Jeanneth Vázquez


July 2015

Home: 2809 – 12th Ave, Suite 305, Rock Island, IL 61021
Home Phone: (309) 788-6353
Office Phone: (309) 794-7670


Spanish Department. Professor. Augustana College


Ph.D. Hispanic American Literature. The Ohio State University. Columbus, Ohio, 1994. Dissertation : Las Novelas de Alicia Yánez Cossío: La Deconstrucción Creadora y el Discurso de Resistencia.
M.A. Hispanic American and Spanish Literature, The Ohio State University, 1986.
B.A. Journalism, Universidad Central del Ecuador, 1979.


-  Hispanic American Literature from the Colonial to the present.
-  Spanish Literature from the Middle Ages to the present.
-  Culture and Civilization of Hispanic America.
-  Women's & Gender Studies
-  Journalism: Fine Arts & Economic Affairs.


-  Italian Literature from the Middle Ages to the 20th Century.


-  International Journalism: University of Pamplona, España, 1981.

-  Economy: Development and Crisis. Banco Central del Ecuador, 1983.

-  Oil and International Market: Corporación Estatal Petrolera Ecuatoriana, 1983.


-  Professor. Spanish Department, Augustana College, 2012-2014

-  Chair Spanish Department, Augustana College, 2011-2013.

-  Associate Professor. Augustana College, 2004-11.

-  Assistant Professor. Augustana College, 1994-2003.

-  Instructor. Elementary, Intermediate and Advance Spanish. Hispanic American Literature. Spanish Department, Augustana College, 1991-94.

-  Lecturer. Elementary Spanish. Department of Languages, Ohio Dominican College, 1990-91.

-  Resident Director. Direction and Coordination of the Spanish Program that OSU has in Cuernavaca. México, Summer 1990.

-  Reporter in Economic Affairs. Periódico HOY. Quito, 1982-84.

-  Art Critic. Letras del Ecuador, Publicación de la "Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana", Quito-Ecuador, 1981-82.

-  Reporter in Affairs of National Interest. Revista de la mujer, Quito-Ecuador, 1980-81.

-  Editor Assistant, "Revista Dominical" de El Comercio. Quito, Ecuador, 1979-80.

-  Theater Critic, "Revista Dominical" de El Comercio. Quito, Ecuador, 1979-80.


·  “El discurso de la Negritud en Ecuador”. XIV Congreso de Literatura Hispánica. Tenerife – España. July 15-18, 2015

·  “Estrategias del discurso de la histeria”. XIII Congreso de Literatura Hispánica. Cartagena – Colombia. March 12-15, 2014

·  “Mito y Leyenda en La Intrusa de Jorge Luis Borges”. XII Congreso de Literatura Hispánica. Santo Domingo - República Dominicana, March 13-16, 2013

·  “Black Ecuadorian Counter Discourse”. 18th Annual National Conference of the National Association of African American Studies & Affiliates. Baton Rouge – Louisiana, February 8-13 2010

·  Spanish Poetry Celebration. Bengendoff – Larson Hall. Augustana College, April 22, 2009.

·  Lectura de Poesía. Congreso Internacional de Poesía. Universidad Autonóma de Coahuila, Mexico, Octubre 3-5 2008.

·  “Sor Juana y la Poesía del Desencanto” Congreso Internacional de Poesía y Literatura de Viaje de los Desiertos del Mundo. Universidad Autonóma de Coahuila, Mexico, Octubre3-5 2008.

·  "El Tiempo y su Acción Corrosiva en la Civilización y el hombre en Pablo Neruda", Conference on Spanish and Hispanic American Poetry. University of Virginia, November 8-10, 2007

·  Literary Potpourri. American Association of University Women. February 9, 2007.

·  "An Exceptional Woman", Faith & Art Around the Globe. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Rock Island, Church, June 21, 2006.

·  "A Flavor of Ecuador", Visiting Fellow Lecture Series. World Community Institute, Bettednorf, March 29, 2005

·  "Discourse of Hysteria," Independent Scholars' Evenings. The Moline Club, October 30, 2003.

·  "Deconstrucción de los Mecanismos de Poder a través del Lenguaje," XI Congreso of the Internacional Federation of Latin American and Caribbean Studies (FIEALC), Osaka - Japón, September 24-27, 2003.

·  "Viaje Búsqueda en Carpentier y la Identidad del Hombre Latinoamericano," XIII Internacional Literatura Symposium: Cultura, Region & Identity, Asunción - Paraguay, August 4-9, 2003.

·  "The Discourse of the Hysteric," Faculty-Celebration of Learning, Augustana College, Science Building Auditorium - Rock Island - May 13, 2003.

·  "Alicia Yánez Cossío y el Discurso de Resistencia," 58th Annual Meeting South Central Modern Language Association (SCMLA), Tulsa - Oklahoma, November 1-3, 2001.

·  "En busca de nuestra identidad o de nuestros pasos perdidos". X Congreso de la Federación Internacional de Estudios de América Latina y el Caribe (FIEALC 2001), Moscú - Rusia: Instituto de Latinoamerica, Junio 25-29, 2001.

·  "Poetry Recital," Palabras de Mujer, Museo de las Conceptas. Cuenca-Ecuador, July 27, 2000.

·  "El Gesticulador: La Revolución Mexicana y la Coyuntura Político-Social de México en la Segunda Mitad de la Década de los Treinta," 4to Congreso Internacional de las Américas. México: Univ. de las Américas, Puebla, September 29 - October 2, 1999.

·  "Azulinaciones de Natasha Salguero o el discurso de la histeria," IX congreso de la Federación Internacional de Estudios de América Latina y el Caribe (FIEALC 99), Israel: Tel Aviv University, April 12-15, 1999.

·  “Jesusa Palancares y el Largo Recuento de su Soledad,” 1999 Twentieth-Centuy Literature Conference, University of Louisville, February 25-27, 1999.

·  “Poetry Recital”. Fundación de Estudios Interamericanos, Cuenca-Ecuador: Museo de Arte Moderno, Julio 1998.

·  “Azulinaciones: Desafío a la Tradición y la Autoridad a través de la Desintegración de la Forma Novelística y el Lenguaje," JALLA 97 / Jornadas Andinas de Literatura Latinoamericana, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Quito: Agosto 4-8, 1997.

·  "La Mujer Ecuatoriana: De Cara a la Tradición," Colegio Ocho de Noviembre. Piñas-El Oro, Ecuador: Agosto 12, 1997.

·  “Subversión y Lenguaje en las Obras de Alicia Yánez Cossío," The "Eighth Conference of Ecuadorian Literature, held by the Association of Ecuadorianists in conjunction with the "50th Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference", Lexington: Abril 17-19, 1997.

·  “El Lenguaje de la Literatura de Mujeres al Despuntar el Siglo Siglo XXI", Midwest Modern Languages Association, Minneapolis, November 7-9, 1997.

·  Poetry Recital. Independent Scholars' Evenings, The Institute for Cultural Traditions. The Moline Club, Thursday, February 27, 1997.

·  "Para Deconstruir el Poder: El Lenguaje Subversivo en las Obras de Alicia Yánez Cossío," The "Seven International Conference" held by the "Association of "Literatura Femenina Hispánica", University of Colorado, Octubre 3-5, 1996.

·  “La Cofradía del Mullo del Vestido de la Virgen Pipona o la Deconstrucción de los Mecanismos del Poder," XXXI Congreso Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana, Caracas-Venezuela, Julio 24-29, 1996.

·  “In Search of the Voice of Resistance", The Naeseth Dinner Talk. Augustana College, House of the Hill, April 28, 1996.

·  "A Literary Perspective of the Andes," Studio Art Faculty Exhibit "Collaborations. Augustana College, February 2, 1996.

·  "Deconstructing History: The Language of Resistance in the Novels of Alicia Yánez Cossío," Latin American Studies Association - XIX International Congress. Washington, DC. September 28-30, 1995.

·  “El tiempo y su acción corrosiva en la civilización y el hombre en un poema de Pablo neruda," XIII International Symposyum of Literature, organized by the "Instituto Literario y Cultural Hispánico", California State University, August 14-18, 1995.

·  "Deconstructing the Patriarchal discourse." Faculty Work in Feminist Studies. A Brownbag Series, Augustana College, Rock Island - Illinois, November 2 - 1993.

·  "El Problema de la Mujer y el Papel de la Literatura en los Cambios Sociales," La semana del estudiante, Universidad Técnica de Machala, Ecuador, Agosto 2 - 1993.

·  "Encounter or invasion? Five hundred years of Miscommunication: A feminist perspective," Discovery Series, Augustana College, Rock Island - Illinois, April 2, 1993.

·  "The Female Character in the Spanish American Novel written by Hispanic American Women." The Hispanic Month. Black Hawk College, Moline - Illinois, Abril 2, 1992.

·  "El tema de la muerte y la gratuidad del sufrimiento humano en ‘Los Heraldos Negros’ de César Vallejo," First Area Conference for Graduate Students in Hispanic Literatures. University of Michigan, March 16-18, 1990.

·  "El Fantasma del Buque de Carga, de Pablo Neruda," 39th Annual Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference, Clemson University South Carolina, September 28-30, 1989.

·  "Lo Fantástico, el doble y el juego del crimen y castigo en ‘Todos los fuegos el fuego’ de Julio Cortázar," Ninth Annual Cincinnati Conference on Romance Languages and Literatures, May 18-20, 1989.

·  "Hasta no verte, Jesús Mío”, First Graduate Students Congress on Hispanic Literature. State University of New York at Stony Brook, October 8-9, 1987.


-  Producer & Director. Spanish Play. “Los Fantoches”, Museo Municipal de Arte Moderno, Cuenca-Ecuador, July 2000.

-  Producer & Director. Spanish Play. “Una Mariposa Blanca”, Museo Municipal de Arte Moderno, Cuenca - Ecuador, July 1999.

-  Producer & Director. Spanish Play: "La Isla Desierta", Augustana College, Rock Island, April 19, 1995.


-  Waiting in the Dark. Poetry of the Wolves. (Poetry Book) In Progress.

-  Las Fantasías de Irene. (Short Stories Collection) In Progress.

-  Creative Deconstruction in the works of Yánez Cossío. In Progress.

-  "Afirmación", Alba de América, Revista Literaria. Vol. 22 Julio 2005.

-  "Natasha Salguero. An Analysis of Her Novels" Narradoras Ecuatorianas de Hoy. Una Antología Crítica. Ed. Adelaida López de Martínez & Gloria da Cunha-Giabbai. Colección: Mujeres de Palabras. Editorial de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, 2000, 369-389.

-  “Deconstruyendo la historia: el lenguaje de resistencia en las novelas de Alicia Yánez Cossío.” Reflejos: Revista del Departamento de Estudios Españoles y Latinoamericanos, Universidad Hebrea de Jerusalén, No 6 (Diciembre de 1997), 41-49.

-  Bajé a Vivir. (Poetry). Quito-Ecuador: Abrapalabra Editores, Agosto, 1996.

-  Selections: The Second Area Conference For Graduate Students in Hispanic Literature. Editor & Conference Chair. The Ohio State University, 1991.

-  "El Tiempo y su Acción Corrosiva en la Civilización y el Hombre en un Poema de Pablo Neruda". Selections: The Second Area Conference for Graduate Students in Hispanic Literature. The Ohio State University, 1991, p. 93.

-  More than One hundred Articles and Reports. Sunday Magazine of the Newspaper el Comercio, Revista de la Mujer, Letras del Ecuador (cultural magazine of the "Ecuadorian Cultural House"), Periódico HOY.

-  Poetry and short stories. Letras del Ecuador: Cultural Magazine of the "Ecuadorian Cultural House."


-  Afro-Ecuadorian Literature. On-going, Scholarly.

-  Literatura de la Prostitución. On-going, Scholarly.