CompuPay Online


Revision Date: June, 2012

© Copyright CompuPay 2012

Table of Contents

Introduction 3

Logging on to CompuPay Online Reporting 3

New User Registration 3

Online Reporting Home Page 3

Centers 3

Company Center 3

Access Management Center 3

Self Registration 3

User Profile Center 3

Reports Center 3

After Payroll Solutions Center 3

Copyright Information

This manual is intended for information purposes only. CompuPay makes no warranties, expressed or implied regarding its contents.

Information in this manual is subject to change without notice. This manual and the software described in this manual are furnished under a license agreement. It is against the law to copy the software or this manual on any medium except as specifically allowed in the license or nondisclosure agreement. No part of this manual may be reproduced or retransmitted in any form or by any means, electronically or mechanically, including photocopying, recording, or information recording and retrieval systems, for any other purpose other than the licensee’s personal use pursuant to the license agreement, without the express written permission of CompuPay.

© Copyright 1997 - 2012

CompuPay, Inc.

3450 Lakeside Drive, Suite 400

Miramar, FL 33027


CompuPay Online Reporting gives you access to your payroll reports anytime, anywhere via the internet. CompuPay Online Reporting is accessible through our secure and safe website. This service allows you to access prior and current payroll and tax reports in just seconds. With CompuPay Online Reports you can view and save your reports as PDF files directly on your computer.

Logging on to CompuPay Online Reporting

To access CompuPay Online Reporting, open your browser, enter the following link in your address bar, and press “Enter”.

This displays the CompuPay Online Reporting log in page.

Enter your user name and password and click the Login button.

New User Registration

If this is the first time you are using the CompuPay Online Reporting service, you will be required to complete the New User Registration. Your payroll representative will provide you with a PIN as well as send you an e-mail or PDF with a link to the registration page.

If you click the link provided in the email or PDF, you will be directed to the Online Reporting registration page; your passcode and first and last name will be auto-filled on this page. Enter the PIN that was provided to you by your payroll representative. Next, enter a user name and password (twice). You can view the password rules by clicking the indicated link.

There are three challenge question fields that must be completed in order to successfully register for Online Reporting. For each question number, select a question from the drop down and type your answer. Make a note of your answers to the questions. You can view the challenge answer rules by clicking the indicated link.

After you complete the registration process you will automatically be logged in to your account.

If you log in from a different computer, or if you delete your cookies from your web browser, you will be prompted to answer one of your challenge questions when you log in to Online Reporting.

You may also register by clicking the New User Registration link on the Online Reporting log in screen. Please note: in this case you must have your passcode and PIN to complete the registration process. Your payroll representative can provide you with this information.

Complete the basic user information as seen below, and answer three challenge questions as described on the previous page.

Online Reporting Home Page

Once logged in, you will be directed to the Online Reporting home page.

Important information such as CompuPay holiday schedules and upcoming Online Reporting maintenance notifications can be viewed on the home page.

On the top right of the screen you will find two links: Contact Us and Log Out.

When you click the Contact Us link, the screen will refresh as seen below. Type your message and click the “Send” button.

Click the Log Out link when are ready to log out of Online Reporting.


Company Center

Under the Company Center you will find the Demographics sub menu. The Demographics screen displays your corporate name and address, Federal ID number, CompuPay location number, and your contact information. This is a display only window; changes cannot be made from this screen. If you need to make changes, please contact your payroll representative for assistance.

Access Management Center

View Registration

This sub menu allows you to view a list of all users who have not completed their registration yet. After you add a new user, you may access this screen if you need to generate a registration letter/e-mail for the new user.

Click the “select” box to the right of the new user’s name.

Generate PDF button Click this button if you would like to print the registration letter and hand it to the new user, or if you would like to save the registration letter and e-mail it to the new user.

Generate Email button Click this button if you would like Online Reporting to send an e-mail containing the registration information to the new user. The e-mail is sent from , and the subject is: Your Online Reporting Registration.

New users will remain in the View Registration screen until they have registered with Online Reporting.

User Management

This menu allows users with a role of “ClientAdmin” to:

·  Change the role and/or user type of any user.

·  Designate, on a per-user basis, a default company to be viewed upon log in (this is helpful when users have access to multiple companies in Online Reporting).

·  Designate additional companies the selected users may access.

·  Delete or disable user access to specific companies. If you need to completely delete a user account, click the delete box across from every company in the lower part of the screen, and then click the “Apply Updates” button.

·  Add a new user.

Select the user you wish to change by clicking the “User” drop down (top, right of screen).

You can also search for/sort users using the “Search/Sort By” drop down and corresponding search field at the top left of the screen. If you change the sort order to user ID, the User drop down will update with a list of users sorted by user ID rather than name.

Finally, if you wish to force a user to change their password, click the “Force Password Change?” box and then click the “Save User” button.

Note: you will see the following message if a new user has not yet registered for Online Reporting:

When you wish to grant access to more than one company to a specific user, click the “Add More Companies” button.

The screen will refresh, and all other companies that you (the ClientAdmin) have access to will appear in the company list. You may search for a company using the search fields at the top of the screen. Click the Enable box to the right of any companies you wish your client user to have access to, and then click the “Apply Updates” button. The screen will refresh with a message indicating that the updates have been applied to the selected user. Click the “Cancel” button or the User Management link (in the Company Center on the left side of your screen) to go back to the main User management screen.

If you do not see a company in your listing that you believe should be there, please contact your payroll representative/team.
To add a new user, click the “Add New User” button in the User Management screen.

The screen will refresh, and you will be prompted to enter the new user’s first and last name, PIN (this is auto-generated by the system, but it can be changed), and e-mail address. You must also select a role and user type for the new user.

There are two roles to choose from: ClientUser and ClientAdmin.

ClientUsers Permitted to view payroll reports and modify their own user information.

ClientAdmin Used to assign administrator privileges to a user. Client Admins have all of the privileges of a ClientUser, and may also add, modify, and delete other user information as well as control what payroll reports a ClientUser may view.

User type allows you to distinguish Third Party Users (e.g., CPAs) from Client Users.

After completing this screen, click the “Save User” button. If you entered a valid e-mail address for the new user, an e-mail will automatically be sent to the new user with their registration information. You will simply need to provide the new user with their PIN. Otherwise, you may go to the View Registration screen (detailed previously in this guide) to generate the pdf registration letter or registration e-mail.

Registered Users

The Registered Users screen displays a list of all the users that are registered to view your company’s reports. As mentioned previously, you can disable users from the User Management screen.

Self Registration

The Self Registration screen allows ClientAdmins to register for access to additional CompuPay accounts. If you need access to additional CompuPay accounts, please contact your payroll representative. Your payroll representative will verify that you are an authorized contact for the account and then send you the .pdf registration letter and provide you with the PIN.

This screen allows you to register for multiple accounts without having to go through the initial registration process for each account.

Report Access Management

As a ClientAdmin, you have the ability to control which reports other users may access.

First, select the user from the drop down at the top of the screen. The main screen is divided into two columns: Reports currently accessible and Reports currently not accessible.

By default, all reports are accessible to all users. To remove access to a report click on the report name and then click the right arrow button to move it into the Reports currently not accessible column.

As seen below, the selected user can view all available reports.

Now, the selected user will no longer have access to the assigned company’s 401(k) Report, Federal W-2 and Federal W-3.

When finished, click the Apply Updates button to save your changes.

User Profile Center

Edit Profile

Selecting Edit Profile allows you to change your personal information in Online Reporting. To make a change, enter the information in the field you would like to modify. Press the Save button to update your profile.

Reports Center

Tax Returns

To view/print a tax return, select the quarter/year from the drop down. The quarter/year will default to the most recently closed quarter (note: all reports for the default quarter will also automatically be available in a pdf format when you access this screen). You may also use the Search by Quarter option to view tax returns for more than one quarter at a time. Select your report format (PDF is the default) and click the “Get Reports” button.

Note: you can sort the listing by clicking any underlined column header.

Click the “Click Here” link to view/print any available report in the list.

You will be prompted to Open, Save, or Cancel the report.

Open Opens the report in a new window

Save Prompts you to select the location to save the report

Cancel Cancels the report generation

Standard Reports

The Standard Reports screen allows you to view/print all of your regular payroll reports. Select the check date (default is the most recently processed check date) or search for reports by date range. When selecting a past payroll check date or a date range, click the “Get Reports” button to view the list of available reports for the selected date(s).

You may also choose to view only one specific report by using the Filter option.

Click the “Click Here” link to open/save the selected report.

On Demand Reports

The On Demand Reports screen allows you to generate any of four different reports. Click the “Select a Report” drop down, select the report you would like to generate, and click the “Generate Report” button.

If you select any of the three available Employee List Reports, you will be prompted to Open or Save the report once you click the “Generate Report” button.

If you select the Employee History Report, the screen will refresh once you click the “Generate Report” button. You will then be able to generate the report based on a number of options.

Summary Report Select this option if you would like to see a total amount for the period for each employee. The summary report can have a date range of up to two years.

Detail Report Select this option if you would like to see a per-pay-period listing of each check date issued to the employee. A quarter to date and year to date total will be included in the listing. The date range of the detail report must fall within the same calendar year.

Start/End Date Select the start and end date (date range) for the report.

Include All Employees Select this option if you would like to view this report for all employees

Specify Individual Employees If you select this option, you may then add as many employees as you like to the employee report. Simply enter an employee number in the field shown below, and then click the “Add” button. To remove an employee from the list, click on the employee number found in the list on the right, and click the “Remove” button.

Click the “Generate Report” button when you are ready to view/print your report.

After Payroll Solutions Center