Understanding Backlog and Sprint Tasks

Information from 1.1.3 Lesson

  1. When creating a program, the backlog represents which part?Story A prioritized list of features or user stories to add to a program
  2. What part is the sprint?A list of small steps to accomplish, breaking down a user story from the backlog
  3. We use what type of methodology when planning a program / app?AGILE
  4. Fill in the blanks for this type of methodology.Define Problem, Generate Concepts, Develop a Solution, Construct and Test Prototype, Evaluate Solution and Present Solution (from top to bottom)

  1. One cycle of this methodology is called a Sprint / Iteration
  2. A sprint breaks down the BACKLOG in manageable pieces, called Decomposition.
  3. At the end of a sprint, the backlog may need to be GROOMED / tested.

Add these words to your notes:

Iteration – repetition of a mathematical or computational procedure applied to the result of a previous application.

Scrum - a project management approach that focuses on iterative work cycles to deliver complete pieces of the overall product.

Create a backlog and sprint list for the following:

Coach Smyth wants an app for their special needs manager to use. The manager will be recording overall balls and strikes for the two pitchers.

Create background / interface / Add canvas and ensure contrast for ease of viewing
Create button for recording number of balls and strikes / Add two buttons
Width x Height large for ease of touching
Add pics to indicate which button is for balls & strikes
Create tally boxes for balls and strikes

Understanding Binary and Conversion

Information from 1.1.4 Lesson

  1. Data is transmitted using what two types of computer languages? High and Low levels
  2. High-level languages are: the same, nearest to computer language or more like human language?
  3. Low-level languages are: the same, nearest to computer language or more like human language?
  4. What do computer translators do?
  5. What are the two types of computer translators? Interpreters and Compilers
  6. What is the difference between Interpreters and Compilers?
  7. Give me an example of each type of data:
  8. Integer 1, -1
  9. Float 2.34 (decimal)
  10. String “uses text”
  11. List {1, -1, 2.34, “text”}
  12. Binary uses Base __2__ instead of Base 10 system.
  13. A byte is equal to _8___ bits.
  14. What is the mathematical equivalent to?
  15. 20______1___
  16. 21______2__
  17. 22______4___
  18. 23______8___
  19. 24______16___
  20. 25______32___
  21. 26______64___
  22. Solve the following:
  23. 99 – 0110 0011
  24. 128 – 1000 0000
  25. 514 – 0010 0000 0010
  26. 61 – 0011 1101
  27. 4 - 0100
  28. 43 – 0010 1011
  29. 01010001 - 81
  30. 1101 - 13
  31. 01011101 - 93
  32. 0010 + 0110 = (in binary) 1000 (8)


Information from 1.1.6 Lesson

  1. What does each letter stand for in RGB? Red Green Blue
  2. What does the “A” represent? Transparency
  3. According to a computer, an image is still just a sequence of what? (HINT: colors are still translated into what computer language? And that language is represented by what?) 1’s and 0’s (binary)
  4. Pixel is the combination of what two words? Picture Element
  5. Full saturation of any of the three colors is represented by what number? 255
  6. Identify the colors below using your knowledge of RGB and color saturation.


  1. Red = (255,0,0)
  2. Green = (0,255,0)
  3. Blue = (0, 0, 255)
  4. Yellow = (255, 255, 0)
  5. Magenta = (255,0,255)
  6. Cyan = (0,255, 255)
  7. Black = (0,0,0) – absence of color
  8. White = (255,255,255) – all color
  9. Explain how 245,255,250 equals the color Mint Green (by the way, it really does). Mainly yellow and blue
  10. Explain how 255,192,203 equals the color Pink. Mostly red and then blue and green lights the magenta
  11. Explain how 222,215,0 equals the color Gold. Red and green make yellow – the green is less than full saturation and makes it appear more gold

More explanation:

Remember finger painting? By mixing three "primary" colors, any color could be generated. Swirling all colors together resulted in a muddy brown. The more paint you added, the darker it got. Digital colors are also constructed by mixing three primary colors, but it works differently from paint. First, the primaries are different: red, green, and blue (i.e., "RGB" color). And with color on the screen, you are mixing light, not paint, so the mixing rules are different as well. (Shiffman, 2015)

Does 0-255 seem arbitrary to you?
Color for a given shape needs to be stored in the computer's memory. This memory is just a long sequence of 0's and 1's (a whole bunch of on or off switches.) Each one of these switches is a bit, eight of them together is a byte. Imagine if we had eight bits (one byte) in sequence—how many ways can we configure these switches? The answer is (and doing a littleresearch into binary numberswill prove this point) 256 possibilities, or a range of numbers between 0 and 255. We will use eight-bit color for our grayscale range and 24 bit for full color (eight bits for each of the red, green, and blue color components). (Shiffman, 2015)

  1. According to the author, how are digital colors are different than paint colors? THE PRIMARY COLORS ARE DIFFERENT AND THE MIXING RULES ARE DIFFERENT
  2. According to the author you are really mixing LIGHT not PAINT when you use the computer.
  3. How do we get to the range of 0 and 255? THERE ARE THAT MANY COMBINATIONS OF 8 BIT SEQUENCES


Shiffman, D. (2015, August). Learning Processing. Retrieved from Processing.org:

Sound, Copyright, Fair Use, Creative Commons

Information from 1.1.6 Lesson

  1. Who has the power to promote the progress of science and useful arts using copyright? Congress
  2. What is copyright? Aside from scientific or inventions in general what four special areas under Humanities are included? Literary, Dramatic, Musical, and Artistic
  3. What are some areas NOT covered by copyright? Work in public domain, titles, names, short phrases and slogans; familiar symbols/designs; numbers, ideas and facts, federal govern works, processes and systems (Dewey Decimal) items that have not been recorded in a tangible, fixed form
  4. What might be a logical reason that ideas and facts are not covered by copyright?
  5. Who can own a copyright? Individuals and Companies
  6. If I invent post-it note glue at 3M’s engineering “playroom” who owns my invention? 3M
  7. If I enter into a music contract with ‘222’ (Adam Levine’s new company), who owns the songs I sing? 222
  8. If you don’t file for a copyright, how are you limited? You cannot pursue an infringement claim in court if someone uses your material
  9. Copyrights for corporate and anonymous works “works made for hire” – after 1977, can last around how many years? 20, 40, 60, 80, 100(can last from 95 – 120 years from time of publication)
  10. Copyrights for personal original works created after 1977 last for how many years after the life of the author/creator? 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 (actual +70 years after death)
  11. When people share their work using this type of license, you are allowed to use someone's work as long as you attribute it to them, or even to modify their work as long as you share the result using the same license. What is the name of this license? Public Domain
  12. Creative Commons: Creative Commons helps you legally share your knowledge and creativity to build a more equitable, accessible, and innovative world. Creative Commons provides free, easy-to-use copyright licenses to make a simple and standardized way to give the public permission to share and use your creative work–onconditions of your choice.(taken from:

Add these words and definitions to your notes:

  • Copyright – the exclusive right to make copies, license, and otherwise exploit a literary, musical or artistic work, whether printed, audio, video
  • CopyrightHolder – the person or entity that “owns” the copyright
  • Plagiarism – the process of copying another person’s idea / written work and claiming it as original
  • Publicdomain – the condition of not being protected by patent / copyright and so freely available for use
  • FairUse - a provision of copyright law that outlines the extent to which copyrighted work can be used or reproduced without seeking the permission of the copyright holder; the right of the public to make reasonable use of copyrighted material in special circumstances without the copyright owner’s permission
  • Four factors to consider for Fair Use
  • Purpose & Character of Use
  • Nature of Use
  • Amount of Substantiality of the portion taken (10%)
  • Effect of the use upon the potential market (will use deprive the copyright owner of income?)

Based on the information above answer the question below:

Richie is writing a research paper. He copies and pastes many of his phrases from websites. He does give credit to the websites in the Bibliography. Is he doing anything wrong? Write what he should do to avoid any copyright or plagiarism issues.

From the beginning

Information from Lessons 1.1.1 – 1.1.2 & 1.1.4

  1. What are Team Norms? Respect team mates, Be prepared, and Be positive
  2. What are you allowed to do when you collaborate on a written response with your partner?
  3. Think about the question
  4. Each says something to contribute to a discussion
  5. Write down our answers. Our answers can be similar or different.
  6. We use computational thinking when we are devising a way for the COMPUTER to help solve a problem.
  7. How does modeling and simulation help solve problems? By helping us understand, discuss, and predict changes in physical, biological, or social systems – you build a model and test, find errors and improve
  8. Why should you collect and analyze data before creating your app / program? So you have an idea of programs that have been created already, what works, may need improvements – Data may show a different more glaring need than a first anticipated
  9. How does the science of adaptive technology contribute to computing? Because computing can extend people’s abilities
  10. When we do pair programming what two roles are there? Navigator and Driver
  11. What is each role responsible for?
  12. Navigator:
  13. Directs the strategy, asks questions
  14. Catches typos
  15. Suggests alternative approaches
  16. tells the driver the steps and watches for errors helps thought process;
  17. Driver:
  18. Controls mouse and keyboard
  19. Thinks out loud
  20. Explains reasoning and code
  22. Analog sound – a wave is recorded / used in its original form (from the microphone to the tape) / Digital sound – the analog wave is sampled at some interval and then turned into numbers that are stored in the digital device. To hear the music, the numbers are turned into a voltage wave that approximates the original wave
  23. Based on the information of analog and digital sounds, which one is better to make a recording from and why? DIGITAL BECAUSE THE SOUND WILL BE CONSISTANT

Make sure these are in your notes:

  • Wavelength – length of a sound wave
  • Frequency – rate at which something occurs or is repeated over a particular period of time
  • Amplitude – height of a sound wave


Information from Lessons 1.2.2 - 1.2.4

  1. Keywords:
  2. Internet: networked computers – a physical infrastructure, made from connected computers
  3. World Wide Web – a service for sharing information over the Internet
  4. ICANN – Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers; domain names are coordinated by ICANN – they work with governments, universities and other organizations to control the root (.com, .org, .us, .edu) but they delegate the authority to create new domain names to the owners of the .com and .org’s.
  5. URL – Uniform Resource Location; made up of a scheme, domain name, and a path
  6. Scheme – are mainly HTTP / HTTPS (S indicates encryption)
  7. The domain name is between the colon-slash-slash and the very next slash. The end of the domain name is what is important, so this address ( is controlled by acm.org and has nothing to do with technews.org
  8. Problem decomposition – Breaking a problem apart into pieces is to solve complex problems
  9. To solve efficiently, the problem should be modular; depending as little as possible on the details of other pieces to function
  10. This allows pieces to be improved or replaced without requiring all the other pieces to be redesigned

Digital Responsibility

Information from Lessons 1.3.1

  1. When you share information online, how do you know what information is okay to post, text, e-mail, or put in a form in a web browser?
  • Personal information should not be shared except under specific circumstances. Personal information includes:
  • your name
  • address
  • school name
  • e-mail address
  • telephone number
  • pictures of yourself
  • birthday
  • Consider all content to be permanently published. Under no circumstance should you share text or data you would not want an employer ten years from now to see.
  • In a trusted channel with a party you trust (secure private): OK to provide personal information, including financial information. Secure requires
  • the correct trusted domain name
  • Assume zero tolerance for cyber bullying. Engage adults; do not respond.
  • Positivity is contagious! Encourage others and community.
  1. When you access information online, how do you know what information is okay to access?
  • Accessing some content (i.e., some pornography) is illegal.
  • Accessing some content (varies widely) violates rules of the school or of the Internet service provider.
  • Accessing content uses a finite resource of bandwidth and should be done intentionally and with consideration given to others.
  • Accessing content consumes the user's time. Be picky.
  1. Describe the level of formality that should be used in electronic communication with teachers, professors, employers, and work colleagues.
  • Be formal. Write full English sentences with correctly spelled words. Begin e-mail with a greeting and e-mail a salutation as you would a personal letter. Use an informative subject line in e-mail.
  1. What is the CFAA?
  • Computer Fraud and Abuse Act
  1. What is illegal according to the CFAA?
  • Exceed authorized access on a computer
  1. Under what circumstances is it ethical to access digital resources that are not intended for you?
  • Only with recorded (e.g., written) permission from the owner of the computational resource or a warrant.

Collaborative Writing

Information from Lessons 1.3.2

  1. Type of collaboration
  • Parallel collaboration:
  • Each student contributed some slides to a presentation, especially effective if each contribution contains the same type of data laid out in the same format
  • Sequential collaboration:
  • Students were asked to edit each other's rough drafts, the editor's work comes after the original author's work
  • Reactive collaboration:
  • Questions that ask students to discuss and then record an answer.
  • Crowdsourcing:
  • Computer networks connect large numbers of people who can generate product that none of the contributors alone could offer. These strategies include crowdsourcing the creation of content, the evaluation of content, and the funding of ventures
  • Data Parallel
  • When the people or computers work on the same sort of actions using separate data
  • Task Parallel
  • When the people or computers work on different parts of a bigger task

What is a Web Page

Information from Lessons 2.1.1

  1. Know what the keywords:
  2. HTML
  3. Source Code
  4. HTML
  5. CSS
  6. Browser
  7. Client
  8. URL
  9. Basic structure of an HTML file:

<!DOCTYPE html>



<title>A title goes here</title>



The web page begins unfolding in the body.



API Service

Information from Lessons 2.1.2

  1. Know keywords:
  2. What are protocols?
  • Say what to do and how to do it
  • Allow computers to communicate
  1. TCP/IP
  2. Connects computers to create the Internet
  3. All computers have an IP address

  1. Understand the way your computer, the client, speaks to the server, as shown above.
  2. API
  3. Stands for Application Programming Interface
  4. Is part of the server that receives requests and sends responses back
  5. APIs allow the user to complete an action without leaving the website; exchange information or data that will not contain formatting – just the facts
  6. Example to understand the role the API will have on a server (see example below)

Review your notes and use the scale below to determine your level of knowledge and comfort the above topics.

Scale Number / Descriptor
4 / I’ve got this completely and was leading my group’s comprehension and responses for this center. Good to go!
3 / I understood the vast majority and can pinpoint exactly where I may have lapsed in understanding. Short review and ready to go!
2 / Okay, with help I got through this but there are a number of areas that aren’t clear. I need to fill in gaps and review this area.
1 / Vague idea of what this is – starting to catch on. Will need to review and get information to study from.
0 / I had no idea what I was doing. I need to make sure to get all the notes, maybe schedule time to review with teacher and review!