Student Association for a Future in Human Rights
Term MeetingProtocol Spring 2005
Location: Flundran, 2nd floor, MalmöUniversity
Date: 2005-02-21
Time: 15.00
Board Members present: Karin Stenson, chairperson,Ulrika Eriksson, treasurer, David Björnhage, secretary, Martin Benderson, member of the board, Clayton Gardner, member of the board.
§1. Opening of the Meeting
Chairperson Karin Stenson declared the meeting open. (Time: 15.00 P.M.)
§2. Protocol Adjusters
Daniel Engström and Caroline Menneking were elected protocol adjusters for the meeting.
§3. Approval of the Agenda
The agenda was approved by the members
§4. Economic Term Report
Ulrika Eriksson presented Safihr’s economic report for the autumn of 2004. The report was approved by the members.
§5. Autumn Term Report
David Björnhage presented Safihr’s term report for the autumn of 2004. After a few minor adjustments in the report it was approved by the members.
§6. Election of a new board of Safihr
6.1. The election process consisted of the chairperson announcing the nominees for the posts in the board (nominees for members were sent in to Safihr before the meeting). When his/her name was called up the nominee was to declare whether he/she would accept the nomination. The members would then vote for the nominee they thought would be best suited for the post in question by writing the name on a piece of paper.
6.2. The new board for Safihr for spring 2005 consists of the following:
Chairperson- Ulrika Eriksson
Vice Chairperson – ManneGerell
Secretary – Daniel Engström
Treasurer – Karoline Menneking
Member of the board – Martin Benderson
Member of the board - Sara Vilotti
§7. Election for Student Union Section IMER committees
7.1.The Student Union Section IMER has recently formed three committees to handle and develop relations between the organisations and Student Kåren Section IMER and also to establish better contact and relations with the students at IMER. Student Kåren Section IMER has decided that three members from each organisation shall be represented in the committees (1 member/committee). The representatives may not simultaneosly be members of the board of the organisation in question. The Student Union also stresses that any member of an organisation, or non-member for that matter, may take part in the different committees. Though the organizations must always have one fixed liason per committee to deal directly with the organisation in question and Student Kåren Section IMER.
7.2. The three committees under Student Kåren Section IMER as well as the representatives from Safihr are listed below:
- ICE (Internationalization, Continuity, Engagement) – Karin Stenson
- Information – David Björnhage
- Development/Rights – Sunda Erdal
§8. MUN
8.1. Members were encouraged to sign up for the MUN event March 12th 2005. Hopefully a few new participants did in fact sign up!
§9. Member Fees
The members agreed that the current fee of 30 SEK should remain. The treasurer will collect fees after the meeting.
§10. Other Issues
10.1.American History Lectures – April presented information regarding upcoming lectures on American history in the beginning of March. Information on this event will be posted on the Safihr website. A suggestion was made if Safihr could contribute with a fixed sum towards refreshmnets, etc. This was not decided upon during the meeting.
10.2.Amendments/Changes To Safihr’s Constitution–A few members made suggestions concerning possible changes or additions to Safihr’s constitution in order to promote efficieny and flexibility. No changes or amendmnets were decided upon during this meeting, but it was decided that a meeting should be held shortly where changes and amendments can be discussed. The new board will set a date for the next general meeting and provide relevant information on this particular meeting regarding the constitution.
§11. Closure of the meeting
Karin Stenson declared the meeting closed. (Time: 16.15 P.M.)
(Please excuse any faults concerning choice of words or/and lack of correct terminology in the protocol).
Participation List at Safihr’s Term Meeting on February 21st, 2005.
Name E-mail
David Björnhage
Chris Falkman
Karin Stenson
Martin Benderson
Clayton Gardner
Ulrika Eriksson
Malin Göransson
Sunda Erdal
Daniel Engström
Sara Vilotti Pereira
Karoline Menneking
Vladimir Spasiz
Ajla Alic
Jenny Berg
April Vuonjärvi
Fanny Davidsson
Malin Ahreborg
Ajin Ali
Therese Jönsson
David Björnhage
February 21, 2005
-Your Engagement Is Your Future!