Dr. Boffa
Dr. Edward Boffa
(SC212, SC444)
I have received and read the following, and agree to all the conditions that apply:
-Classroom procedures
-Classroom rules, discipline plan, and detention policy
-Grading system
-Safety Agreement
-In order to avoid damage to equipment and injures to others and myself I promise to observe and obey the safety rules and procedures at all times
Student Signature ______Date ______
Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date ______
**This form to be removed and returned to Dr. Boffa**
(Keep the rest of the packet in your notebook)
Classroom Procedures
*Required Materials Everyday
-Three ring binder with folder and dividers (There are a lot of handouts and this is the best way to keep them organized)
-Pen, pencil, (will inform aboutcolored pencils or crayons)
-Textbook with cover to prevent damage
-Notebook may be checked at any time for grade points
*Do Now / Exit Card / Post Lesson Assessment
-Will be on overhead, front board, or handed to youwhen you walk in/exit
-Begin it immediately in your notebook
-Will be checked or collected for grade points
-Label with your name and the period in pen
-Will be checked everyday at the beginning of the period, it should be out on your desk when I get to you, or it is a zero
-Late homework can be turned in, but points will be taken off
* Academic Dishonesty (Plagiarism & Cheating)
-Students must submit their own work on all assignments, quizzes & exams.
Cheating includes but is not limited to: looking at another student’s quiz or exam; looking at one’s notes or textbook while taking a quiz or exam; plagiarizing another student’s homework or assignment; and plagiarizing copyrighted material. Talking during a quiz or exam will be treated as cheating. All students found cheating will be given a zero (0) for that assignment
-If you miss class for any reason, you must see me and I will give you any work you miss, but it is your responsibility to remember to show it to me
-You will have two days to make up any work after an excused absence
-If you are absent for a quiz/test, you must be prepared to take it the next day you are in class
-No passes to lockers, office, guidance, other teachers, etc.
-Passes to bathroom, etc. will only be given at an appropriate “stop point” in the lesson
-If a pass is misused (go somewhere else, take over 7 minutes, etc), you will be written up on a pink slip and / orcut slip & will no longer be able to get a pass
*Leaving the Classroom
-Bell is indicator to teacher to end lesson
-Stay seated wait to be dismissed, DO NOT wait by the door
-Push in all chairs, and clean up your area or you will not be dismissed
Classroom Rules
- All school rules apply in this classroom.
(See your student handout)
- Come to class on time and come prepared.
- Be seated and ready to work when the bell rings. If you are not in your seat when the bell rings you will be considered late. Stay in seats until bell rings.
- Show respect to others. Use polite speech and body language. Raise hand to talk & wait to be acknowledged.Do not talk when others are talking.
- NO: food, drinks, cell phones, i-pods, cd players or other
electronic devices are permitted in this classroom
6.If for any reason there is a substitute teacher for this class all rules & procedures apply. Seating assignments will be maintained, work will be completed for grading & full respect for the substitute teacher will be shown.
Discipline Policy
If a rule is broken:
1st time : Verbal warning
2nd time: 10 minute detention
(For tardiness: Add 5 minutes for each minute you are late)
3rd time: Gold slip (leave the classroom) and receive a zero for the day
(This may or may not be followed up by a pink slip)
Serious offenses will result in immediate removal from class with a pink slip.
Detention Policy
When you receive detention, you have three days to serve it. (Including the day you got it). I must be advised as to when you will serve it prior to the end of school to avoid any scheduling conflicts.
If you do not come within three daysthere will be a call home and a pink slip will be sent to the office.
Where I am: AM (7:20) – Room ______
PM (2:45) – Room ______
Grading System
Grades will be determined based on a point system.
Each assignment, quiz, test, project, etc., will be worth a certain number of points.
Please Note: Homework, class work,quizzes & tests make up the majority of your points in this class.
Your grade on each assignment, quiz, test, project, etc., can be determined by dividing the total number of points you received by the total number of points possible.
(Ex/ You get 81 points out of 100 possible = 81%)
Your grade for the semester will be determined by adding all the points you received and dividing that number by the total number of points possible.
% Scale / Grade / GPA97-100 / A+ / 4.33
93-96 / A / 4.00
90-92 / A- / 3.67
87-89 / B+ / 3.33
83-86 / B / 3.00
80-82 / B- / 2.67
77-79 / C+ / 2.33
73-76 / C / 2.00
70-72 / C- / 1.67
65-69 / D / 1.25
0-64 / F / 0.00
Each Marking period grade will be worth 20% toward your final grade.
Midterm and Final exam will be worth 10% each toward your final grade.
** Extra Credit may be given throughout the year**
**Progress reports will be sent out by guidance at the midpoint of each marking period**
Laboratory Safety Rules and Procedures
- Read all directions before starting an experiment.
- Safety considerations in the science classroom demand responsible behavior at all times.
- Know the location of safety equipment.
- Always alert the teacher in case of any accident.
- If a chemical reagent comes in contact with the skin, rinse off immediately with large amounts of cold water for at least 5 minutes. Please note that a concentrated acid spill should be wiped off first and then the area can be flushed thoroughly with water.
- If any foreign substance enters the eye, rinse the eye immediately for 15 minutes.
- If you wear contact lenses, notify the teacher. Some activities may require you to remove contact lenses.
- When instructed, wear safety goggles and protective clothing
- Wear closed shoes during laboratory sessions
10. Long hair should be tied back
11. Do not use cracked or chipped laboratory glass
12. Chemicals are to be used in the lab only
13. Take only as much chemical as needed and never return excess chemicals to the original container
14. Dispose of chemicals as directed by your teacher
15. Bottles should not be held by the neck
16. Do not eat, drink, taste or smell anything unless instructed to do so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
17. Never eat or drink in the science classroom
18. Never enter the storeroom without permission
19. Always clean off bench and sink after completion of an experiment
20. At the end of the lab session wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap
21. Follow any additional rules and procedures given at the time of each lab