiller and Rahel Reich

Hansjürg PerinoOctober 2008


Teachers’ names / Rahel Reich and Clarissa Spiller
Teaching points / Grammar: use of adverbs of frequency
Lexis: adverbs of frequency
Target language items / He always walks three kilometres a day.
He sometimes rides a motorbike.
He often works in his garden.
He usually does martial arts in the morning.
He is never stressed.
He is hardly ever ill.
Main lesson aim / By the end of the lesson, learners will be able to describe a person’s habits using adverbs of frequency correctly.
Evidence / Students will be able to invent sentences of their own following the same pattern.
Students will respond accurately in written exercises.
Timetable fit / assumptions / Students have recently been working on the lexical field of telling the time and daily routine.
They know the present simple.
Predicted problems / Incorrect placement of the adverbs of frequency in a sentence.
Pronunciation of never and ever (voicing of v).
Context / The mystery of Okinawa.
Materials / Picture of Takanashi on transparency.
Work books.
Material / Procedure / Tasks / Interaction / Aims / Time
Transparency with picture of Takanashi (without text) (cf. Student’s book p. 32/33) / Show the picture on the OHP. Ask questions such as: Where is Takanashi from? How old do you think he is? / Think about the man on the picture and find sentences to answer the question. Describe the man on the picture. / T and Sts / Learners will get into the topic of Japan in order to be prepared for the reading in the next stage. / 2’
Student’s books p. 32 / Read out the introductory paragraph of the text on p. 32 to the students. / Listen to the teacher and read along. / T and Sts / Learners will be exposed to correct pronunciation and use of the adverbs of frequency. / 2’
Student’s books (ex. 1b, p. 32) / Ask students to do ex. 1b on page 32. Give instructions / Fill in exercise 1b on page 32. / Pairs / Learners will discuss the meanings of the adverbs of frequency. / 5’
Student’s books (ex. 1b, p. 32); blackboard / Collect results (not only adverbs, but also Takanashi’s actions) and write them in the correct order (100-0) on the blackboard. / Present their solutions to ex. 1b and discuss the solutions of classmates. Read out the whole sentences. / T and Sts / Learners will pronounce the new vocabulary and get some language practice. Learners will discuss the meaning of the different adverbs of frequency. / 5’
sentences on blackboard as reference / Give instructions: Think about Takanashi’s habits. He always walks three kilometres a day. How often do you walk three kilometres a day? Often? Hardly ever? / Think about how often they perform the activities mentioned in the text. Write down their own list. / Pairs / Learners will have to transfer what they have learned in the previous stages and apply it to their experiences. They will get practice in using the adverbs of frequency. / 5’
orally / Collect sample answers / Read out the sentences. / T and Sts / Learners will get some practice in pronunciation. / 5’
Blackboard / Return to Takanashi’s habits. Deduct grammar rules from the sentences on the board: What is expressed by adverbs of frequency?
Where are they positioned within a sentence? (Use coloured chalk!) / Compare the different sentences and think about them on a more abstract level. Deduct rules from the examples they are already familiar with. / T and Sts / Learners will be able to deduct rules from examples they are already familiar with and think about the adverbs of frequency on a more abstract level. / 5’
Student’s book (p. 126) / Ask students to open their books on p. 126 and read 3c / Read grammar rules 3c in the book. / T and Sts / Students will verify their deducted rules. / 1’
OHP-transparency for each student
water-resistant felt-pens / Ask students: What kind of activities do you often do? What kind of activities do you do sometimes? What kind of activities do you never do? Compile your own list of activities.
Collect transparencies / Compile their own list on transparency on what they do and how often they do it (E.g. I often go to the cinema. I hardly ever read a book.) / Silent work / Students will produce their own sentences using adverbs of frequency / 5’
collected transparencies / Put one transparency on OHP. Whose list could this be? / Have to find out which student’s list it is by asking “suspects” questions beginning How often…? / T and Sts / Students will practise forming questions with “How often...?” and giving answers using adverbs of frequency. / 10’