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c/o Huntington Community Centre,

26, Strensall Road, Huntington,


Tel: 01904 470670


Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Huntington Parish Council held on Wednesday 15th March 2017 in Huntington Community Centre at 7.00pm.

PRESENT: / D. Geogheghan-Breen (DB) – Chairman, Councillor M. Duncanson (MD), Councillor S. Jobling (SJ), Councillor K. Orrell (KO), Councillor G. Shann (GS), Councillor J. Shann (JS), Councillor I. Panter (IP), Councillor M. Sutton-Croft (MS), Councillor A. Hawxby (AH), Councillor C. McQuinn (CM), Councillor D. Jobling (DJ), Councillor J. Willis (JW), Councillor C. Hillman (CH), Mrs Gill Chivers (GC) – RFO and Lorraine Frankland (LF) – Parish Clerk
APOLOGIES: / Councillor K. Deadman (KD) and Councillor D. Smith (DS)
CIRCULATION: / To attendees, apologies and other all members of the Parish Council
MINUTES PREPARED BY: / Lorraine Frankland
DATE (Draft): / 31/03/17
131. / To Accept Apologies and Reasons for Absence
Councillor K. Deadman (KD); absent due to other commitments
Councillor D. Smith (DS); absent due to work commitments
It was resolved to approve all apologies and reasons for absence.
To Note Declaration of Interests
i)  To Receive Declarations of Personal, Prejudicial or Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (not previously declared) on any Items of Business
No such requests made
To Consider Business from Members of the Public
·  A resident had contacted the Parish Council about the noise caused by the bird scarer MD confirmed that he had rung the CoYC about this last year and KO informed the meeting that it had been investigated and currently is not breaking any rules.
·  A resident had contacted GS to complain that the notices within the noticeboard at the end of Broome Close were too high for them to read, the meeting was informed that the boards were installed at quit a relatively low height as neither the RFO or the Parish Clerk were tall themselves, it was agreed that; notices of a high importance would be placed at the bottom of the boards to help with this issue in future
Minutes: To Approve the Minutes of the Monthly Parish Council Meeting held 15/02/17
Minutes approved as a true and accurate record of said meeting signed and dated by the Chairman DB.
Policing and Security Matters
i)  To Note February 2017 Crime figures
DB read Februarys Crime figures. DB highlighted that the area has lost several PCSO’s and has a new area sergeant; Sergeant Leach he has asked for feedback on the PCSO presence within the parish
ii)  To Consider any other security related issues
, in was noted that the monthly crime figures are now disseminated by a volunteer and can councillors feedback on this.
Finance and Policy Issues:
i)  To Note Monthly Bank Reconciliation Report
Monthly Bank Reconciliation Report noted.
ii)  To Approve Invoices Presented for Payment

Invoices checked and approved by Councillor M. Duncanson.
The was also a late invoice from Sleightholms, for Stratford Way.
It was resolved to approve all above invoices for immediate payment.
iii)  To Note Current Financial Situation
GC informed the meeting that, it was looking like the Parish accounts would take a balance of about £30,000 forward to next year, Councillors were asked to encourage groups to apply for 137 monies. Current Financial Situation noted.
To Consider Current Licensing Applications:
None received
Asset Management
i)  Open Agenda Item for Community Centres/Halls to present a report
a.  Huntington Memorial Hall
The new Fibre Optic Wifi is fitted and running great, however a booster box needs installing to improve reception to the whole building
b.  Huntington Community Centre
GC to speak to Plusnet about the poor Wifi signal within the building
c.  Orchard Park Community Centre
The AGM was held last night SJ and DJ have stepped down, plus another committee member, SJ gave a report on the past years’ activities. The new shed is up; however, the roof is leaking, DJ is in contact with the company to rectify this. CH is the New Chair of the committee, and DB highlighted the need for further committee members
ii)  To Receive Reports from those Councillors who have nomination rights to Outside Bodies:
a)  Huntington Riverside Environmental Park
Due to the wet conditions on the river bank the trees are still awaiting removal
b)  Huntington Sports and Social Club
The Club has secured a new deal from the brewery and with the increase in takings it is now projected that the new extension could pay for itself in three years rather than the five years originally forecast. The improved drainage has meant that they have not had to cancel any games and this is reflected in the teams’ good results. MD is to ask if the HSSC want one or both of the superfluous litter bins currently to the rear of the Community Centre
c)  Yorkshire L.C.A.
DB highlighted the training available to Councillors through YLCA, if they wished to attend
d)  Huntington and New Earswick Burial Board
The stolen lawnmower has been found, though the grass box and other tools taken have not been recovered. The committee are looking at two sets of plans for the next stage of the development, and since the article in the newsletter about the cemetery 15 people have pre-purchased plots
iii)  To Receive Report re: Ward Team Meeting
No meeting held.
Planning and Green Belt Issues
i)  To Consider Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting held 22/02/17
Minutes considered
ii)  To Consider any further Planning and Green Belt issues
GS informed the meeting that the parcel of land between the A1237 and the pony paddock adjacent to the river Foss whilst lying within the Parish of Huntington, had in fact been bequeathed by the previous owner to Earswick Parish, so they own the land and were responsible for the tree which have been planted on the land
iii)  Neighbourhood Plan Update
DJ said that 60 people had attended the consultation drop in session (mainly to complain about parking on grass verges around Orchard Park, the next sub-committee meeting is to be held on 27/03/17.
LF informed the meeting that she is unable to put the draft plan on the website due to the file size (being too large for the site to accept), LF was asked to put the website on the next Amenities Meeting Agenda
i)  To Consider Minutes of Amenities Committee Meeting held 07/03/17
Minutes considered, DB asked everyone to consider giving time to help serve teas, coffees and bake cakes for the Gala
RECOMMENDATION: that, planning’s should be laid down, making access easier (more stable) from Drakes Close to the Foss river bank, in order to prevent the type damage to the footpath such has happened recently (by Yorkshire Water contractor). Approved in principle to be looked at by Amenities
RECOMMENDATION: that; a public meeting on Fracking be held at the end of May, and that this should be advertised in the newsletter. Approved
RECOMMENDATION: that; agree to fund the Defibrillator Cabinet, so that The Methodist Church defibrillator can be placed on the outside of the building for all to access. Approved subject to agreement of costs at F & P Meeting
As a consequence of the approval for the outside Defibrillator Case at the Methodist Chapel, this has negated the need for a defibrillator at the Memorial Hall, it was therefore suggested by GS that the second defibrillator proposed for the Memorial Hall be relocated to the exterior of P J Clifton Financial Services (formally the Halifax) on the corner of New Lane and Jockey Lane, GS has spoken to the company concerned and they have agreed in principle to the idea. Agreed
GC is looking at costings for purchasing 2x Defibrillators and at training on how to use them. The Scarborough and District Rescue Team would offer training and it was Agreed that; a donation should be made for this service (F & P to agree the recommended amount)
The Bus Shelter at the end of Avon Drive is full of litter LF to chase DJ’s contractor in regards to his public liability insurance and doing the work.
Parish Council Administration Issues
i)  Dates for Diary: Planning Meetings 15/03/17, 05/04/17 Amenities Meeting 25/04/17
ii)  To Discuss arrangements for next Huntington Walkabout
To be held on 28/03/17 at 6.00pm to look at possible locations for the bench and planters at Huntington WMC corner, at the entrance to The Old Village.
To Note Correspondence Received
Nothing to add to that which has been circulated this month
To Confirm Date, Time and Venue of Next Meeting
Monthly meeting of Huntington Parish Council to be held Wednesday 19th April 2017 commencing directly after the ANNUAL PARISH MEETING which begins at 7.00pm in Huntington Community Centre, Strensall Road, Huntington.
Meeting closed at 8:15pm / LF & GC
All Cllr’s
All Cllr’s
All Cllr’s
All Cllr’s
F & P

HPC Minutes 15/03/17