FAITH Co-op Class Information

Official Form

Student Grade(Choose ONLY one, unless combining 6th-12th):
☐PreK (4-5) ☐K-2nd ☐3rd-5th ☐6th-8th ☐9th-12th / $ Class Cost / Class Limit /
Class Description(learning objectives, materials provided, texts used, etc.):
Click or tap here to enter class description.
What skills do students need to have? (Reading, writing, cutting, pasting, etc.)
Click or tap here to enter student skills.
What materials do students need to bring to class? (Notebook, pen/pencil, crayons, etc.)
Click or tap here to enter student materials.
How many tables will you need? Click or tap here to enter # tables. Chairs? Click or tap here to enter # chairs.
Other Classroom Requirements(TV/DVD Player, sink, piano, etc.): Click or tap here to enter optional classroom requirements.
Time Preference: ☐1st hour ☐2nd Hour ☐3rd ☐No preference
Description for Presentation Night program (Include any requirements like tables, piano, sound system, etc.):
Click or tap here to enter Presentation Night program description.
Teacher’s Information
First & Last Name / Phone
E-mail / Church
Please provide a short biography.
Assistant’s Information
Name / Phone
E-mail / Church

Teacher/Assistant Responsibilities

Please read the following before signing below.

Subject Matter: Teachers may choose any subject to teach, but please bear in mind the overall goals of providing one of the following: extracurricular activities, opportunities for group interaction, enrichment of the students’ education, and an enjoyable classroom experience. The general guideline for Co-op classes is to avoid controversial topics, unpatriotic opinions, and unbiblical teachings. The Co-op Committee has final authority on the appropriateness of a subject.

Absences: Teachers who will be absent for any reason, have the responsibility to arrange for a class substitute and informing Co-op Director of the situation. In most instances, the assistant should be that substitute. If he or she is unable to teach the class, another parent may substitute. All preschool and elementary classes must have at least one assistant. All attempts will be made to have an assistant in upper grades also. It is the teacher’s responsibility to get an assistant.

Teacher Responsibilities: Teachers are expected to arrive early to set up for their class with the necessary materials and be prepared to conduct their class(es). Teachers need to attend the Opening Assembly so that the Director can communicate with the teachers in the most efficient manner. Teachers are limited to teaching only two classes per session.

Assistant Responsibilities: Assistants are expected to participate actively in class, assisting students that need extra help and with classroom management, as well as helping the teacher with gathering supplies, etc. If the assistant must be absent, it is the assistant’s responsibility to find someone to substitute as an assistant. The teacher of the class and the Co-op Director must be notified who the substitute will be. This policy also applies to nursery workers; however, they will notify the Nursery Director.


I have read and understand the Teacher/Assistant Responsibilities and agree to abide by them to the best of my ability.

