Rancocas Valley Regional High School







520 Jacksonville Road

Mount Holly, NJ 08060

UIC 96667


Name: The name of the organization is the Rancocas Valley Regional High School Navy Junior

ROTC Booster Club.


The purpose for which the Rancocas Valley Regional High School Junior ROTC Booster Club is formed is charitable and not-for-profit as defined under Section 501 (c) (7) of the Internal Revenue Service Code, and are:

a.  To support the Rancocas Valley Regional High School JROTC in all their endeavors.

b.  To support various social and charitable events each year financially.

c.  To work with the ROTC instructors and school officials of the RVRHS JROTC in a cooperative and enthusiastic manner.

d.  Build character through a positive experience of growth and learning.

e.  Promote and develop good citizenship and leadership.


Section I

This organization shall be composed of parents of RVRHS NJROTC cadets and NJROTC instructors and their spouses.

Section II

Associate membership will be available for parents whose child/children are currently not in RVRHS NJROTC, alumni of the unit, and any other interested parties. Associate members will be required to pay the annual fees and will be non-voting members.

Section III

Membership shall be renewable at the beginning of each RVRHS academic year, as long as the member meets the requirements set forth in the CONSTITUTION and BY-LAWS.

Section IV
A member is in good standing is defined as one who:

a.  has paid membership dues at the beginning of each RV High School academic year

b.  agrees to uphold the constitution and by-laws of the RVRHS NJROTC Booster Club

Section V

Termination of a membership will be made by a simple majority vote of members in good standing present when a member:

a.  Has displayed a disregard for the CONSTITUTION and BY-LAWS of the Rancocas Valley Regional High School NJROTC Booster club.

b.  Has committed some fraudulent act against the club

c.  Is convicted by any federal, state, or county court of law for violation of laws regarding illegal conduct while engaged in participation in any club functions or other club sponsored evens. Any member suspended under these circumstances shall not be eligible for future reinstatement.

d.  Displays any conduct prejudicial to or deemed inappropriate and not being in the best interest and policies of the Rancocas Valley Regional High School NJROTC Booster Club or the Rancocas valley Regional High School NJROTC, UIC 96667, cadet corps.

e.  Fails to pay membership fee levied by the Rancocas Valley Regional High School NJROTC Booster Club one month after they become due.

Section VI

Member will be entitled to a complaint review for any violation reported to the Co-Presidents. The Co-Presidents will convene a special meeting of the Board of Directors and they will review and investigate allegations. Upon completion of the investigation and review, the Board of Directors will present a written report to the general membership and the general membership will determine whether to suspend the member or not.

Section VII

A member who previously has been suspended for the above reasons (except for subsection c. above) may apply, after payment of any overdue fees, dues or charges, for reinstatement of membership at any regular meeting. A member applying for reinstatement after suspension must receive a unanimous affirmation of the members present at the meeting.

Section VIII

Any member in good standing may resign their membership at any time. A member who resigns in good standing may reapply for membership by requesting so at any regular meeting. Membership will be automatic upon payment of any necessary fees. No voting by club members will be required.

Section IX

Members in good standing will be entitled to:

a.  inclusion in all club functions and projects

b.  all publications, notification, and information concerning the club.

c.  a vote on general club business when in attendance

d.  a vote in election of officers when in attendance or by absentee vote-allowed when requested by the member. The absentee vote will be placed on a formal signed ballot and submitted to an officer in sealed envelope before being counted.


Yearly dues will be $10.00 per person who desires to participate in the Rancocas Valley Regional High School NJROTC, Booster Club.


Section I

Regular meetings of the Rancocas Valley Regional High School NJROTC Booster Club will be held every month as to assure military ball, coverage of banquets, awards ceremony. Meetings will take place on the second Monday of each month in the NJROTC classroom at 7pm. Meetings will be opened to anyone interested in attending.

Section II

Notice of the Rancocas Valley Regional High School Navy Junior ROTC Booster Club shall be made by personal contact, mail, or other notice.

Section III

A quorum at any meeting of the Rancocas Valley Regional High School NJROTC shall consist of all members present at said meeting. A simple majority vote of such quorum shall decide any proper questions that come before the meeting.

Section IV

The order of business of any meeting shall be as follows:

a.  Roll call

b.  Secretary’s report

c.  President’s report

d.  Treasurer’s report

e.  Old business

f.  New business

g.  Announcements

h.  Committee reports

i.  Adjournment


Section I

A general meeting will be called prior to the end of the year awards Ceremony for the purpose of electing officers for the next year. One of the Co-Presidents shall always be one of the NJROTC instructors, the Senior Naval Science Instructor (SNSI) or the Naval Science Instructor (NSI).

Section II

If the office of the Co-President shall become vacant for any reason, the Board of Directors and the Ex Officio Members shall appoint someone to fill the office of Co-President. If the office of the Secretary or Treasurer shall be come vacant for any reason, members in good standing shall fill the vacancy by election and majority vote.

Section III

The officers of the Rancocas Valley Regional High School Junior ROTC Booster Club shall be members in good standing and shall consist of two Co-Presidents [One of the Co-Presidents shall always be one of the NJROTC instructors, the SNSI or the NSI.], Vice President, Secretary, Treasure and Member-at-Large. The officers shall serve terms of one year and shall hold office until their successors are appointed or elected. All officers must be at least eighteen (18) years of age.

Section IV

The Co-Presidents shall preside at all meetings, shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Rancocas Valley Regional High School NJROTC Booster Club, shall sign or countersign all contracts, conveyances, agreements and other instruments of the Rancocas Valley Regional High School NJROTC Booster Club, and performs all such duties as are incident to the office or are properly required of the office by the membership. The Co-Presidents shall serve as ex-officio members of all committees. The Co-Presidents shall appoint any special position deemed necessary.

Section V

The Secretary shall issue notices as may be required for all meetings of the Rancocas Valley Regional High School NJROTC Booster Club, shall keep Booster Club minutes, shall have charge of the Booster Club’s books and shall sign with the NJROTC Instructor Co-President such signatures that require such signatures. The Secretary shall produce such reports and perform such duties as are incident to the office and are properly required. The Secretary shall determine if a quorum is present for authoritative actions at meetings. The Secretary shall maintain a correct list of names, addresses, and terms of office of all officers and members. The Secretary shall send notification of meetings and preside at meetings in the absence of the Co-Presidents.

Section VI

The Treasurer shall have custody of all funds and securities of the Rancocas Valley Regional High School NJROTC Booster Club in such bank as directed. The Treasurer shall sign all checks, along with the NJROTC Instructor Co-President, drafts and notes and orders for the payment of money, which shall be approved by the Co-presidents, and shall beheld accountable for all expenditures (detailed reports to be given at each regular meeting) until approved by a majority vote at each regular or called meeting. The books shall at all times be available for review as well as any accounts to any officer and report the financial condition of the Rancocas Valley Regional High School NJROTC Booster Club at each meeting. The Treasurer shall preside art the meetings in the absence of other officers. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the retention of financial records and any audit required.

Section VII

The Member-at-Large shall be responsible for assuring that the fundraising committee fulfills all fundraising programs as designed by the Rancocas Valley Regional High School NJROTC Booster Club.


Any profits derived from the operations of the Rancocas Valley Regional High School NJROTC Booster Club are to be used for the promotion of the objectives of the organization. All profits must be deposited by the President, Co-President, Vice-President, or Treasurer to the NJROTC Scholastic Fund in the RVRHS Business Office located behind the High School. Expenditures exceeding $250.00 must be voted on and approved by the board of directors upon the recommendation of the Naval Science Instructors. Expenditures under $250, can be approved at the discretion of the instructors and a courtesy email sent to the board for accounting purposes on a monthly basis.


Section I

The Board of Directors shall determine the committees deemed proper and necessary to fulfill the purposes of this organization

Section II
The Co-Presidents shall be ex-officio members of all committees


Delegation of special committee shall be appointed by the Co-Presidents to represent the organization at any meeting or assembly as may be necessary. Such delegations or committees shall exercise only those powers vested in them by the board of Directors.


The BY-LAWS may be amended, repealed, or altered in whole or in part, by a simple majority vote of the membership at any meeting where such action has been announced in the call and notice of such meeting.

Officers for the 2010 - 2011 school year are:

Position Name Home Phone E-mail

President: Kelly Ludwig 609 354 8236

Vice-President: Denise Byrd 303 229 0932

Treasurer: Michelle Schuck 856 313 2286

Secretary: Jim McMillen 609 914 0515

Public Affairs Officer: Randy Krakower 6090 518 7273

(At Large)



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