Ms. Trejo 2015-2016 Course Syllabus

Welcome all of you Ivy Academia students. I am very happy to teach Algebra 1 and Geometry this new school year. I liked doing and teaching mathematics and seeing my students doing well in these math classes. I encourage students to ask questions and participate in the class activities by being active learners. Attendance and doing all the math assignments, including all assessments will make you successful in my math classes. Ask for help and be prepared with a positive attitude and ready to learned mathematics.

Email Address:


Office Hours: Monday through Thursday during lunch or by appointment after school.

Course Descriptions:

Algebra 1

Textbook: Algebra 1 Carnegie Learning, CA Common Core

The Students will understand quantities and their relationships with each other, identify the independent and dependent quantities for a problem situation, match a graph with an appropriate problem situation, review and analyze and describe graphs, write equations using function notation, determine and recognize characteristics of function families, solve and graph linear equations, write and solve and graph inequalities and absolute value equations, write equations in slope intercept and point slope and standard forms, solve linear system of equations, factor and solve quadratics and equations and inequalities, etc.


Textbook: Geometry Carnegie Learning, CA Common Core

The students will calculate the perimeter and the area of geometric figures on the coordinate planes; learn the properties of triangles, similarity through transformation, congruency, trigonometry, properties of quadrilaterals, circles, arcs and sectors of circles, circles and parabolas.

Classroom Rules:

  • Respect the teacher and classmates
  • follow my instructions and directions and classroom proceduresonly one person talks at a time
  • no food, nor drinks, no gum only a water bottle
  • no electronic devises ( cell phones must be off)
  • the teacher dismiss the student
  • be attentive and listen quietly during the math lesson
  • have a daily objective that is to participate in class doing your work and learning math

Highly Suggested Class Material (ALGEBRA 1)

A single-subject spiral notebook (for math course only)

A math folder, pencil, eraser

Wish List

Projects material such as poster paper, graph paper, color pencils, markers, flash cards etc.

Highly Suggested Class Material (Geometry)

A single-subject spiral notebook (for math course only)

A math folder, pencil, eraser

Wish List

A compass and a protractor

Projects material such as poster paper, color pencils, markers, flash cards etc.

Grading Policy

Homework 10% (daily homework assigned)

Class work/Participation

20% (daily assigned)

Projects 20%

Quizzes 20% (weekly)

Tests 30% (Unit test, Midterm and Final exam)

Note: All the assignments need to be completed and showing all work in order to get full credit so follow the class notes examples.

Projects are a way of exploring and discovering new connections of math in our daily life and in business. They provide an opportunity to apply what has been learned in class. Entrepreneurial standards are also incorporated within the projects. A detailed rubric will be given to you so you will know exactly what is expected and you will know how to achieve the grade desire.

Tests 30% / Quizzes 20%

It is very important to prepare and study for these tests and quizzes so during the unit test review sessions make sure to ask questions on the math concepts that are not clear yet and class participation is very crucial in the learning process. The quizzes will be given throughout each chapter every week there could be given also some pop quizzes to check for understanding on the homework problems. The tests generally include matching section, fill in the blank sections, showing all work section and/or multiple choice sections. The quizzes most likely showing all work sections and there will be fewer problems

Attendance and Tardy Policy

  • Attendance is essential to learn the math concepts and very important to pass the math class
  • Students will be considered tardy if not on their assigned seat when the bell rings.
  • Students are required to obtain class assignments and information from the absent folder; classmates, and/or teacher if class is missed.

Late/ Make-Up Work

Students are expected to turn in their work on time for full credit otherwise half credit will be given for completed late assignments.

Students will not be allowed to make up any work or test because of unexcused absence.

Students must make up quizzes and tests promptly upon their return (unless unique circumstances occur).

If you were absent only on the exam day, you will make-up the exam in class the day of your return. If you were absent during exam review days, you will be given up to one week to make up the exam. You can sign up for after-school tutoring hours. It is your responsibility to catch up when you are late or absent.

Class Routine

Regular Schedule Monday, Tuesday and Friday (AGENDA)

  • Warm up exercises (Independent work)
  • Homework check
  • Lesson (Take Class Notes on Math Note Book)
  • Class Work/Class Activity
  • Checking for Understanding (Open Ended Questions)

Block Schedule Wednesday and Thursday (AGENDA)

  • Test day
  • Projects
  • Group Work/Cooperative
  • In class activities
  • Group discussion
  • Hands on activities
  • Vocabulary words

Principles to be Successful in Class

Be Honest

Be Responsible

Be Respectful

Communicate with me

Consequences of Disruptive Behavior

First Warning: Student will be notified

Second Warning: The student will star after class to discuss the issue and write a statement regarding the issue.

Third Warning: Student will receive an incident report notify the administration (Disciplinary Referral)

Positive Behavior and Outstanding Work:

Super Star student of the week

I care about the students’ success in my classes so I expect your full commitment, good discipline and participation. Making the right decision or choices will dictate positive results.

Parents/Guardians and students please read, fill in this form, sign and return to Ms. Trejo, thank you!

I have read and agree to the class guidelines.

Student name (Please print)______Class______


Student Signature______Date______

Parent/Guardian Name (Please Print) ______

Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date______

Contact Phone Number ______

Email Address ______