Work-Based Learning


This information is also covered in the WBL course syllabus.

The WBL grade is comprised of several components all necessary for your workplace success.

·  Activities should be completed and submitted through Moodle:

·  In the event that the student has not maintained a 70 average or better at any grading period, the student will be placed on probationary status and will be required to stay at school until the grade is brought up to passing. In the event that the student’s grades have not improved by the next grading period (brought up to C average), the student’s grades will be reviewed for possible removal from the program.

·  All assignments, reports, etc., not turned in by the due date will be penalized by 20 points.

·  Students will need a three-ring notebook for their portfolio. A 1-inch with side pockets is sufficient.

Component / Description / Weight
Required Documentation/
Notebook, pre- and post-tests / Required documents are listed in your portfolio on the “Due Dates” page. These will be given to you during orientation. These forms will require the signature of some or all of the following: you, your parents/guardian, your supervisor/mentor, and the WBL coordinator. Students will keep a notebook of their portfolio assignments. / 10%
WBL Portfolio Activities/CDAs / These are correlated to the curriculum standards/career development. These will be given to you during orientation as part of your WBL portfolio. These activities are due to the coordinator by the due date. Bonus points (100) will be earned for CTSO membership. Activities will be submitted through Moodle / 30%
Mentor Evaluation and Training Plan / These will be distributed to you during WBL meetings to give to your employer/mentor at the end of each nine weeks; therefore, you will be evaluated by your employer four times during the school year. We will develop a Training Plan. This plan has specific job tasks and skills you will learn in class and/or on worksite. It will be included in your employer evaluation folder. It is your responsibility to pick up this evaluation folder from your work-based learning coordinator. See “Due Dates” page for more information. / 30%
WBL Work Reports / Each month you will turn in a work report. The due dates for these reports are listed on your “Due Dates” page and on each report. You will use your math skills to compute your hours worked and total pay for each month. Points will be deducted if they are incomplete or inaccurate. Co-op & ESD student must attach paycheck stubs and have employer signature; interns MUST have the mentor signature in order to receive credit. / 20%
WBL Meetings / WBL students are required to attend all WBL orientations and meetings. A listing of the meeting dates and information about meetings is given in the WBL portfolio. / 10%
Total / 100%

I have read and understand the grading policy. I will adhere to the guidelines as set forth by the WBL Program.


Student Signature Date Parent Signature Date