Dine Culture & Language Goals & Objectives
Arizona Academic Standards Alignment
Culture Units Kindergarten / Unit Objectives / Dine Language/Culture / Arizona Reading/Math / CUSD Objectives and Goals / ResourcesClans / Identify maternal clan
Identify family kinship / S1C R1
PO 2 – Use correct kinship terms (e.g., shima, shizhe’e, shideezhi, shitsili, shinaai, shadi, shicheii, shima sani.
PO 3 – Introduce him/herself in the appropriate traditional way; / Reading
PO2. Identify elements of a story, including characters, setting, and key events.
PO 3 – Retell of re-enact a story placing events in the correct sequence
PO1- Students create object graphs and pictographs using data relevant to their lives. (e.g.; favorite ice cream, eye color, pets, etc..) Graphs may be constructed by groups of students as well as by individual students. / West
South / Book titles:
Dii shi’asht’I, Johnny Lee and his family, Littleman’s family
Navajo clan sheet
Family kinship terms
Family pictures
K’e posters
Hogan / Identify male and female Hogan
Create a male and female Hogan / S1C R1
PO 5 – Exemplify knowledge on the traditional significance on the various types of dwellings;
S3C R1
PO 3 – Orally demonstrate an understanding of traditional construction of the various types of Hogan and be able to tell the significance of each; / Reading
PO2. Identify elements of a story, including characters, setting, and key events.
PO 3 – Retell of re-enact a story placing events in the correct sequence
PO1. Express whole numbers 0-20, using and connecting multiple opportunities to count object and recognize that a number represents a specific quantity.
PO1. Identify, analyze, and describe circles, triangles, and rectangles (including squares) in different orientations and environments. / East, West
South, North / Book titles:
Three Little Sheep
The Old Hogan
Johnny Lee and his Hogan
List of Hogan names
Hogan pictures,
Types of home pictures
Clothing / Identify 2 types of moccasins
Identify the animal hides used / SIC R1
PO5 – identify traditional dress styles of the Navajo people; / Reading
PO 3 – Retell of re-enact a story placing events in the correct sequence
PO1- Compare and order objects according to observable and measurable attributes. Students use ordinal number language to describe the position of the ordered objects. They use language such as longer than wider than, etc. / East
North / Book titles:
Taazbaa’ and her magic shoes
Pictures of the 3 types of moccasins
Places History and Government / Identify familiar places creating or using a map for example: stores, schools, chapter house and clinic / S4C R3
PO4 – identify landmarks and their significance on a community map; use original Navajo names to produce a community profile; / Reading
PO3- Describe familiar objects and events in both general and specific language
PO1- Students create object graphs and pictographs using data relevant to their lives. (e.g.; favorite ice cream, eye color, pets, etc..) Graphs may be constructed by groups of students as well as by individual students. / East, West
South, North / Book titles:
Teacher made maps
Federal project made map of Chinle, Many Farms and Tsaile
Pictures of significant locations
Story Telling/ Recreation / Identify earth, sun, moon, and stars
Identify 2 character from a coyote story / S3C R2
PO2 – exemplify an understanding of the Traditional principles and values that encourages the maintenance of environmental harmony; respect the natural laws and order; and understanding the inter-dependency of non-living and living matter (e.g. the understanding of Navajo constellations – So’ Dine’e Baa hane’, winter/summer stories teaches mental soundness, sureness, and appropriate behavioral development;
S4C R1
PO3 – explore and discuss for an indepth understanding the Navajo terminologies that associate with earth (Nahasdzaan), sky (shitaa’ yadilhil), sun (shitaa’ johonaa’ei), moon (shima tl’ehonaa’ei), and the constellation (shi tsooyehe or shitsoiyehe yot’aah silaii or wot’aah silaii) / Reading
PO1- Identify the purpose for reading expository text
PO1- Express whole numbers 0-20, using and connecting multiple opportunities to count object and recognize that a number represents a specific quantity. / East, West
South, North / Book titles:
Coyote Stories
Teacher made resources
Coyote Stories Video/DVD
Internet Resource
Rug Weaving / Identify at least 3 rug weaving tools
Complete a paper weaving rug / S5C R2
PO1 – recall and retell the traditional seasonal hane’ (e.g. Spiderwoman and weaving) interpret inferences and meaning of the stories at appropriate grade level. / Reading
PO 3 – Retell of re-enact a story placing events in the correct sequence
PO1- Recognize, describe, extend create and record simple repeating patterns / East, West
South, North / Book titles:
Goats In the Rug by Martin Link
Teacher made resources
Food / Identify 3 types of traditional foods / SIC R1
PO5 – exemplify knowledge of the traditional significance of the various types of Navajo food and how they are prepared; / Reading
PO 3 – Retell of re-enact a story placing events in the correct sequence
PO1- Students create object graphs and pictographs using data relevant to their lives. (e.g.; favorite ice cream, eye color, pets, etc..) Graphs may be constructed by groups of students as well as by individual students. / East, West
South, North / Book titles:
5 Food group poster
Food Demonstrations
Traditional Seeds-squash, corn, beans
Arts and Crafts / Identify the colors of the Navajo basket / S4C R2
PO7 – understand the association between American Indian arts and crafts
S3C E3
PO3 – Gain understanding through a Traditional Practitioners cultural concept of feminist and masculinity in all things in the environment (e.g. wedding basket…) / Reading
PO3- Describe familiar objects and events in both general and specific language
PO1. Identify, analyze, and describe circles, triangles, and rectangles (including squares) in different orientations and environments / East, West
South, North / Book titles:
Illustration from the coloring book Ts’aa’ (CUSD)
Culture Units 1ST GRADE / Unit Objectives / Dine Language/Culture / Arizona Reading/Math / CUSD Objectives and Goals / Resources
Clans / Identify maternal and paternal clan / SIC R1
PO 3 – Introduce him/herself in the appropriate traditional way;
S4C R1
PO1 – Verbally introduce self in the traditional way by maternal and paternal clan; / Reading
PO2. Identify elements of a story, including characters, setting, and key events.
PO 3 – Retell of re-enact a story placing events in the correct sequence
PO1- Students create object graphs and pictographs using data relevant to their lives. (e.g.; favorite ice cream, eye color, pets, etc..) Graphs may be constructed by groups of students as well as by individual students. / West
South / Book titles:
“Navajo Clan Legends,” by San Juan Media Center/Reference
“Beauty beside me,” by Seraphine Yazzie
Navajo clan sheet
Family kinship terms
Hogan / Describe the difference between a male and female Hogan
Create a Male and/or Female Hogan / SIC R1
PO 5 – Exemplify knowledge on the traditional significance on the various types of dwellings;
S3C R1
PO 3 – Orally demonstrate an understanding of traditional construction of the various types of hogans and be able to tell the significance of each; / Reading
PO1- Identify the plot of a literary selection, heard or read.
PO 3 – Retell of re-enact a story placing events in the correct sequence
PO1- Identify the question(s) asked and any other questions that need to be answered in order to find a solution.
PO4-Represent a problem situation using any combination of words, numbers, pictures, physical objects, or symbols. / East, West
South, North / Book titles:
“Johonaa’ei, Bringer of Dawn,” by Veronica Tsinajinie
Teacher made resources
Teacher made illustration
Internet resource
Hogan Model w/ appropriate placements
Clothing / Identify the male hair knot and the female hair knot
Identify the difference between the female hair tie and the male hair tie / SIC R1
PO5 – identify traditional dress styles of the Navajo people; / Reading
PO1- Follow a set of multi-step directions with picture cues to assist.
PO4-Represent a problem situation using any combination of words, numbers, pictures, physical objects, or symbols. / East
North / Book titles:
Teacher made resources
Poster on hair tie (CUSD)
Internet resource
“Leading the Way” (Apr. 09)
Navajo Times
Hair tie model
Places History and Government / Identify significant places in Canyon de Chelly and Del Muerto Canyon / S4C R3
PO4 – identify landmarks and their significance on a community map; use original Navajo names to produce a community profile; / Reading
PO1- Identify the plot of a literary selection, heard or read
PO2 -Answer questions (e.g. who, what, where, when, why and how) about expository text, heard or read.
PO4-Represent a problem situation using any combination of words, numbers, pictures, physical objects, or symbols. / East, West
South, North / Book titles:
“Don’t tell anybody that there is a dinosaurs in Canyon de Chelly” (CUSD)
Arizona Highway Magazine
“Canyon Voices” (Video)
Teacher made resources
Internet resource/Google Maps
Post card puzzles
Posters (CUSD)
Story Telling/ Recreation / Name the appropriate time to create string game designs. / S3C R2
PO1 – Demonstrate an understanding of Dineji of Haigo hane’ (winter stories) and activities (e.g. string games); / Reading
PO2- answer questions (e.g. who, what, where, when, why, how) about expository text, heard or read.
PO3- State the meaning of specific signs (e.g. traffic, safety, warning signs).
PO1-Compare and order objects according to length, capacity, and weight.
PO4-Represent a problem situation using any combination of words, numbers, pictures, physical objects, or symbols. / East, West
South, North / Book titles:
Sting Games /Video(San Juan)
Na’atlo’ by Mike Mitchell
Teacher made resourses
Navajo Times
Leading the Way
Rug Weaving / Identify the first step in preparing wool. / S5C R2
PO1 – recall and retell the traditional seasonal hane’ (e.g. Spiderwoman and weaving) interpret inferences and meaning of the stories at appropriate grade level.
PO4 – Give and follow multiple-step directions; / Reading S2C1
PO1-Identify the plot of literary selection, heard or read.
PO1-Predict what might happen next in a reading selection.
PO1-Identify the question(s) asked and any other questions that need to be answered in order to find a solution. / East, West
South, North / Book titles:
Goats In the Rug by Martin Link
Willie Chee and Shearing Time (CUSD)
“Grandmother’s Magic” CUSD)
“Billy Goat” (CUSD)
Teacher made resource
Consultant/ Teacher demonstration of shearing, carding, spinning and dying
Internet resource
Navajo Times
Food / Identify 3 types of traditional foods not eaten today. / S6C R2
PO2 – Identify, explore and discuss the various types of Indian food and the processes for preserving, conserving, and understanding the traditional act of giving thanks for the abundance of food and/or wealth; / Reading
PO2- answer questions (e.g. who, what, where, when, why, how) about expository text, heard or read.
PO1-Use Venn diagram to sort, classify, and count objects and justify the sorting rule. / East, West
South, North / Book titles:
Grandmother’s Yum Yum
Teacher made resource
Photographs of prairie dog, locust, rabbit, goat milk, yucca bloom, etc.
Arts and Crafts / Name an element used to make pottery. / S4C R2
PO7 – understand the association between American Indian arts and crafts / Reading
PO2- answer questions (e.g. who, what, where, when, why, how) about expository text, heard or read.
PO1-Identify the question(s) asked and any other questions that need to be answered in order to find a solution.
PO1-Compare and order objects according to length, capacity, and weight. / East, West
South, North / Book titles:
Internet resource/Google pottery
Teacher made resource
Pottery posters/pictures
Culture Units
2nd GRADE / Unit Objectives / Dine Language/Culture / Arizona Reading/Math / CUSD Objectives and Goals / Resources
Clans / Identify maternal grandfather’s clan / S2C R1
PO1 – Exemplify the understanding of a nucleus in a family structure and the role of each member (e.g. maternal grandfather); / Reading
PO.5- Locate specific information from graphic features ( e.g. charts, maps, diagrams, illustrations, tables, timelines ) of expository text.
PO.1-Collect, record, organize, and display data using pictographs, frequency tables, or single bar graphs. / West
South / Book titles:
“Navajo Clan Legends,” by San Juan Media Center/Reference
“Beauty beside me,” by Seraphine Yazzie
“Proud to be a Blacksheep,” by Roberta John
“My grandfather and the Colt” (CUSD)
“Grandfather’s hat” (CUSD)
“Grandfather’s work moccasin” (CUSD)
Navajo clan sheet
Family kinship terms
Family Tree
Hogan / Identify the four directions their associated colors and their significance / S4C R1
PO6 – Exemplify an understanding of the traditional construction and design of a Navajo Hogan and be able to tell of the significance of its essential elements; / Reading
PO.3- Ask relevant questions in order to comprehend text.
PO.1- Collect, record, organize, and display data using pictographs, frequency tables, or single bar graphs.
PO.5-Create and solve word problems based on addition and subtraction of two-digit number / East, West
South, North / Book titles:
Internet resource/Google Hogan
“The three little sheep,” by Sarephine Yazzie
Teacher made resources
Posters or pictures of Hogans
Clothing / Identify sacred gems/stones/shells
Identify men’s jewelry
Identify women’s jewelry / S3C F2
PO4 – Identify , and describe the cultural values and practices associated with utilizing earth’s surface and substance; minerals and other natural resources (e.g. Gems); / Reading
PO.5- Locate specific information from graphic features ( e.g. charts, maps, diagrams, illustrations, tables, timelines ) of expository text