Minutes of Regular Meeting

May 18, 2009

The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, May 18th, 2009, in the Commissioners Meeting Room, County Administrative Building, 102 East Front Street, Lillington, North Carolina.

Members present: Timothy B. McNeill, Chairman

Beatrice B. Hill, Vice-Chaiman

Dan B. Andrews

Gary House

Jim Burgin

Staff present: Scott Sauer, County Manager

Wm. A. (Tony) Wilder, Assistant County Manager

Dwight W. Snow, County Attorney

Sylvia Blinson, Finance Officer

Kay S. Blanchard, Clerk to the Board

Gina Daniel, Assistant to County Manager

Chairman McNeill called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and Vice-Chairman Hill led the pledge of allegiance and invocation.

Chairman McNeill called for additions and deletions to the published agenda. Commissioner House move to allow Thomas Ellis and Elizabeth Crudup with Harnett Historical Association to address the board for up to 7 minutes. The full Board of Commissioners approved this addition as 6a. under Agenda Item 6. Appointments.

Vice-Chairman Hill moved to approve the agenda as amended. Commissioner House seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

Commissioner House moved to approve consent agenda as published. Commissioner Burgin seconded the motion and the Board unanimously approved the following items on the consent agenda:

1. Minutes: Regular Meeting, May 4th, 2009

2. Budget amendments:

363 Special Districts (Fund 242 – Special Districts)

Code 242-8008-420.82-20 Boone Trail – Delinquent 2,000 increase

242-8009-420.82-10 Buies Creek – Current 20,000 increase

242-0000-311.10-00 Current Taxes 20,000 increase

242-0000-311.20-00 Delinquent Taxes 2,000 increase

364 Tax Collection Agency (Fund 722 – Tax Collection Agency)

Code 722-8026-419.82-01 Town of Angier – Current 75,000 increase

722-0000-311.10-00 Current Taxes 75,000 increase

365 Solid Waste (Fund 580 – Solid Waste)

Code 580-6600-461.74-71 Capital Outlay – Land 66,960 increase

580-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 66,960 increase

366 Jail (Fund 110 – General)

Code 110-5120-420.11-00 Salaries & Wages 334,500 increase

110-5120-420.21-00 Group Insurance Expense 63,613 increase

110-5120-420.22-00 FICA Tax Expense 20,983 increase

110-5120-420.23-00 Regular Retirement 16,423 increase

110-5120-420.23-01 Supplemental Retirement 9,500 decrease

110-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 426,019 increase

370 Boone Trail Elementary School Project (Fund 313 – “CPO706”)

Code 313-8300-480.45-22 Issuance Cost 456,841 increase

313-8300-480.45-80 Contingency 456,841 decrease

373 Aging – Family Caregiver Support (Fund 110 – General)

Code 110-7501-441.32-11 Family Caregiver Support 100 increase

110-0000-353.75-01 Contributions – Family Caregiver

Support 100 increase

375 Aging – Retired Seniors Volunteer Program (Fund 110 – General)

Code 110-7510-441.32-13 Special Projects 1,450 increase

110-0000-353.15-00 Contributions – RSVP 1,450 increase

378 Worker’s Compensation (Fund 110 – General)

Code 270-4000-410.32-90 Worker’s Compensation 563,285 increase

270-0000-389.30-00 Interfund Transfer 507,791 increase

270-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 55,494 increase

380 Sheriff (Fund 110 – General)

Code 110-5100-420.12-00 Salaries & Wages – Part-time 3,000 increase

110-5100-420.32-56 Crime Prevention 1,000 decrease

110-5100-420.43-16 Maintenance & Repair Equipment 1,000 decrease

110-5100-420.43-21 Maintenance & Repair Auto 1,000 decrease

381 Interfund Transfer (Fund 110 – General)

Code 110-8701-490.90-22 Interfund Transfer – Worker’s

Comp. 500,000 increase

110-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 500,000 increase

382 Cooperative Extension – Adolescent Parenting Program (Fund 110– General)

Code 110-7319.465-11-00 Salaries & Wages 2,826 increase

110-7319-465.21-00 Group Insurance Expense 556 increase

110-7319-465.22-00 FICA Tax Expense 216 increase

110-7319-465.23-00 Regular Retirement 138 increase

110-7319-465.23-01 Supplemental Retirement 57 increase

110-7319-465.26-08 Workers Compensation 42 increase

110-0000-331.73-19 Adolescent Parenting Program 3,835 increase

384 Airport Runway & Parallel Extension Project (Fund 377 – “CP0603”)

Code 377-8306-465.45-01 Construction 359,375 increase

377-8306-465.45-33 Technical 349,703 decrease

377-8306-465.45-46 Preliminary Engineering 6,172 decrease

377-8306-465.45-57 Miscellaneous Expense 3,500 decrease

3. Tax refunds and releases (Attachment 1)

4. Resolution to add Lee’s Place Drive to the state system (Attachment 2)

5.  Resolution opposing the “Public Health Improvement Plan” as contained in Senate

Bill 202. The Harnett County Board of Commissioners is opposed to Section 10.26 of Senate Bill 202 or any other budget provision entitled Public Health Improvement Plan and stands opposed to any efforts to reform public health absent appropriate planning and input from local government officials and local public health professionals. (Attachment 3)

6. Resolution opposing Senate Bill 758 Transfer Secondary Roads to Counties. Harnett

County opposes S.B. 758 and the transfer of secondary road responsibility to North

Carolina counties and requests that Senator Blake, Representative Jimmy L. Love, Sr.

and Representative David R. Lewis also oppose and take all action within their

authority and power to ensure defeat of S.B. 758. (Attachment 4)

7. Resolution Authorizing Condemnation To Acquire Certain Real Property of Colan

Randolph Collins and Wife, Allene B. Collins. (Attachment 5)

8.  Utility Service Agreement between the County of Harnett and the Town of Linden.

This is a renewal agreement for a term of five years. The Town of Linden has requested that the Harnett County Department of Public Utilities perform certain tasks for fees; including water supply, meter reading, new water tap installation service, twenty-four hour emergency repair service, water cut off and cut on service, operations and maintenance service for the chlorination system located at the meter facility and billing.

9.  USDA Bond Resolution – South Central Water and Sewer District (Attachment 6)

10.  Amended Memorandum of Understanding for cooperative, comprehensive and continuing transportation planning and the establishment of a rural transportation planning organization for the counties of Bladen, Cumberland, Harnett and Sampson, comprising the Regional M Planning Area, and the Municipalities contained therein, excluding Fayetteville, Hope Mills and Spring Lake, and the North Carolina Department of Transportation

Informal Comments

1. Dave Rogers, Johnson Road, Coats

Mr. Rogers discussed taxes, tax revaluation and the county’s budget. He asked that any and all expenditures be immediately available to commissioners and that all moneys spent by the county to be chartable. Chairman McNeill told Mr. Rogers that records would be immediately available to him regarding Harnett Forward Together Committee and funds in their account.

2.  Dr. Harold Dixon, Coats

Mr. Dixon discussed the revaluation and effects of the current economy. He both

thanked the commissioners and challenged them to use last years tax values. Mr.

Dixon thanked Kay Blanchard for her service and wished her well in her retirement.

Commissioner Andrews moved to appoint Margaret Regina “Gina” Daniel as Acting Clerk to the Harnett County Board of Commissioners. Vice-Chairman Hill seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. Chairman McNeill administered the oath of office to Gina Daniel as she was sworn in.

Thomas Ellis and Elizabeth Crudup, Harnett Historical Association, addressed the Board regarding the Overhill’s Estate now owned by the military. Board was asked again to enter into a memorandum of understanding with Harnett Historical Association to manage a proposed project to move buildings onto property owned by the County. Mrs. Crudup spoke about the importance of grass root efforts, preserving history in Harnett County and making sure we don’t lose our culture as we move forward. Mrs. Crudup explained that staff at Fort Bragg was willing to move several historical buildings as part of a training exercise to Harnett County property prior to land transferal which would take place in June. Commissioner House informed Mrs. Crudup that the Board was not ready to sign the requested MOU but he volunteered to meet with Mrs. Crudup and others regarding this project.

Samantha Ficzko, Planner, presented a proposed zoning text amendment. Article VI, Zoning Districts & Regulations, Section 11.0 Use & Structure Regulations. Addition: Swimming Pools: A – H. The proposed amendment will update the Harnett County Zoning Ordinance to correspond with the North Carolina Building Code regarding swimming pool regulations.

The Planning Board reviewed the request May 4, 2009 and unanimously recommends approval of the proposed amendment. Chairman McNeill called to order a public hearing on the matter and opened the meeting for comments from the public. Dave Rogers from Coats asked for clarification regarding the text amendment. There being no further comments, Chairman McNeill closed the public hearing. Commissioner House moved to approve the zoning text amendment as presented. Commissioner Burgin seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. (Attachment 7)

Samantha Ficzko, Planner, presented a proposed zoning text amendment. Article VI, Section 11.0 Use Types and Regulations – Update Article XVI Definitions – Additions. The proposed amendments will add new uses to the Harnett County Zoning Ordinance. The Planning Board reviewed the request May 4, 2009 and unanimously recommends approval of the proposed amendment. Chairman McNeill called to order a public hearing on the matter and opened the meeting for comments from the public. No comments were offered and Chairman McNeill closed the public hearing. Commissioner Andrews moved to approve the zoning text amendment as presented. Vice-Chairman Hill seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. (Attachment 8)

Samantha Ficzko, Planner, presented proposed zoning changes regarding Michael N. Shaw, Shaw Construction Co. Inc., From RA-20M to Commercial Zoning District, SR2048-Bethel Baptist Road, .94 acres, Anderson Creek Township. The Planning Board reviewed the request May 4, 2009 and unanimously recommends denial of the request based on several of the the Small Scale Rezoning factors. Chairman McNeill called to order a public hearing on the matter and opened the meeting for comments from the public. Mr. Michael N. Shaw spoke on his own behalf, stating his business has been in existence for 18 years and prior to the storage facility located nearby. Mr. Shaw said he currently employees 35 employees of which 11 are Harnett County citizens. There being no further comments, Chairman McNeill closed the public hearing.

Chairman McNeill and Commissioner Andrews both said they know of the business and of the Shaw family and believe the business very beneficial to the county, especially during such economic times. Chairman McNeill moved to approve the zoning changes citing the impact is reasonable and benefits of the rezoning outweigh any potential inconvenience, the request in zoning district is compatible with the existing land uses around it and the proposal does enhance and maintain the public, health, safety and general welfare. Chairman McNeill said that the request for this small scale rezoning is reasonable and the first, he believes, of many businesses in that area to be rezoned commercial which was echoed by Commissioner House. Commissioner Andrews seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Samantha Ficzko, Planner, presented proposed zoning changes regarding John & Martha Sauls and Frank & Leslie Oldham, From RA-20R to Commercial Zoning District, SR1113-Hwy 87, 9.0 Acres, Barbecue Township. The Planning Board reviewed the request May 4, 2009 and recommends approval with a unanimous vote based on favorable findings. Chairman McNeill called to order a public hearing on the matter and opened the meeting for comments from the public. Mr. John Sauls spoke on his own behalf. There being no further comments, Chairman McNeill closed the public hearing. Vice-Chairman Hill moved to approve the proposed zoning changes. Commissioner Andrews seconded the motion and it passed unanimously

The Board adopted a resolution honoring Kay S. Blanchard, Clerk to the Board. Mrs. Blanchard will be retiring at the end of May after 28 years of service to the county. The Resolution was read and presented to Mrs. Blanchard who was also presented a letter from Congressman Bob Etheridge. (Attachment 9)

Mrs. Blanchard addressed the Board of Commissioners and the audience which included many family and friends. Mrs. Blanchard reminisced over the past 28 years of service and thanked the commissioners, her family, friends and co-workers.

County Manager Scott Sauer presented the Health Department Activities Summary. Mr. Sauer also updated the commissioners on efforts regarding the county’s health benefit package. The Commissioners asked for more details to be provided to them prior to the meeting the following night.

Commissioner Andrews moved to recess this meeting until 6:00 pm on Tuesday, May 19, 2009 at Nonna’s Restaurant, 11 West Front Street, Lillington, NC. The motion was seconded by Commissioner House and the board recessed at 8:08 pm.

5-18-09 BOC Minutes

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