This year’s batch of Communicants were received into the SCCD fold on April 13, 2006 during the Maundy Thursday Communion Service. A retreat was first held on that same day at Serenity House of Sobriety in Tagaytay followed by Water Baptism at South Plains, Dasmarinas along Aguinaldo Highway witnessed by their family members, some Spiritual Advisers and Elders. They began their class in January of this year meeting for one and a half hours every Saturday morning. Constituting this batch are the following:

Jean Charmaine and John Emmanuel Belmonte. They are twins born to Cristy and Joey Belmonte of Dexterville in Sabang and the grandchildren of Sis. Remy Gabriel. Both are 2nd year students of Kin Yang Academy and are regular attendees of the High School Sunday School under Teacher Lina Reyes’ guidance. Their eldest sister, Joannah Christine joined them in this Communicants’ Class as a kind of refresher course for her. It was just a regret that John-John as he’s fondly called did not make it to their reception day, because of an important out of town trip with the father. Thus, he will have to be scheduled yet for another water baptism session.

Kevin Dayrit. Kevin is the eldest child of James and Liezle Dayrit, the grandchild of Elder Juliet Dayrit and husband Ipe. With his chubby and smiling face, Kevin also said that he enjoyed singing the books of the Bible in class. He has a younger sister, Kerzle and will begin his High School also at Fiat Lux where he finished his elementary just last March.

John Mark Luna. He is the eldest of six children of Shirley and Manuel Luna from Dexterville subdivision. John Mark just finished his Gr. VI last March at Sabang Elementary School and will continue his secondary schooling at Bucandala Imus National High School. The lesson that made a mark in him was learning the books of the Bible in song and the topic on resurrection.

Rey Darwin Siervo. Darwin is the third and youngest child of Geraldine and Rey Siervo also residing at Dexterville. His other siblings are Rey Alvin and Reylene, the latter of whom is an active CYFer. Darwin is a Gr. IV pupil of Sabang Elementary School having stopped for one year due to health

problems. One of the high points of his Communicants Class experience according to him was the epitaph-making exercise because it helped him overcome his fear of death and ghosts.

Hannah Tan. She’s the only child of Edna and Alexander Tan residing at Silver Towne III Malagasang 1. Hannah is entering her 3rd year high school at Maranatha this coming June. Quiet and reserved, Hannah grew up in Manila and was nurtured at UCCP Ellinwood. After the water baptism that Maundy Thursday afternoon, she and her parents left immediately for Manila to attend the Communion Service at Ellinwood where she just had her First Communion. This was because of their Annual Family Reunion, which they usually hold every Holy Week at their home town in Infanta, Quezon.

With the above six Communicants who attended this year’s class and were baptized except for John-John, joining them in the Water Baptism and Reception during Communion Service was Angela Purisima, the youngest child of Aning Purisima who had gone through the Communicants Class under Pastor Noli’s guidance two years ago. Because of her father’s sudden death then, Angela was not able to join the Baptism and Communion, thus this time she made sure that she’s formally accepted as a full-fledged member of SCCD. Angela is in her 2nd year of college studies and attends worship regularly.

When I came upon an article in a devotional journal entitled, “Let Us Proclaim the Mystery of Faith” my mind and lips continued the phrase saying, “…Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again.” I realized the power of repeated phrases in the Catholic mass in my psyche - the Roman Catholic faith which has served as my seedbed of faith in my first 17 years of life. I remember just parroting the said affirmation of faith without meaning then as a child but as an adult who has personally experienced the power of the resurrection, these words took on a new and deeper meaning – “Let us proclaim the mystery of our faith, Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again.” This is indeed the core of the Christian faith, which the Eastertide is bringing to us. The mystery of our faith has been revealed to us in the death, the resurrection and the coming again of Jesus Christ. It is not a magical spell, which needs a supernatural power to unravel. Rather it is revealed by God in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ who walked on earth and lived among people healing them from their “dis-eases” and giving them hope for a new life.

The Bible affirms the greatness of this mystery in 1 Timothy 3:16, “Without any doubt, the mystery of our religion is great, ‘He was revealed in flesh, vindicated in spirit, seen by angels, proclaimed among Gentiles, believed in throughout the world, taken up in glory.’” I would surmise that the mystery being referred to in this declaration is that of God making Godself vulnerable being in human form and embracing all of humankind, Jews and Gentiles alike. Whereas in the human understanding of God, God is One who is beyond reach and one who pours out wrath when displeased, the mystery that is in the death, resurrection and coming again of God in Christ rests on God’s love as demonstrated in emptying Himself and taking on the form of a servant. The mystery is in the act of God reaching out to us in love.

How then do we proclaim this mystery of faith? By taking the risk of pain and hurt in reaching out to others. To risk in reaching out is to die to self, which brings out a new creation in ourselves as well as in others. To make oneself vulnerable in forming empowering relationships with humans and the whole of God’s creation is participating in the death and resurrection of Christ. It is also strengthening our hope that Christ will come again, thus, the pain, the loneliness and difficulties we are facing at present are only temporary. These will all pass away giving room for a full and abundant life.

In moments when we feel so low, disappointed by loved ones and unable to understand what is troubling us inside, rise up and proclaim the mystery of our faith that Christ’s death and resurrection will usher in a new relationship. Affirm the sadness, which contains power to catapult us to a higher spiritual plane with God in whose presence all healing takes place

Lectionary for May
and Schedule of Preachers
Theme: Proclaiming the Mystery of Our Faith
May 7 – Communion/Health Sunday
“The Mystery of Bodily Health”
OT: Numbers 21:4-9; NT: Luke 5:17-26
Preacher: Pastor Leng Lubang

May 14 – Mothers’ Day
“Mothers: Stewards of God’s Glorious Mystery”
OT: Isaiah 49:13-18; NT: Matthew 15:21-28
Preacher: Ms. Miriam Gerero
Moments with Children – Ms. Remy Gabriel
May 21 – Installation Sunday/Annual Congregational Meeting
“Church Leaders: Channels of God’s Mystery in Church Growth”
OT: Exodus 17:8-15; NT: Acts 6:1-7
Preacher: Pastor Leng Lubang
May 28 – UCCP Sunday
“UCCP: Born Out of God’s Mystery of Unity in Diversity”
OT: Psalm 133; NT: John 17:20-25
Preacher: Bro. Jing Calungin
Total Collection as of March 31, 2006 / 5,511,045.76
Add April Collection
  1. Project Nehemiah 1
  2. Project Nehemiah 2
  3. US Dollar remittance
/ 3,600.00
Sub-total for April Collection / 135,795.25
Total Collection as of April 28, 2006 / 5,646,841.01
Total Expenses: Construction in Progress as of April 28, 2006 (partial report) / 5,539,765.83
Balance as of April 24, 2006 / 107,075.18

SCCD conducts Annual Church Elections.

April 23, 2006 marked the Annual Church Elections of SCCD bringing into the fore the chosen ones of God to lead through the various boards and the Church Council. Elected according to their rank were the following:

Board of Elders (2 out 7 nominees) / Board of Deacons (1 out of 5 nominees)
1. Sammy Cantada / Ewell Barco
2. Taleng Cantada / Finance Secretary:
3. Rose Sapida / Lina Reyes
Board of CE (2 out of 8 nominees) / Treasurer:
1. Keilyn Fauni / Joann Samonte
2. Teena Saquilayan / Auditor:
Board of Trustees (2 out of 5 nominees): / Violy Fauni
1. Cecille Mendoza
2. Willie Ramos

To constitute the Church Council will be the chairpersons of the various boards, Finance officers and presidents of the CROs whose officers for the next term (2006-2008) are as follows:

President / Miriam Gerero / Rollie Sarno / Argie Mendez
Vice Pres. / Linda Fulleros / Ewell Barco / Jay-jay Tumitit
Secretary / Anita Purisima / Joey Belmonte / Rylene Naty
Treasurer / Violy Fauni / Carleng Remulla / Princess Mabbatung
Auditor / Muriel Garcia / Joan Tirona & Michelle Quezon
P.R.O. / Tina Tirona &
Nene Naty / Dave Samson & Roger Cantada / Carl Aguilar & Anjoy Docusin

All these officers will be installed to office during worship on May 21, 2006.

Church based VCS brings in 162 kids.

Handled by 18 volunteer teachers and staff, this year’s Vacation Church School conducted on April 23-28 brought in 162 children from the neighborhood including nearby subdivisions and villages registering an increase of about 42% from last year. The theme, “Children Working for Harmony and Unity” focuses on children as active and not passive participants in promoting unity and harmony in the community. With Sis. Wilma Pelagio taking the lead as Christian Education Volunteer Coordinator this VCS is hoped to be a powerful means for child and youth evangelism ushering more young ones into the fold of the church. The church-based VCS culminated in a Children’s Night Camp at the church backyard after the Closing Ceremony on April 28, 2006 ending the following day, Saturday April 29. The VCS Outreach in Daang NIA and Simborio will follow right after a week, May 1-5, 2006 to be coordinated by Bro. Jing Calungin and Sis. Wilma Pelagio.

LCSMC 8th Annual Session Highlights.

The Lowland Cavite South Manila Conference held its 8th Annual Session on April 6-8, 2006 at the United Church of Cavite UCCP Sea Breeze, Cavite City with the theme “Living Together in the Household of God”. SCCD sent two lay delegates and three church workers to this activity namely our church workers Pastor Leng Lubang, Bro. Jing Calungin, Sis. Wilma Pelagio, Council Chair Sammy Cantada and youth representative Argie Mendez. A new set of Conference Council officers were elected to serve the ensuing term 2006-2008 while the Conference Minister Rev. Armando Carlos and Deputy Conference Minister Rev. Emergencio Padillo were re-elected to their respective positions. Some of the highlights of this Annual Session affecting significantly SCCD life are the following:

  1. Officially renewing the assignment of Pastor Leng Lubang for the second term (2006-2008) to UCCP Sabang as Administrative Pastor
  2. Assigning Ms. Grace Fe Inocentes, a 3rd year Bachelor of Theology student of Union Theological Seminary, to UCCP Sabang as part time Christian Education Worker for one year 2006-2007
  3. Recognition of Bro. Jing Calungin as probationary member of LCSMC having completed the Orientation Class conducted for one year required among church workers who graduated from non-accredited UCCP seminaries.
  4. Renewal of Local Lay Preacher status of Sis. Wilma Pelagio for 2006-2007
  5. Recognition of UCCP Molino (daughter church of UCCP Noveleta) to local church status from being a worshipping congregation;
  6. The Memorandum of Agreement draft renewing partnership between LCSMC and Palawan Associate Conference effective EY 2006-2010

Easter Sunrise Service culminates Holy Week observance.

About 210 people, a 30% increase from the average Sunday worship attendance, came to the Easter Sunrise service on April 16, 2006 at the church backyard. After the usual Sunday worship with the Lord’s Supper incorporated, a breakfast fellowship followed with games for children and an “easter egg shower” not the traditional “egg hunt.” This Easter Sunrise service served as the peak of the Holy Week observance, which included the Communicants’ Retreat and Water Baptism, Maundy Thursday Communion Service and Seven Last Words Good Friday Service.

Greetings to our additional list of graduates batch 2006: High School - Marco Paolo Sarno; Associate College Course – Rylene Naty; Graduate School - Monette Saquiton

Church Building. Ramp for the elderly and differently able already completed; chancel area ready for concrete slab work; left wing of the ground floor which will be used for pre-elementary classes had been paved; comfort rooms construction has begun in the ground floor; electrical work being finished.

School Building. Concrete slab work for the 2nd floor to be done in a week’s time; canteen space now being laid out and the temporary west side rooms; comfort room in the ground floor which was temporarily constructed in January to be improved for permanent use.

Disciples Learning Academy
School Bits and Pieces
DLA Corporation elects School Board. In the 1st DLA Annual Corporation meeting held on March 26, 2006 the first set of School Board officers were elected to serve the official term and take the rein of leadership from the interim officers. These are Allan Saquilayan, chairperson, Lina Reyes, vice chairperson, Nanette Barzaga, secretary, Joann Samonte, auditor and Ewell Barco, Finance Ways and Means chairperson. Evelyn Sapida was appointed by the Board as Treasurer. The Corporation Meeting was attended by 11 out of 15 members which included the newly-endorsed members of the DLA Corporation namely Ewell Barco, Juliet Dayrit, Miriam Gerero and Nanette Barzaga. The main feature of the meeting was the School Director’s Annual report, which gave the body a general picture of the state of the DLA.
UCCP-Founded schools gather for RBEC 2002 seminar workshop. For the first time in the history of the Lowland Cavite South Manila Conference, the four UCCP-founded schools in the Lowland Cavite area gathered for a faculty development seminar on the Restructured Basic Education Curriculum (RBEC) 2002 on April 19, 2006 at UCCP Buenavista, Gen. Trias, Cavite. These schools were Anabu Christian School of UCCP Anabu sending six teachers, Disciples Learning Academy of UCCP Sabang with 8 participants, Evangel Christian Educational Center of UCCP Buenavista sending 8 teachers and Salinas Evangelical School of UCCP Salinas in Bacoor with 6 faculty members totaling to 28 teachers and 4 school head. Dr. Leonora J. Dipon, Private School Supervisor for East-West Area of Cavite served as the lecturer and resource person presenting comprehensively RBEC 2002 and providing tips with which this could be effectively implemented. It is hoped that this first gathering will pave the way for a stronger fellowship and networking of UCCP schools in the conference, sharing resources and helping each other as well as other UCCP schools who plan to open Basic Education Courses. The administrators of the four UCCP schools include Ptr. Caloy dela Cruz with Ms. Crisenciana Dolor and Ms. Raquel Comandante of ECEC, Ptr. Leng Lubang of DLA, Ms. Sally Sardido of SES and Ms. Lolita Reduca of ACS.
School building construction continues for phase 2. The 2nd floor of the four-storey DLA school building will be ready for concrete pouring of slab in a week’s time. This level which has cost almost a million since work began in March has to be finished by end of May ready for occupancy by the grade schoolers. The School Board, however, has made alternative plans of having the three primary classes occupy the old classrooms in the old site, at least for a month in June if and when the finishing work would not be able to beat the deadline. Overtime work nor additional construction workers is not an option due to financial constraints. The west side rooms will be constructed using temporary materials yet for use of elementary classes while the pre-school classes will be temporarily placed at the ground floor of the new church building with a playground space solely for their own use.
Classes to open on June 7. Not unless changed by the DepEd, classes for SY 2006-2007 in the DLA will open on June 7 with the whole week as purely orientation of pupils and parents helping especially the school children to adjust to their new environment now that the new school site will be occupied. The first day of classes will be devoted to Pupils’ Classroom Orientation using the Student Handbook as a tool, which will be given out for the first time to all DLA pupils this
June. The same material will be used in orienting the parents Wednesday, June 7 of that week for pre-elementary and Friday, June 9 for elementary. Enrolment continues at present and books, school supplies will be available for sale by next month of May.
2 – Annaliza Sarte Dayrit / 22 – Micah Briñez
2 – Atanacio Fauni / 22 – Arlene Talastas
3 – Ethan Jared Saquilayan / 23 – Pablito (June) Lising
5 – Leonora Sarita / 23 – Emmanuel Barco
8 – Allan Pedraza / 23 – Carolina Alenjandro
8 – Diñiong De Ocampo / 24 – Memoracion Polme
9 – Paul Dela Cruz / 26 – Bro. Buddy Layaban
9 – May Timba / 27 – Raquel Ramos
11 – Deborah Dakis / 30 – Lucena Espejo
12 – Kevin Dayrit, / 31 – Angel Cajudo
18 – Manuel (Jun) Sapida / 31 – Bro. Jing Calungin
19 – Angela Rose Calungin / 31 – Eric Tumbaga
19 – Belen Villanueva
Wedding Anniversaries
8 – Mr. & Mrs. Samson and Joselita Tabiando
12 – Mr. & Mrs. Ayong and Leticia Sapida
– Mr. & Mrs. Lito and Marlene Medina
14 – Mr. & Mrs. Joel and Cristy Gervacio
14 – Mr. & Mrs. Pedro and Leony Saquilayan
15 – Mr. & Mrs. Exequiel and Leony Fauni
18 – Mr. & Mrs. Delfin and Memory Polme
30 – Mr. & Mrs. Crispin and Shirly Manuel
31 – Mr. & Mrs. Pogs and Divine Estares /
Comparative Report on
Worship Attendance
1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th / Ave.
March / 160 / 165 / 167 / 220 / 178
April / 165 / 161 / 210 / 170 / 177
Collection Report
March / April*
Tithes / 60,388.00 / 57,261.00
Loose Offering / 16,058.35 / 11,360.50
Sunday School / 1,249.00 / 735.10
Midweek Services / 389.50 / 453.00
Mission / 3,615.50 / 2,354.25
Others - VCS / 850.00 / 8,136.50

Special Services

/ 2,929.75
TOTAL / 82,550.35 / 83,230.10
Souvenir Program / Family Picture / 23,500.00 / 114,405.00
*partial as April has still one Sunday left

May 2006Eastertide

Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
VCS Daang NIA and Simborio
Cell Group
@ Dextervile
4:00 p.m
John 10:22-29 / 2
VCS Daang NIA and Simborio
CWA Home Bible Study/ Fellowship
Job 13-3-6 / 3
VCS Daang NIA and Simborio
Church Staff Devotion
Prayer Meeting
8:00 p.m
Job 14:10-22 /
VCS Daang NIA and Simborio
Church Bible
Study -8:00 p.m
Sis. Miriam Gerero
Psalms 16-1-11 /
VCS Daang NIA and Simborio
Choir Practice
8:00 p.m
Psalms 23:1-6 / 6
CYF : 6:00 p.m
UCM: 8:00 p.m
Choir Practice: 8:00 p.m
Psalms 90:1-17
Communion Sunday
Rev. Leng Lubang
Elder Baby Sapida
Menchie Valchine
Cell Groups
Simborio: 2 pm
Mary Cris: 7 p
Jeremiah 17:9-14 / 8
Cell Group
@ Dextervile
4:00 p.m
Lamentations 3:22-36 / 9
CYF Camp, Talisay, Batangas
CWA Home Bible Study/Fellow
John 1:1-14 / 10
CYF Camp, Talisay, Batangas
Prayer Meeting
8:00 p.m
John 3:1-6 / 11
CYF Camp, Talisay, Batangas
@ Malagasang 2-F
2:30 pm
Church Bible
Study -8:00 p.m
Sis. Miriam Gerero
John 5:19-29 / 12
Cell Group
@Malagasang 2-B
-3:00 pm
Choir Practice
8:00 p.m
John 17:1-10 / 13
CYF : 6:00 p.m
UCM: 8:00 p.m
Choir Practice: 8:00 p.m
Romans 2:1-11
Mothers’ Day
Sis Miriam Gerero
Lito Fauni
Louie De Ocampo
Moments with Children: Remy GabrielCouncil MeetingCell Groups
Simborio: 2 pm
Mary Cris: 7 pmGalatians 3:6-14 / 15
Cell Group
@ Dextervile
4:00 p.m
Galatians 3:15-22 / 16
CWA Home Bible Study/Fellow
8:00 pm
Matthew 19:16-21 / 17
Church Staff Devotion
Prayer Meeting
8:00 p.m
Matthew 26:31-46 / 18
Cell Group
@ Malagasang 2-F
2:30 pm

Church Bible