NorthCobbHigh School
Sr. Romero
Español III
Room729 Phone:770-975-6685
E-mail: Blog:
¡Bienvenidos a la clase de Español!
Course Description
The level III language course focuses on the continued development of communicative competence in the target language and understanding of the culture(s) of the people who speaks the language. It assumes that the students have completed a Level II course or are a Novice-Mid to Novice-High level of proficiency.
Students will use basic language structures with accuracy and recombine learned material to express their thoughts. They are exposed to more complex features of the language, moving from concrete to some abstract concepts.
Text & Materials:
Text / MaterialsRealidades 3 /
- Marcador negro/Black dry-erase marker
- Spiral notebook or a section in your binder
- Black/Blue pen
- Pencils
- Ear phones for computer lab days
*highly recommended
Students must make up all missed work in accordance with Cobb County Board Policy.
Missed quizzes and tests must be made up before or after school
It is your responsibility to schedule make up tests with me in a timely manner.
North Cobb High School – General Rules
All electronic devices should be turned off and put away during class time.
Hats and headgear should be removed while in the building.
All students must have a hall pass to leave the classroom – no passes will be written to leave homeroom or to go to the vending machine.
Only 1 student at a time is permitted to be out of class.
Passes will not be written during the first 10 minutes or last 10 minutes of class.
Students should remain in seats until the bell rings and should not line up at the door.
Classroom Expectations
All rules stated in the Student handbook will be enforced
Come to class on time – You must be in your seat when the bell rings
Be prepared with materials for class use.
Stay on task and participate in class each day
Show respect for the people and property in this classroom at all times.
Accept responsibility for your actions and decisions.
If you choose not to make good decisions, Disciplinary measures for classroom infractions will be taken in the following order:
- Verbal warning
- Teacher- student conference
- Call Parents/ In class Detention
- Disciplinary Referral
Grading Policy
Reading/ Listening/ Class Participation / 25 %Quizzes / Writing / Speaking / 20 %
Performance based Tests / 25 %
Homework / 15 %
Final Exam / 15%
Total / 100%
Speaking skills are mostly based on the amount of effort you put forth during activities and whether or not you are using as much Spanish as possible. You may not be perfect, but by attempting and showing growth, you will do well.
Grades are reported to parents at six weeks, twelve weeks, and at the end of each semester. Progress reports are often communicated as well. Parents may access current grades on-line at Pinnacle.
Extra Help
Help will be given whenever the student needs it. I will be available for tutoring before or after school. Please make an appointment with me if you need assistance.
NorthCobbHigh School
Sr. Romero
Español III
We (my student and I) have read and understand the rules and procedures set for Mr. Romero’sSpanish class. We agree to comply with all conditions and procedures as stated within this syllabus and the Student Handbook. We also understand if we have any questions at any time, we can contact Mr. Romero by phone (770-975-6685) or by email ()
Student’s Printed name
Student’s Signature
Parent/guardian signature and date