Monday 18th July 2016

Dear Parents/Carers

KS5: WEX Student/Parent/Carer Consent Form and School Agreement

As in previous years we are encouraging all suitable students in KS5 to undertake some form of Work Experience (WEX). We believe it provides a valuable opportunity for students to learn about different industries/sectors and may help in making more informed decisions about future careers.

Students are encouraged, where possible, to organise their own placements. We are fortunate to have a small number of local businesses who support our WEX Programme but we are always on the lookout for more placement opportunities. If you think you or someone you know may be able to offer such an opportunity in your organisation I would be delighted to hear from you either by email or by return of the offer placement form.

Please complete and return the attached paperwork to school no later than Friday 9th September 2016.

Your son/daughter will not be able to begin any Work Experience until school is in receipt of all necessary forms.

Additional paperwork regarding specific dates and placements will follow in the AutumnTerm.

If you wish to discuss any aspect of our WEX Programme, do not hesitate to contact me via the school office or directly by email on

Yours faithfully

Mrs Claire Amos

KS5 Head of Department

KS5 Work Experience Co-ordinator


Student Name: ______Tutor Group: ______

Date of Birth: ______Age: ______

I agree to my son/daughter participating in Pitcheroak WEX Programme throughout the academic year 2016/2017. If my son/daughter is not on placement I am aware they are expected to attend school.

To help us make sure that all students are given suitable WEX placements, please provide us with the following information.

Does your son/daughter have any of the following?

Yes / No
Allergies/skin conditions
Any other medical conditions: (please specify)
If you have answered yes to any of the above, please give details
Please give details of any regular medication required

Student Name: ______Tutor Group: ______

Parent Name: ______Date: ______

Polite reminder:

  • All students are expected to make their own travel arrangements to and from Work Experience Placement.
  • All students are expected to arrive at placement by 09:00hrs and leave at 12:00noon (unless advised otherwise)
  • All students are expected to be back in school ready for afternoon lessons no later than 1:10pm (unless advised otherwise)

I agree to share the following information with my son/daughter:

  • S/he will not disclose to a third party any confidential information relating to the employer without the employer’s approval.
  • S/he will obey all health, safety, welfare, security and other rules and regulations outlined by the employer.
  • S/he will make an introductory visit to the employer where required to do so.
  • S/he will inform the employer and school immediately of any incident or accident they may be involved in, no matter how small it may seem.
  • S/he will inform the employer and school if unable to attend their placement.

I understand school will continue to monitor my son’s/daughter’s progress on WEX and seek a verbal and/or written report from his/her employer/supervisor.

I understand a student may be withdrawn from a placement if reports are unsatisfactory.

Signature of Student: ______

Signature of Parent/Carer: ______

Date: ______


PLEASE NOTE: This will not be regarded as a firm commitment but as an indication that you are happy to be approached by us on behalf of a student seeking a placement in your organisation.

Name: / Position:
Name of Organisation:
Address of above:
Profession/Industry Sector:
Business Telephone Number:
Business email:
Additional information:

Please return to: Mrs Claire Amos

Pitcheroak School, Willow Way, Batchley, Redditch, Worcestershire. B97 6PQ.

T: 01527 65576