Class Information
Mr. Zirnheld’s Class
Advanced Functions & Modeling
School Phone: 910-989-2048
Supplies Needed:
- Three ring binder
- Pencils (If pen is used, only blue or black ink will be accepted)
- Loose leaf paper
- Calculator: TI 83/84
- Colored pencils or pens, highlighters (suggested)
Students will need to have an Edmodo account and join our class in their account. All lessons will be posted in folders on Edmodo. Students should preview the lesson for the next daybefore the class begins.
The lesson of the day will be gone over at the beginning of class and any questions answered to help clarify understanding. Students will then work on the assignment for that lesson to test/reinforce understanding. Students are free to work ahead on lessons if they choose to do so.
A packet with all the assignments for a unit will be given when a new unit is started. Students will work through the lessons and assignments at their own pace. However, there will be a set deadline for when the unit must be completed. The assignment packet will be collected on the day of the unit test and graded.
Work Missed Due To Absences:
Since all lessons will be posted and all assignments given up front, it is up to the student to plan accordingly to make sure they will have the unit completed by the deadline. When absent, my school website is to be checked to see what was missed that day so you can stay on top of your studies.
All students will test on each unit before or on the testing day for that particular unit. If a student is absent on the test day, they will test on the next day they return to class. JHS Math Department policy is that tests willnot be returnedto the students. Students can have the opportunity to view their test but not allowed to keep it. Students willnot be allowed to make copies or take picturesof their test.
After Unit 1 is completed, there will be a quiz almost every Friday. The quiz will be on concepts from completed units. This will provide constant review. Remember, the final exam is cumulative. If a student is absent for a quiz, it will be made up on the next day they return to class.
If a school calculator is used, it should not be destroyed, defaced, or misused. The calculator assigned to the student is the only one the student is to use. The calculator memory needs to be reset at the end of each class period.
Group Work:
Peer tutoring is highly encouraged. Students may work alone or in small groups. Group sizes may not exceed four students per group.
Extra Help:
- I will be available every day after school unless I have a meeting or parent conference.
- I will post in the room and on my website when I am available for tutoring.
Electronic Devices:
- No electronic devices of any kind are to be visible in the classroom at any time.
- The only exception is if I have given permission to use a device as part of the lesson.
- 1 to 1 devices may be out to reference notes and only notes on Edmodo after the lesson is
- Violations and improper usage will result in the device being taken until the end of the period.
- Repeat offences may result in confiscation until the end of the school day, device turned into the
office, and/or office referral.
- Failure to surrender a device when requested will result in an office referral per JHS policy.
- Cell phones will be collected during quizzes and tests.
Grading Policy:
- Assignments25%
- Quizzes 25%
- Tests/Assessments 50%
- Total100%