BrownStationElementary School- Created by Vicki Thomas

Trustworthiness Lesson – 1st grade

Domain: Personal/Social Development

Standard A: Students will acquire the knowledge, attitudes and interpersonal skills to help them understand and respect self and others.

Materials: Aesop Fable, “The Wolf and the Shepherd’s Son”, picture of wolf, sheep and little boy

Mastery Objective: By the end of this lesson students will be able to express the importance of telling the truth.

Activator: Who can tell me what is the Character Counts Pillar for this month? On the announcements you hear the Character Counts Pillar for this month is…….

Trustworthiness is a really big word and there are lots of things you can do to show that you are trustworthy. One thing you can do to be trustworthy is to always tell the truth. Today we will listen to a story about a little boy who didn’t tell the truth. Let’s see what happens

Whole Group Lesson: Read the Aesop Fable, The Wolf and the Shepherd’s Son. Ask the students:

  • Was there really a wolf? Was the boy telling the truth? How do you think the villagers felt about being fooled?
  • Do you think the villagers will help the boy the next time? What happened when the boy really saw a wolf? Did the villagers help him? Why not? What happen to the sheep? What happened to the shepherd’s son?
  • Has anyone every tricked you? Has anyone ever fooled you? How did you feel?
  • What have you learned from this story? You shouldn’t fool people. You should always tell the truth. You shouldn’t play tricks on people. If you lie people won’t believe you.

Remind students that some people can’t be trusted and are not trustworthy. Spend a little time talking about strangers and what they should do if they are lost and need to get help.

Sing the Honest/Trustworthy song to the tune of, “LondonBridge is Falling Down”. The verses may include:

Honest people tell the truth, tell the truth, tell the truth

Honest people tell the truth

I’m Trustworthy.

Other verses…….

Honest people keep their promises

Honest people do not steal

Honest people make good friends

Honest people do not cheat

Honest people do their own work

I’m trustworthy.

Closure: So why is it important to tell the truth? So people will believe you. So people will help you.