Jean-Baptiste FINI

Personal address:

85 rue de St Germain

95240 Cormeilles en parisis

Phone: 


Born: February, 16th 1979

French, Married, two children.

Endocrine Disruptors and physiology.

Professional experience

2012-presentCNRS researcher permanent position on Endocrine disruptors and brain development (UMR 7221) ; “Evolution des regulations endocriniennes” Pr Demeneix’ team.

2010-2012Post doctoral positionIAPP Marie Curie Fellowship. Endocrine disruptors, PhaseII enzymes metabolism and effects of TBBPA on neurodevelopment in Xenopus laevis. Barbara Demeneix’s team UMR 7221 Evolution of Endocrine Regulations. CNRS France

2009-2010Post doctoral positionIAPP Marie Curie Fellowship. Axcentua company. Assessment for new crystal on human pancreatic cancer cell lines. Axcentua company Karolinska Science Park Huddinge, Sweden.

2004-2008Endocrine disruptors in food chain, detection of physiological effects via transcriptional assay on vertebratesPhD fellowship by CASCADE in Barbara Demeneix’s Laboratory UMR 5166 CNRS France

Oct 03 à Avr 04 Research engineer :UMR 5166 M.N.H.N.- C.N.R.S., Paris 5ème Development of genetic constructions for metal detection in water by Xenopus laevis in collaboration with EDF.

Avr 03 à Oct 03 Research engineer : EDF R&D Environment Departement

Dose-effect determination of copper (solved and solid) on amibian development (Naegleria lovanienesis).

Juil 02 à Sept 02 Research Engineer, Air Liquide, Jouy-en Josas (78)

Validation of an air collector used in detection of anthrax.

Août 00 Clinical technician, René Muret Hospital Sevran (93). Photometer, ionograph

Juil 99&Fév 00 Technician training period, C.N.R.S. Jussieu, DR Jacques Moreau, Paris 11ème

Cloning of genes involved in Ras signalling pathways in Xenopus Laevis embryos

Educational and training

2004-2008PhD in Endocrine Disruption

UMR 5166 M.N.H.N.- C.N.R.S, Paris 5ème., director: Pr Barbara Demeneix

2000 -2003Master’s degree in Biological Product Development. Ecole de Biologie Industrielle (EBI) Cergy (95) France.

1998-2000Biochemistry degree (BTS) (two years technical degree), Ecole Supérieure de Technologies et Biologie Appliquées, (ESTBA) Paris 20ème France.

1996-1998Medical school, CHU Bichat, Paris 18ème France.

1. Co-organization of the Workshop "Somatic transgenenesis in xenopus" for the DEVCOM project (FP7) February 23-25, 2015 with Dr. Laurent Coen.
2. Participation in the workshop on low doses "Low Dose Workshop" in Berlin, Germany. September 12-14th 2012

Peer reviewing scientific papers activity is part of our jobs. The journals for which I conducted this reviewing activity: PloS ONE, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Chemosphere, reproductive toxicology, Toxicological Sciences , Environmental Science and Technology, Endocrinology and more recently Scientific Reports.
I participated in reviewing of Barbara Demeneix's book Losing our Minds published by Oxford press in July 2014.

I made the request to participate as an expert in the drafting and proofreading of ANSES (french EFSA) reports. I have been awarded the rank of competent personality on endocrine disruptors by ANSES but have not yet been solicited to participate in working meetings on the subject.
I am one of several think tanks in the OECD.

I belong to the "Thyroid scoping group" working group and participated in the drafting of the in vitroidentification and ratification tests book published on the OECD website in 2013. I attend meetings of the VMG-Non Animal testing working group on the search for alternative tests.

I attend and participate in meetings of the VMG -Eco working group on tests including aquatic larvae for the detection of endocrine disruptors.

I now supervise a group of 5 personsin the subgroup “endocrine disruptors” within Prof Demeneix team. I supervise two PhD students (Belgium and Pakistani) and a post doc (Czeck).
Other responsibilities
• Member of the committee of specialists Jury for examinations [Higher education]
• Member of the committee of specialists BTS jury bioanalyses and controls (2014, 2015, 2016) [Higher education]
• Responsible for the scientific or administrative body of animal welfare unit head [FRANCE]:
• Member of the scientific or administrative body of Representative Researchers / teachers research laboratory advice [FRANCE].