1.How old are you (in years)?
2.What is your gender? Single punch
Screening: If female (A) continue with question 3
Screening: If male (B) STOP
3.How many children doyou have?
Screening; If 0 STOP, otherwise continue with question 4
4.How many children under the age of 36 months do you have?
Screening; If 0 STOP, otherwise continue with question 5
5.Please enter the age of the child/children (counted in question 4) in months.
(f5_1) child 1...... / months
(f5_2) child 2...... / months
(f5_3) child 3...... / months
programming: If there is more than 1 child <36 months, show the following sentence:
Please answer the following questions relating toyour youngest child.
6.How old is your youngest child (in months)?
7.Do/did you breastfeed your child?
Single punch
I am still breastfeeding ...... continue with question 8!
I have stopped breastfeeding...... continue with question 8!
I did not breastfeed...... continue with question 10!
8.Did you exclusively breastfeed your child during the first 4 months?
(i.e. no infant formula, juices or solids)
Single punch
CI am currently within the first 4 months......
9.When did you start to feed your child with solids?
Single punch
Screening: If 11 STOP
11I have not started yet......
1before completion of the 4th month after delivery......
2after completion of the 5th month after delivery......
3after completion of the 6th month after delivery......
4after completion of the 7th month after delivery......
5after completion of the 8th month after delivery......
6after completion of the 9th month after delivery......
7after completion of the 10th month after delivery......
8after completion of the 11th month after delivery......
9after completion of the 12th month after delivery......
10after completion of the 13th month after delivery......
10.When preparing hot dishes for your own consumption, which plant oil do you mainly use?(i.e. for cooking and frying?)
Single punch
1sunflower oil......
2corn oil......
3olive oil......
4rapeseed oil......
6I do not use plant oils......
11.When preparing salads for your own consumption, which plant oil do you mainly use?
Single punch
1sunflower oil......
2corn oil......
3olive oil......
4rapeseed oil......
6I do not use plant oils......
12.How often do you eat fish?
Single punch
1more than twice a week......
2twice a week......
3once a week......
4twice a month......
5once a month......
6less than once a month......
7 never......
13.Which plant oil do/did you mainly use for the vegetable-potato-meatmeal (or its vegetarian equivalent) in both self-prepared meals and commercial meals during your youngest child’s infancy?
Single punch per column
Self-prepared meals / Commercial meals
1 sunflower oil...... / /
2 corn oil...... / /
3 olive oil...... / /
4 rapeseed oil...... / /
5 other...... / /
6 I do/did not use plant oils...... / /
7 I do not know /
8I always use(d) commercial meals…………………………..
9I always use(d) self-prepared meals......
14.How often does/did your child eat fish in infancy?
Single punch
1more than twice a week......
2twice week......
3once a week......
4twice a month......
5once a month......
6less than once a month......
7 never......
15.Do/did you mainly offer self-prepared or commercially prepared vegetable-potato-meatmeals (or its vegetarian equivalent) toyour child?
Single punch
Amainly self-prepared......
Bmainly commercial (baby jars)......
Cboth balanced......
16.Have you ever heard the term “Omega-3 fatty acids”?
Single punch
1 yes...... continue with question 17!
2 no...... continue with question S1!
3 I do not know...... continue with question S1!
17.Which plant oil contains the highest amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids?
Single punch
1corn oil......
2olive oil......
3rapeseed oil......
4sunflower oil......
5plant oils do not contain Omega-3 fatty acids......
6I do not know......
18. Which food contains the highest amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids?
Single punch
2Alaska pollock......
5none of these foods contain Omega-3 fatty acids......
6I do not know......
19.What impact do Omega-3 fatty acids have on human health?
Single punch
1 a positive impact...... continue with question 20!
2 no impact...... continue with question S1!
3 a negative impact...... continue with question S1!
4 I do not know...... continue with question S1!
20.Which of the following health benefits best describes the effect of Omega-3 fatty acids?
Single punch
1good for the teeth......
2good for the hair and fingernails......
3good for brain development......
4I do not know......
S1 What is your highest school leaving qualification? (s1)
/ none/ intermediate school leaving certificate
/ secondaryschoolleavingcertificate
/ universityofappliedsciencesentrancequalification
/ highereducationentrancequalification (Abitur)
S2What is your highest occupational qualification? (s2)
/ no qualification/ incomplete apprenticeship
/ completed apprenticeship
/ vocational school, professional school, Meisterbrief
/ universityofappliedsciencesdegree
/ university degree
/ Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
/ other
S3 How many persons live in your household? (s3)
/ 1/ 2
/ 3
/ 4
/ 5
/ 6 or more
S4 What is the monthly net income of your household? (s4)
/ 1,000 euro/ 1,000 - < 1,500 euro
/ 1,500 - < 2,000 euro
/ 2,000 - < 2,500 euro
/ 2,500 - < 3,000 euro
/ 3,000 - < 3,500 euro
/ 3,500 - 4,000 euro
/ 4,000 euro or more
/ undisclosed
S5 In which federal state do you live? (s5)
/ Baden-Wuerttemberg/ Bavaria
/ Berlin
/ Brandenburg
/ Bremen
/ Hamburg
/ Hesse
/ Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
/ Lower Saxony
/ Nordrhein-Westfalen
/ Rhineland-Palatinate
/ Saarland
/ Saxony
/ Saxony-Anhalt
/ Schleswig-Holstein
/ Thuringia
S6 How many citizens live in Your residence? (s6)
/ ≤2,000/ 2,001 - 5,000
/ 5,001 - 10,000
/ 10,001 - 20,000
/ 20,001 - 50,000
/ 50,001 - 100,000
/ 100,001 - 200,000
/ 200,001 - 500,000
/ 500,001 or more
/ unknown