Gifted Note Sheet Invertebrates Mollusks 2017

·  General characteristics:

o  ______symmetrical.

o  More than two cell layers, ______and organs.

o  Body highly variable in form

o  Most mollusks have ______parts: foot (takes many forms), shell (internal or external), ______and visceral mass.

·  , Habitats: both ______and aquatic environments

·  Three common classes: ______(clams, oysters, mussels, scallops),

o  -shell secreted by mantle

o  -no head, no radula, little cephalization

o  ______(octopi, nautilus, cuttlefish, squid)

o  camera-type eyes

o  -powerful beak for tearing prey apart

o  Gastropoda (snails, slugs, conch and sea slugs)

o  -have an eleongated, flattened foot and a one-piece shell that protects the visceral mass

·  Nutrition: Herbivores and ______

·  Feeding:

o  Some use ______(hard tongue for scraping)

o  Some ______feeders

o  Carnivores use specialized ______parts

·  Digestion: have a ______digestive tract, food is absorbed in intestine

·  Excretion:

o  Bivalves diffuse wastes through ______siphon

o  More complex use ______ to filter cellular waste containing nitrogen and excrete solid waste through anus

·  Circulation:

o  slow moving: have an ______circulatory system that pump blood into a ______with blood diffusion back to the circulatory system between cells where the blood is pumped by a ______into the body cavities and tissues are surrounded by the blood (ex) snail

o  fast moving: have a true ______circulatory system that have the blood ______at all times in vessels, blood is pumped by a heart through vessels (ex) octopus

·  Respiration:

o  Land: use ______of oxygen and carbon dioxide through skin requiring cells to be close to external environment and skin must stay moist for ______

o  Aquatic: ______are used to extract oxygen from water

·  Nervous: demonstrates ______(concentration of nervous tissue at head of organism)

o  some have simple mass of ______or nervous tissue along with sensory receptors, ex. slugs

o  some also have nerve ______, ex. bivalves

o  most advanced have ______and ______, ex. Octopi

§  Octopi have a capacity for learning.

·  Reproduction:

o  Sexual

o  Some are ______ , Bivalves and Cephalopods, and some are hermaphroditic, land snails (typically have system in place to ______self fertilization)

o  Both ______and external fertilization

§  internal ex. tentacle mollusks

§  external ex. snails and bivalves

·  Mobility:

o  Snails and slugs ______on the foot, travel on slime trail

o  Clams and scallops ______with the foot

o  Squid, octopus swim with ______(modified foot) and jet propulsion